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Example sentences for "directors"

Lexicographically close words:
director; directorate; directorates; directorial; directories; directorship; directory; directress; directrix; directs
  1. Invoking American tradition and the United Nations Charter, John Haynes Holmes, chairman of the board of directors of the American Civil Liberties Union, called for the abolition of enlistment quotas.

  2. To a certain extent this progress could also be attributed to the ease with which the directors of a small organization can reorder its policies.

  3. I should be happy, therefore, if the Court of Directors would sanction my residence in these parts for a year or two.

  4. Some days before the meeting was to take place the secretary of the board of directors of the Academy called at my office with a notice that the directors could not allow Miss Dickinson to speak in that building.

  5. When Mr. Beecher gave the notices and came to Miss Dickinson's lecture, he called the board of directors to account for this action in refusing to allow a woman to speak in the Academy of Music.

  6. And they ain't put you on the board of directors yet?

  7. If Piddie hadn't been a pinhead, he'd had his name on the board of directors years ago.

  8. I'm president of the new North Side company just as soon as I get my board of directors organized.

  9. Well, let him go," observed Arneel to Hand, sourly, on the day that Addison notified the board of directors of the Lake City of his contemplated resignation.

  10. The old directors ought to act soon now, he thought.

  11. Chapter XXII Street-railways at Last Among the directors of the North Chicago City company there was one man, Edwin L.

  12. The old officers and directors fancied that it was a scheme on the part of some of the officers and directors of one of the other companies to get control and oust them.

  13. Benjamin, and Otto Matjes, three other directors and the heaviest owners, had been offered a very remarkable price for their stock, and that they were going to sell, leaving the others out in the cold.

  14. Now he says his orders are from his directors not to share in anything we have to offer.

  15. The directors were averse to introducing them because of the expense.

  16. This was the waning energy of the North Chicago City Railway Company--the lack of foresight on the part of its directors which prevented them from perceiving the proper solution of their difficulties.

  17. The General produced a list of four names, none of them officers or directors of the old companies.

  18. Cowperwood found, as Addison predicted, that it was not such an easy matter to induce the various stock-holders and directors in the old companies to come in on any such scheme of reorganization.

  19. Wentz cleared his throat and announced impressively: "There was a meeting of the directors called yesterday and it was decided that the bank must have its money.

  20. You couldn't convince the directors of that.

  21. I was a clerk in a bank then, at Rivermouth, and the directors had given me a vacation.

  22. If we can get the stock I'll surprise Tandy out of a year's growth by going into the stockholders' meeting, which occurs about ten days from now, and proceeding to elect a board of directors for the bank.

  23. Why, only that your friend Temple wants to be there, when he and I march into the meeting controlling a majority interest and elect a board of directors for old Napper Tandy, leaving him completely out of it.

  24. The Directors had resolved to take further measures for obtaining, in England the reversal of his sentence.

  25. The directors of the society under which he laboured, have, however, given us reason to look for further intelligence in a future number of the Missionary Chronicler, which we hope will soon arrive.

  26. The Directors of the London Missionary Society, after stating some circumstances relative to his trial, says.

  27. The extract which follows is from the Missionary Chronicle, and was published in the name of the Directors of the London Missionary Society.

  28. After this a strict inquiry was made into all the nunneries in Rome; when most of their directors and confessors were discovered to be engaged in this new method.

  29. I am determined to know what is being done with the shares, or to make it public to the world at large that I, one of the directors of the Company, do not in truth know anything about it.

  30. Who are to be your directors here, Mr Fisker?

  31. That as we sit here as directors and will be held to be responsible as such by the public, we ought to know what is being done.

  32. It may be remembered that Mr Longestaffe had been anxious to become one of the directors of the Mexican Railway, and that he was rather snubbed than encouraged when he expressed his wish to Mr Melmotte.

  33. You know my son is one of the Directors of that great American Railway.

  34. And thus Paul Montague, with a sorely burdened conscience, was carried along as one of the Directors of the Great South Central Pacific and Mexican Railway Company.

  35. I didn't mean to be savage, but I think that as we call ourselves Directors we ought to know something about it.

  36. We could get probably one of the Directors of the City and West End.

  37. It cannot be your duty to divulge the circumstances of the Company or any differences which may exist between Directors of the Company, to any gentleman who is a stranger to the Company.

  38. But suppose the directors are not unanimous.

  39. But he felt very strongly, and he thought that his brother directors should feel as strongly, that it was necessary that they should know more than they did know.

  40. Lord Nidderdale and Sir Felix had conceived that this was to be done as it were out of the great man's heart, of his own wish, so that something of the condition of the company might be made known to the directors of the company.

  41. The world so addressed him on the very numerous letters which reached him, and so inscribed him among the directors of three dozen companies to which he belonged.

  42. And then he made you one of the Directors at his Board.

  43. Lord Nidderdale had again declared his intention of running, owing to considerable pressure put upon him by certain interested tradesmen, and with this intention had become one of the directors of the Mexican Railway Company.

  44. The Court of Directors so far ratified this establishment, (which was consonant enough to their general plan of government,) that they gave precise orders that no alteration should be made in it without their consent.

  45. The question has been most ably and conclusively cleared up in one of the reports of the select committee, and in an answer of the Court of Directors to an extraordinary publication against them by their servant, Mr. Hastings.

  46. They would make a distinction between Directors and Proprietors, which, in the present state of things, does not, cannot exist.

  47. In many of them the Directors were heartily concurring; in most of them they were encouraging, and sometimes commanding; in all they were conniving.

