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Example sentences for "guinea"

Lexicographically close words:
guiltless; guiltlesse; guilty; guin; guine; guineas; guipure; guisa; guise; guitar
  1. And a guinea in it to give it a relish too!

  2. Mr Benjamin was confirmed in his axiom; but he consoled himself with the idea, that as the girl was doubtless very poor, the guinea might be of some use to her.

  3. We've wanted a guinea too much to overlook one,' answered she.

  4. A guinea that we knew of; but I've had plenty in my time, and how do you know this is not one we had overlooked?

  5. The probability is, however, that his ten-guinea Fiddle would be fairly purchased at five, and that you might have been treated to the same article had you named thirty or forty guineas instead of ten.

  6. Though we may not feel disposed to apply the term "generous" to a payment of half-a-guinea for a Dibdin ballad, yet in all probability we are indebted to the Thompsons for this particular recognition of merit.

  7. As he accompanied me to the National Liberal Club, whence I had set out, I sent him one guinea for that courtesy, and heard no more of him, and did not want to.

  8. It was said that 2,000 persons paid a guinea each for their seats.

  9. Laitinen experimented on rabbits and guinea pigs, but he used small doses and secured only negative results.

  10. Membership in the American organization is $2 a year, in the English 1 guinea a year, associate membership 5 shillings a year.

  11. As far as reported, it confirms the work of Professor Nice, above mentioned, and shows that what is true for guinea pigs may not be true for other animals, and that the amount of dosage probably also makes a difference.

  12. North of Guinea and Senegambia the coast is less unhealthy; but, as the Desert of Sahara extends to the ocean, the country is of little value, and is therefore left to the native tribes, unclaimed by Europeans.

  13. Now it is Guinea Fowls for the farmer's other son.

  14. We are glad to have your family with us, not only to keep away the Crows (which was part of the Guinea Fowls' work), but because you will be more comfortable.

  15. After this, they scattered to feed, and the Hen Turkeys and their children looked for the Guinea Fowls.

  16. It seems to me that I saw a bright-legged Guinea Hen somewhere not long ago.

  17. They walked around the corner of the Sheep-shed, and there found them, a Guinea Cock and two Guinea Hens.

  18. The Guinea Hen with the orange-colored legs said that their family was related to both the Turkeys and the Peacocks, and that they were pleased to see members of those families here.

  19. Then I hear the bright-legged Guinea Hen say, 'Ca-mac!

  20. The Guinea Cock was a sound sleeper, but the Hens always talked a great deal between sunset and sunrise, and especially if it were about to rain.

  21. I didn't see the Guinea Fowls," said one of the Geese.

  22. Still, we shall be very happy here, I am sure," said the other Guinea Hen, the one with the brown legs.

  23. The Guinea Fowls were more fussy and restless than the Turkeys, and even when they were speaking would run after some dainty bit of food that had just caught their eyes.

  24. Ever since our last storm, the Guinea Fowls have been shut in with us, and I would give half of my tail-feathers if they had never come here.

  25. Ah," said the Guinea Hen with the bright-colored legs, "how I wish you might see the one we left when we came here.

  26. Still another table was devoted to several cages, containing the usual martyrs of experimental science: guinea pigs and rabbits, rats and white mice.

  27. To his eyes, the tables were like bridges; Hagendorff's broad figure loomed monstrously over him, and the guinea pigs and rabbits in their cages seemed as big as fair-sized dogs.

  28. The cages of animals split open, and guinea pigs, rabbits and insects scuttled from their prisons, fleeing to the corners from the wild plunges of the raging German.

  29. Guinea pigs, rabbits and insects have survived reduction to one-twentieth normal size," he said slowly.

  30. After a length of time which varies in different species of mammals (from about three weeks in a guinea pig to twenty-two months in an elephant), the young animal is expelled by muscular contraction of the uterus, or is born.

  31. When I went into that bay in New Guinea I never guessed where that course would take me to.

  32. Why, Mosey, there isn't a mangy cannibal left in the whole of New Guinea that hasn't got a cup and saucer of your providing.

  33. I see this in the miserable one guinea subscriptions to which many rich men confine their charity.

  34. I point to thousands of miserable guinea subscriptions which are never missed by the givers, and yet make up the sum of their Christian liberality.

  35. Who would let a Tutor knave Screw him like a Guinea slave!

  36. Who would let a tutor knave Screw him like a Guinea slave!

  37. Six guineas are given for a prize of a guinea each to the Author of the best composition of the following several kinds:--1.

  38. Many men "battel" at the rate of a guinea a week.

  39. Beyond these lay a large field of luxuriant guinea grass, covered with bullocks and mules, like black dottings on the hillside.

  40. Pico poke him head out into de dark night, and so do Jack, and so do Aby, and so do me--all tan up wid neck tretch over de gonwale like so much goose looking for de picaniny coming wid de Guinea corn.

  41. I can secure them, friends, in any number; For Guinea Pigs are numerous and prolific And as decoys their influence is mirific.

  42. So whilst we work our Bubble-blowing rigs, Hurrah, for Guinea Pigs!

  43. I am to have ten shillings and sixpence--half a guinea a week!

  44. His income of half-a-guinea a week was to do wonders, which were never accomplished by half a score of guineas.

  45. The champagne at a guinea a jug, a speciality of the Upas, had seemed excellent to Patrine.

  46. He learned that his new battlefront base was to be another jungle airport, farther west along the New Guinea coast.

  47. Their base, when they found it, was still being carved out of the New Guinea jungle with the help of native labor.

  48. You admitted he was sent here from the New Guinea airfield.

  49. Then, almost before her crew realized the change, the high grasslands of New Guinea were sweeping beneath her belly.

  50. In the distance Barry recognized the New Guinea coastline.

  51. Keeping the land mass of New Guinea between him and the Jap vessels, Barry turned his plane around.

  52. He declared that the only difference between New Guinea mosquitoes and Zero fighting planes was that the bugs didn’t need an airfield.

  53. Others were fleeing back toward their New Guinea bases, glad of an excuse to return for gas.

  54. Nine hundred miles across the Gulf of Guinea she roared to Libreville, where the Fighting French made up her depleted fuel.

  55. Since when do men wear grass skirts, or New Guinea women wear their hair clipped short?

  56. After two weeks in the New Guinea bush he had walked into the Mau River base and calmly reported for duty.

  57. By that time Allied airfields from all over eastern New Guinea as well as Australia and the Solomons would be sending planes to the attack.

  58. Suppose we invest it in one of those modern fifty-guinea pianos.

  59. The dried ripe fruit of Capsicum frutescens from Zanzibar, known as pod pepper and Guinea pepper, is official in the British Pharmacopoeia under the name Capsici Fructus.

  60. Guinea pepper plant, was brought to Europe by the Spaniards, and was grown in England in 1548.

  61. It's as good as a golden guinea to see your smiling face.

  62. Then give me a golden guinea for our new chapel, and you shall look at it again.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guinea" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.