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Example sentences for "beare"

Lexicographically close words:
beard; bearded; bearding; beardless; beards; bearer; bearers; beares; bearest; beareth
  1. Some think by cutting them at every full Moone before they beare to make them at length to beare double.

  2. In thys meane season Cortez prepared hymselfe for the Iourney, and communed wyth hys especiall friendes to sée who woulde beare hym companye: And hee founde thrée hundred men that agréed to his request.

  3. And thë he conferred with his friendes, to knowe their mindes if that they would fauour and beare him cöpany, at whose handes he found both ready helpe and friendshippe.

  4. After the foure dayes expired, then come all the Noblemen to beare him company to his palayce with great triumphe and pleasure of all the Cittie, but after his consecration fewe or none dare looke him in the face.

  5. Therefore we thinke that the cause of this alteration is through the fauour of you and your cöpany, who beare the name of immortalitie.

  6. And so departed with their women ridyng behinde them, with many Indian women to wayte vpon them, and many Indian men to beare them company, and to puruey all things necessarie.

  7. Our ship then newes doth beare when she to England wends That we nine surely drowned were, and thus doth tell our friends: While we thus being lost, aliue in miserie Do row in hope yet on this coast, our ships to finde truly.

  8. How the great Turke caused the passages to be kept, that none should beare tidings of his hoste to Rhodes.

  9. So that if the marchants will but beare my charges to solicit the cause, I will vndertake it my selfe.

  10. But to returne to our principall: After that the reuerend great master had giuen his voyce to the yeelding of the towne, he sent the said Passin againe for to beare it to the great Turke.

  11. And when they came to them, without holding of long speech, the two Turkes deliuered them a letter for to beare to the lord great master from the great Turke, and then returned safely into their tents.

  12. And some mens heads witnesse did beare who neuer could make mone.

  13. Of whom the sayd Acmek caused an officer to cut off their noses, fingers, and eares, and gaue them a letter to beare to the lord great master, wherein were great wordes and threatnings.

  14. Joyes that so lightly he can beare such weight; Whilst either eithers passion doth borrow, And both doe grieve the same victorious sorrow.

  15. In vaine (said she) You beare that fond artillerie; See heere a pow'r above the slow Weake execution of thy bow.

  16. The good that I have doone, Sir, is without me And I partake not of it, but within me I bringe and beare more mysseryes then would Unpeople your whole kyngdome.

  17. I cannot be so happye, & if thou Beare but the least affectyon to my cause, Thy fortunes like thy trenchers wilbe chaungd To a sordyd foulenes that will loathe thy nature.

  18. To my house, Poore Gentleman, Ile beare thee as a ghest, And eyther cure thy wounds or make thy grave.

  19. Beare not that hard opinion: Rodoricks toung Slaundred that Prince and did his vertue wrong.

  20. What, am I younge, fruytfull, and somewhat fayre, And shall my pleasures beare the servyle yoake Of hys strycte rules and so chayne up my blood In manackles of ice?

  21. Oh for some ayd To beare them to the Forrest to my Lodge, But as I am Ile try my utmost strength To save their lives.

  22. Certaynlye Rychards harte Coulde not but doubte thys charrackter, & in The strengthe of doute he came to me last nyghte To be resolvd; or ells why should he beare Suche daunger in hys pockett?

  23. Pembrook, rowse thy spirit And beare no longer with this haire-braynd man.

  24. Upon those pinnyons that support her flight Hovers my heart; you beare away my soule.

  25. O you dissemble, sir, nor are we come In hope of welcome, but with this poore head-peece To beare the brunt of all discurtesies.

  26. O thou ordained to beare swords in thy toung, Dead thou hast struck me and I live no more.

  27. Beare this in mind and venture not 'fore the Judges' critike heighte an ye are cursede with these.

  28. Beare last of all this sacrede truthe, goode Beautye needs no artifyce.

  29. Tyb: Romeo the hate I beare to thee can affoord no better words then these, thou art a villaine.

  30. Rom: Tybalt the loue I beare to thee, doth excuse the appertaining rage to such a word: villaine am I none, therfore 40 I well perceiue thou knowst me not.

  31. Rom: A torch for me I am not for this aumbling, Being but heauie I will beare the light.

  32. Iul: Doo so, and beare this Ring to my true Knight, And bid him come to take his last farewell.

  33. Fr: Ile giue thee armour to beare off this word, Aduersities sweete milke, philosophie, To comfort thee though thou be banished.

