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Example sentences for "bluejay"

Lexicographically close words:
bluegrass; blueing; blueish; bluejacket; bluejackets; bluejays; blueness; blueprint; blueprints; bluer
  1. We consider the bluejay a legitimate mark any day; he is a rascal of the deepest dye, so we always shoot at him.

  2. Eagle arrows can be used for lofty flights, to span great canyons, to rout the chattering bluejay from the topmost limb of a pine, and sooner or later we shall pierce an eagle on the wing.

  3. Nothing but a bluejay could possibly get down to the creek below.

  4. Often have we stopped and rested because, so he said, a bluejay called far and wide, "Here comes a man!

  5. Well, I've looked about a bit, and I've seen the bluejay at work.

  6. Here," said the Butterfly Man to me, "is where the bluejay begins to get his.

  7. Doesn't the bluejay deserve some little credit for that?

  8. Full of his cannibal meal, Mister Bluejay callously ignored her.

  9. As for me, I was wondering just where, and how far, that bluejay was going to lead John Flint.

  10. So he cocked a knowing head, with a cruel beak full of egg, and flirted a splendid tail at his friend; then swallowed the last morsel and rowed viciously with Laurence and me; for the bluejay is wholly addicted to billingsgate.

  11. You can't blame the bluejay, because he was born so, and it's bluejay nature to act like that when it gets the chance.

  12. Parson, you remember a bluejay breaking up a nest on me once, and what Laurence said when I wanted to wring the little crook's neck?

  13. At a little distance a bluejay watched him with bright malevolent eyes, every now and then screaming insults at the whole tribe of cats, and black Panch in particular.

  14. I think, too, that there must have been in his mind, since that morning he had watched the bluejay destroy his nest, some obscure sense of restitution.

  15. You remember my nest, and what that bluejay did for it?

  16. The bluejay was entirely occupied with his own business of breaking into another bird's nest and eating the eggs.

  17. Any one who has listened attentively to a bluejay must be deeply grateful that the gift of articulate speech has been wisely withheld from him; he is a hooligan of a bird.

  18. He seemed to be by far the most important personage of the forest, not excepting the inquisitive bluejay who rightfully cried "thief!

  19. You hold out a nut, and then, with a quick dart and a sharp peck with a bill trained to certain and sure work, your thumb and finger lose that which they held, and Mr. Bluejay is eating it in perfect security well beyond your reach.

  20. This bluejay has watched the visitors and the chipmunks until he has become extra wise.

  21. It ain't any use to tell me a bluejay hasn't got a sense of humor, because I know better.

  22. Said he: "There's more TO a bluejay than any other creature.

  23. He has got more moods, and more different kinds of feelings than other creatures; and, mind you, whatever a bluejay feels, he can put into language.

  24. Well, a cat can; but you give a bluejay a subject that calls for his reserve-powers, and where is your cat?

  25. And as for command of language--why YOU never see a bluejay get stuck for a word.

  26. The Bluejay set His blue against its white--O blue as jet He seemed there then!

  27. The Bluejay was off at a safe distance, and chortled a loud "Tooral, tooral, jay, jay!

  28. As he sputtered and Squirrel-cussed, there was a warning Bluejay note.

  29. The Bluejay nearly sprained his bill getting a hold on a nut, then carried it off, looking for a hollow tree in which to hide it, as is the custom of his kind.

  30. Later the very same day, the Bluejay did this same thing with another big chestnut.

  31. Illustration] The Bluejay and the Redheaded Woodpecker came.

  32. He has more kinds of feeling than any other creature; and mind you, whatever a bluejay feels, he can put into words.

  33. It isn't any use to tell me a bluejay hasn't any fun in him.

  34. Well, one Sunday morning I was sitting out here in front of my cabin, with my cat, taking the sun, when a bluejay flew down on that house with an acorn in his mouth.

  35. This is an abundant and interesting cousin of the bluejay and is found along the Pacific coast from northern California northward.

  36. After they had been with me about a month, a bluejay happened along one day, and seeing them at their meal, invited himself to partake of part of it.

  37. A fourth scalp was added to his collection, and Sam patted him on the back, while Bluejay got out a pocket mirror and comb and put his hair straight.