  48. When I accuse the Court of Directors of this habitual treachery in the use of reward and punishment, I do not mean to include all the individuals in that court.

  49. The Court of Directors were informed, by the Governor-General and Council, that a severe inquiry would be instituted against the two survivors; and they requested that court to suspend its judgment, and to wait the event of their proceedings.

  50. The House will smile at the resource on which the Directors take credit as such a certainty in their curious account.

  51. Seven Directors went so far as to enter a protest against the vote of their court.

  52. But gentlemen say, that, when this choice is made, the Proprietors are not to interfere in the measures of the Directors, whilst those Directors are busy in the control of their common patrons and masters in India.

  53. Not only was the evidence complete as to the past application of the money and power of the bank to electioneering purposes, but that the resolution of the board of directors authorized the same course to be pursued in future.

  54. All these companies are enjoined from having common directors or officers, or common buying or selling agents, or common offices, or lending money to each other.

  55. The control of the association was vested in a board of directors to be elected by representatives of the banks, except certain ex-officio directors, three Cabinet officers, and the Comptroller of the Currency.

  56. His suggestion has the unanimous indorsement of the persons selected by the Government to act as directors of these roads and protect the interests of the United States in the board of direction.

  57. It is worth investigating to determine whether officers and directors of national banks should ever be allowed to loan to themselves.

  58. Their Executive Directors have recommended an increase in each member country's subscription.

  59. He was one of the directors of the railroad.

  60. At sunrise the largest three boys of her class were sitting on the doorstep of the schoolhouse, and by six o'clock every boy in the school and four of the directors were waiting for her to arrive.

  61. The directors jumped their table when they saw the figures.

  62. Everybody on the line from the directors to the car-tinks were giving the company the worst of it.

  63. The directors always have promised to improve it; and they are promising yet.

  64. I should think, in fact, the directors of the Company will rather expect it.

  65. One was addressed to the whip of his party, and the other to the directors of the Matanga Concessions.

  66. Karl Marx, but they are its directors and leaders, and have assisted and encouraged it in not a few of its principal strikes, notably at Lawrence, Mass.

  67. These directors cannot be recalled by the party membership as long as they retain membership in the party, and only four, a minority, can be removed in three years' time.

  68. Board of Directors for support to enable you to continue the noble work you have undertaken to enlighten the colored worker in this country upon his being exploited by the master class.

  69. May a board of directors dispose of the entire assets of the corporation?

  70. A vote of a board of directors to make certain bids on certain contracts is an example of a resolution.

  71. Instead of voting the number of shares he owns for each director, by cumulative voting a stockholder is entitled to vote for one director the number of shares he owns, multiplied by the number of directors to be elected.

  72. The board of directors meets at stated times, authorizes and passes on certain important matters, but the duty of carrying them into execution, and of performing the routine work, falls on the president.

  73. Such corporations are organized in the same manner as corporations for profit, except that there is no capital stock, and the directors are usually called trustees.

  74. Unless provided otherwise by statute, directors must hold their meetings within the state under whose laws the corporation is created.

  75. May directors act for their own private interests in dealing with the corporation?

  76. A board of directors must be elected by the stockholders, who in turn elect officers, and appoint agents authorized to transact the business of the corporation.

  77. The directors of a corporation must act as a board.

  78. It is generally conceded that a director may contract with his corporation, if no fraud is used, and if a quorum of directors without him consents.

  79. Must directors of a corporation be stockholders?

  80. The directors are required to take an oath of office.

  81. The officers of a corporation elected by the directors usually consist of a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.

  82. The directors of a corporation are not authorized by virtue of their office to dispose of the entire assets of the corporation, neither can they transfer their right to act as directors to others.

  83. Payment could be voluntarily made at the branch banks whence issued, but if it was refused the owner had only the right to go to Philadelphia and sue the directors there.

  84. Most of these drafts were issued at the most remote and inaccessible branches, the payment of them being, therefore, much delayed by distance and difficulty; nor were the directors liable for excessive issues.

  85. Mark where the sly directors creep, Nor to the shore approach too nigh!

  86. Each poor subscriber to the sea Sinks down at once, and there he lies; Directors fall as well as they, Their fall is but a trick to rise.

  87. As fishes on each other prey, The great ones swallowing up the small, So fares it in the Southern Sea; The whale directors eat up all.

  88. The same great truth South Sea has proved On that famed theatre, the alley; Where thousands, by directors moved Are now sad monuments of folly.

  89. While some build castles in the air, Directors build them in the seas; Subscribers plainly see them there, For fools will see as wise men please.

  90. It operates through its board of directors and officers and, owing to its incapacity for group action, has to rely upon the provisions of the Company Laws for the control of their actions.

  91. Besides their other duties, the directors exercise a general superintendence over the inspectors.

  92. Out of its twenty first directors twenty-first “appeared to him in painful contrast “ missing instead of the examination for the Swordknot, being declared Swordknot.

  93. The whole of the staff and the military directors are lodged in the school.

  94. And herein it is that the Directors have mixed up evil with good.

  95. It came into existence in 1818, previously to which date the Directors were in the habit of sending to Woolwich, for instruction, youths to whom they had given cadetships in the Company’s Artillery and Engineers.

  96. Naturally it attracted considerable attention, and it seemed to meet the approval of the members of the Association, particularly the museum directors and superintendents, who were especially interested in such work.

  97. The group idea was frequently advanced by the writer to the directors of the National Museum, but the time for its practical adoption on a liberal scale did not arrive until 1886.

  98. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "directors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    board; council; management