  34. Now Tibalt take the villaine backe againe, Which late thou gau'st me: for Mercutios soule, 95 Is but a little way aboue the cloudes, And staies for thine to beare him company.

  35. Moth: Content thee Girle, if I could finde a man I soone would send to Mantua where he is, That should bestow on him so sure a draught, As he should soone beare Tybalt companie.

  36. I must take paines to further your delight, But you must beare the burden soone at night.

  37. But for this, the ioyfull hope of this, Whol'd beare the scornes and flattery of the world, Scorned by the right rich, the rich curssed of the poore?

  38. If thou hast nature in thee, beare it not, But howsoeuer, let not thy heart Conspire against thy mother aught, Leaue her to heauen, And to the burthen that her conscience beares.

  39. Which pusles the braine, and doth confound the sence, Which makes vs rather beare those euilles we haue, Than flie to others that we know not of.

  40. And you shal be a harper, brother, 155 Out of the north countree; And Ile be your boye, so faine of fighte, To beare your harpe by your knee.

  41. The Beare Spirit promised him that he should never want victuals.

  42. Then the Beare Spirit told him that when he dyed he must have his soule, whereunto this Examinate yielded.

  43. Lett us beare the indignatione of the Lord patientlie, becausse wee have sinned against him, untill he plead our causse and execut judgment for us, he will bring us fourthe to the light, and we shall behold his righteousnes.

  44. If his paper would beare ink of one side 'twas as much as he desired.

  45. I am ashamed to have such a beare in my company.

  46. Neither were they thought to beare rule only in priuate houses, & in crosse méeting waies, but also to defend Cities.

  47. Which thing when the Moabites heard, they prepared to defend themselues, so many as were able to beare armour.

  48. Then beare with a widowers pen as ye may: though husband of huswiferie somewhat doth say.

  49. Both beare and forebeare now and then as ye may, then, wench God a mercie, thy husband will say.

  50. I graunt some getteth more that day, Than they can easily beare away, Nowe needes then must they thriue: What gaineth such thinke you by that?

  51. E151] "The Damasco-plum is a good fruit and the trees beare well.

  52. And no doubt, if all daies appointed for that purpose were duly obserued, but that flesh and fish both would be much more plentifull, and beare lesse price than they doe.

  53. I esteeme the Mustle Plum one of the best, being a faire large black plum, and of an excellent rellish, and the trees beare abundantly.

  54. Cockole hath a large smal [sic] leafe and wyll beare v or vi floures purple colloure as brode as a grote, and the sede is rounde and blacke.

  55. But where the mighty may of force the weake constraine, It shal be wysely doone to bow to voyd a farther payne, Like as in tempest great, where wind doth beare the stroke, Much safer stands the bowing reede then doth the stubborne oke.

  56. For all thing at that time, that colde feleth some: shall better beare colde, when the next winter come.

  57. The Red and White Muskadine Grape are speciall fruits and beare very well, and come to perfect ripenesse if the Vine grow upon the South-wall or upon the Easte-wall which is best next.

  58. All persons whatsoever upon the Sabaoth daye shall frequente divine service and sermons both forenoon and afternoon, and all suche as beare arms shall bring their pieces, swordes, poulder and shotte.

  59. This Tree of Guls was planted long since, but not taking roote, could neuer beare till now.

  60. For number you exceede, for you haue thirtie ribauld words for my one, and yet you beare a good spirit.

  61. Could the learned beare the losse of Homer?

  62. Yet because your artificiall fooles beare away the bell, all our best workmanship (at this time) shall be spent to fashion such a Creature.

  63. For I must beare it record, it hath knowledge, I would I could say, according to zeale.

  64. Some indeed care not whome they offend, they are so harsh and fiery, they can beare with nothing.

  65. This want of devotion makes the foule mouthed Papists to spet at us: this want of reformation, makes the queasie-stomacked Brownists cast themselves out of the Church; and shall God alwayes suffer the land to beare us?

  66. Will true Christianity allow us to beare with any sinne?

  67. For before they tooke it for no wrong to rob them, defraud them, beare false witnesse against them, and such merchandizes as they had bought or sold, make them take it againe, and change it as often as them listed.

  68. The Russe because that he is vsed to both these extremities of heat and of cold, can beare them both a great deale more patiently, then strangers can doe.

  69. If on the sides or backe they beare out the blow, and many times so catch and holde downe the clubbe with their teeth by maine force, that the partie is forced to call for helpe to his fellowes.