  38. Blackhawk and Bluejay returned with two pails of dirty, tepid, swampy water.

  39. The roily water kept oozing in all around, and Bluejay was scornful.

  40. If the woodpecker cries a warning you can trust him, he is honest; but he is a fool beside the bluejay, and though the bluejay often tells lies for mischief you are safe to believe him when he brings ill news.

  41. Its top in summer-time was a famous resort for the bluejay and his bride.

  42. They went to this place for a quiet rest, but had not been long there when suddenly a warning note from the ever-watchful bluejay caused Molly's nose and ears to go up and her tail to tighten to her back.

  43. Red was scheduled to commence operations just half an hour after he heard the bluejay cry three times.

  44. The whistle might arouse suspicions here, so I'll give the harsh cry of the bluejay three times.

  45. Bluejay himself contributed about ten thousand beads, and others contributed various amounts, but the two bear doctors contributed about forty thousand beads.

  46. Bluejay then said: "We must make up a collection of beads and give it to the dead man's relatives, so that they will not consider us unmindful of their sorrow and perhaps kill some one among us.

  47. Accordingly, the next morning Bluejay addressed his people, saying: "Make a fire in the dance-house.

  48. A bluejay appeared on the barn; another was seen in a spruce close by; three came to a tall tree across the road; and from near and far we heard the calls of friends trooping to the rescue.

  49. I generously forgave them, and then meekly followed in their footsteps, up, up, up toward the clouds, till we reached the bluejay neighborhood.

  50. One morning, two or three weeks after I had given up the bluejay search, and consoled myself with looking after baby cat-birds and thrushes, I started out as usual for a walk.

  51. And now, having relieved my mind, I'll go on with the bluejay hunt.

  52. That was not the end of the bluejay episode.

  53. It was a sort of whispered squawk, which shows that the bluejay is a wary bird even in the cradle.

  54. Then the cry of a bluejay rang out; this is often a notification of deer at hand.

  55. Every hunter knows that the bluejay dashing about a thicket means that hidden there is game of some kind, probably deer.

  56. The bluejay was not only astonished at this rebellion but he was terribly angry as well.

  57. Her form quickly changed and grew larger; and while Chubbins and Policeman Bluejay watched her anxiously she became a girl again, and the bird's body with its soft gray feathers completely disappeared.

  58. Then the eagle flew away, and when he was gone Policeman Bluejay also bade them good-bye.

  59. Presently the bluejay swooped downward and alighted near the top of a tall maple tree that had many thick branches.

  60. The bluejay is an able bird, and has had much experience.

  61. One day she did not return, and after waiting for her nearly two weeks we sent the bluejay to see what had become of her.

  62. Nevertheless, the pleadings of the orphans, who were really stuffed full of food, made the child-larks so nervous that they hailed with delight the arrival of Policeman Bluejay in the early evening.

  63. While the child-larks were finishing their breakfast Policeman Bluejay came to them, his feathers looking fresh and glossy and all his gorgeous colorings appearing especially beautiful in the sunshine.

  64. The birds seemed much surprised by this invitation, and even Policeman Bluejay wondered what she was going to do.

  65. After the fight Policeman Bluejay thanked his cousins and sent them home again, and then the birds all surrounded the policeman and cheered him gratefully for his cleverness and bravery, so that he was the hero of the hour.

  66. So the bluejay darted away and was soon lost to sight, and Twinkle and Chubbins were left alone to seriously consider the great misfortune that had overtaken them.

  67. Also Policeman Bluejay found his grandfather's mummy in this room, and the stuffed mummies of many other friends he had known in the forest.

  68. Some day I will take you over there, and then you will see what powerful friends Policeman Bluejay has.

  69. Then the big black birds gave chase, uttering screams of rage; but they could not fly so swiftly as the bluejay and the larks, and were soon obliged to abandon the pursuit.

  70. A bluejay shrieked noisily, as if in protest at the visitors' conduct.

  71. There, on the black bough of a snow flecked maple, Fearless and gay as our love, A bluejay cocked his crest!

  72. The result of the battle was that all the birds were killed except the partridge and the bluejay and they were taken prisoner and starved to death.

  73. The bluejay put on his topcoat and was going to the partridge for law when he met the partridge coming to him.

  74. FELIX:--"What made you call it The Battle of the Partridge Eggs when the bluejay had just as much to do with it?

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bluejay" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.