  70. The common horseman hath nothing els but his bow in his case vnder his right arme, and his quiuer and sword hanging on the left side: except some fewe that beare a case of dagges, or a Iauelin, or short staffe along their horse side.

  71. The blacke foxe and red come out of Siberia, white and dunne from Pechora, whence also come the white wolfe, and white Beare skin.

  72. In such a sauage soile, weere lawes do beare no sway, But all is at the king his will, to saue or else to slay.

  73. Also your merchants I haue taken into my protection for to defend them for the loue I beare to your Maiestie.

  74. The foure castles of Smolensko, Vobsko, Cazan and Astracan, he hath made very strong to beare out any siege: so that it is thought that those townes are impregnable.

  75. I dye Navarre, come beare me to my Sepulchre.

  76. Come my Lords let us beare her body hence, And see it honoured with just solemnitie.

  77. Sweet Epernoune all Rebels under heaven, Shall take example by his punishment, How they beare armes against their soveraigne.

  78. They beare away the [olde] Queene [of Navarre] and goe out.

  79. And sure if all the proudest kings beside In Christendome, should beare me such derision, They should know I scornde them and their mockes.

  80. Beare him ashore, Ile pledge it for him Pompey Eno.

  81. Then, to send Measures of Wheate to Rome: this greed vpon, To part with vnhackt edges, and beare backe Our Targes vndinted Omnes.

  82. A Charge we beare i'th' Warre, And as the president of my Kingdome will Appeare there for a man.

  83. Beare the Kings Sonnes body, Before our Army, thy Pacorus Orades, Paies this for Marcus Crassus Romaine.

  84. Giue me thy hand, Through Alexandria make a iolly March, Beare our hackt Targets, like the men that owe them.

  85. Bid that welcome Which comes to punish vs, and we punish it Seeming to beare it lightly.

  86. Oh happy horse to beare the weight of Anthony!

  87. Tis sweating Labour, To beare such Idlenesse so neere the heart As Cleopatra this.

  88. The time of vniuersall peace is neere: Proue this a prosp'rous day, the three nook'd world Shall beare the Oliue freely.

  89. Hearke, the Land bids me tread no more vpon't, It is asham'd to beare me.

  90. Beare me good Friends where Cleopatra bides, 'Tis the last seruice that I shall command you 1 Woe, woe are we sir, you may not liue to weare All your true Followers out All.

  91. Take vp her bed, And beare her Women from the Monument, She shall be buried by her Anthony.

  92. Tugge him away: being whipt Bring him againe, the Iacke of Caesars shall Beare vs an arrant to him.

  93. Be witnesse to me (O thou blessed Moone) When men reuolted shall vpon Record Beare hatefull memory: poore Enobarbus did Before thy face repent Cent.

  94. Sir William Brandon, you shall beare my Standard: Giue me some Inke and Paper in my Tent: Ile draw the Forme and Modell of our Battaile, Limit each Leader to his seuerall Charge, And part in iust proportion our small Power.

  95. Beare her my true loues kisse, and so farewell.

  96. Come, lead me to the Block, beare him my Head, They smile at me, who shortly shall be dead.

  97. Marry we were sent for to the Iustices 3 And so was I: Ile beare you company.

  98. Stay you that beare the Coarse, & set it down An.

  99. Their Aunt I am in law, in loue their Mother: Then bring me to their sights, Ile beare thy blame, And take thy Office from thee, on my perill Lieu.

  100. Beare with me: I am hungry for reuenge, And now I cloy me with beholding it.

  101. Cousin of Buckingham, and sage graue men, Since you will buckle fortune on my back, To beare her burthen, where I will or no.

  102. My Lord of Yorke will still be crosse in talke: Vnckle, your Grace knowes how to beare with him Yorke.

  103. In this city many Christians of all nations do inhabite, ouer whom the Saracens beare rule in alle things.

  104. Which thing is such a shame to the Tareghe to haue his Iewels returned, that he had rather beare a blow on the face then that it should be thought that he solde them so deere to haue them returned.

  105. I frier Odoricus of Friuli, of a certaine territory called Portus Vahonis, and of the order of the minorites, do testifie and beare wimesse vnto the reuerend father Guidotus minister of the prouince of S.

  106. And ouer all this land the Saracen do beare rule, who tooke it by maine force, and they themselues are in subjection unto King Daldilus.

  107. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.