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Example sentences for "hardwoods"

Lexicographically close words:
hardship; hardships; hardtack; hardware; hardwood; hardworking; hardy; hare; harebell; harebells
  1. The young trees love the sun, and serve as nurse trees to more valuable hardwoods and conifers, that must have shade until they become established.

  2. It will often happen that you can pass through a bare stretch of naked hardwoods immediately into a grove of thick-limbed spruces or pines.

  3. Do not let the high winds of this winter blow on and away without your hearing them--at least once--as they sweep through the hardwoods on into the deep resounding pines.

  4. Among its trees are the chestnut (Castanea dentata), hickories, ashes and other hardwoods already mentioned.

  5. Australasia exports hardwoods and some Kauri pine from New Zealand, but imports larger quantities of light pine and fir timber.

  6. Cylindrocladium root rot has been found on two hardwoods (yellow-poplar and black walnut) and two conifers (white pine and Fraser fir) in forest tree nurseries in six southern states.

  7. Hardwoods may be attacked, but damage is usually of minor consequence.

  8. Losses are minimized by salvage cuttings and by favoring loblolly and hardwoods in regeneration plans.

  9. The fungus is also known to attack hardwoods in Oregon and California.

  10. Root rot symptoms on hardwoods and conifers are quite different.

  11. The large winding tunnels constructed by the larvae in the sapwood and heartwood of living hardwoods serve as an entrance for wood-rotting fungi and insects such as the carpenter ant.

  12. Like the valley in which they had met the forester, this bottom contained some wonderful pines, though it was really a mixed stand of timber with hardwoods beneath and the pine tops rising high above them.

  13. This must be the stand of hardwoods we saw from the lookout tree.

  14. Conifer snags seems to be preferred for nest trees, although hardwoods have been used (Bent 1938).

  15. In Maine, nests are found in mature hardwoods adjacent to lakes with rocky shores, hard bottoms, and clear water.

  16. A bush-grown knoll flanked the swamp and it was surrounded by low mountains that were covered with cutover hardwoods and patches of laurel and small evergreens.

  17. The trees were cutover hardwoods for the most part, but here and there a pine rose above them and an occasional gaunt stub towered over even the pines.

  18. In the companion picture a group of archers are loosing their arrows between the boles of tall, straight hardwoods on the brink of a deep valley.

  19. The color is of the gorgeous autumn leaves of hardwoods and of rich flowers.

  20. Its display of fine hardwoods is the finest ever made by any country.

  21. The hardwoods are also warred upon by bugs, weevils, borers, and fungi.

  22. The percentage of swift deaths, however, that the insects cause among the hardwoods is much smaller than that among the pines; but the percentage of diseased and slow-dying hardwoods is much greater.

  23. It consists of underplanting, with chestnut seedlings, a fully stocked stand of hardwoods ranging from 4 to 8 inches in diameter breast height in which the predominant species are yellow poplar, northern red oak, white ash, and sugar maples.

  24. Locusts in such situations, competing with other hardwoods are of much different form than those growing in the open; the trunks are long and slender and the crowns are narrow.

  25. Shagbark hickory is one of the more important hardwoods of the area.

  26. Black Jack oak is more tolerant of heat and drought than most of the other hardwoods are.

  27. Under original conditions fire was probably a limiting factor, and at the present time competition with other hardwoods may be even more important.

  28. In the case of oak and certain other hardwoods these rays are so large that they are readily seen not only on a radial surface, but on the tangential as well.

  29. In the case of the ring-porous hardwoods there seems to exist a pretty definite relation between the rate of growth of timber and its properties.

  30. Except in the case of complete failure the cavity of the deformed cells remains open, and in hardwoods this is true not only of the wood fibres but also of the tube-like vessels.

  31. The structure of the hardwoods is more complex.

  32. The physical characteristics of the hardwoods of Western Australia.

  33. Figure 6 shows the extent of the hardwood forests as mapped by Braun (excluding the transitional Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hardwoods Association) with specific locality records of E.

  34. As is well known, the supply of native hardwoods in this region is deficient and those occurring are of poor quality.

  35. The demand for staple hardwoods is constant, and at present can be filled only through importation from the East.

  36. This increase in demand, coupled with the rapidly diminishing supply in the East, seems certain to create a condition under which it will be profitable to grow hardwoods commercially.

  37. If the canyon live oak grew in the East, and developed a trunk of the same size and shape as it has in its present home, it would attract no more attention from the users of hardwoods than the live oak in the South attracts now.

  38. Cow oak is one of the most important hardwoods of the South.

  39. This is particularly true of some of the rare hardwoods of Florida and southern Texas where tropical species have extended their ranges northward over the borders of the United States.

  40. This oak is one of the most important hardwoods of the far Northwest.

  41. If there were no other means of separating trees into classes than tests of actual hardness of wood, the line dividing hardwoods from softwoods might be quite different from that now so universally recognized in this country.

  42. It serves with hardwoods for a number of purposes.

  43. The commercial timbers of this country are divided into two classes, hardwoods and softwoods.

  44. Slack coopers class it with many other hardwoods for the manufacture of barrels for vegetables and various other commodities, while the makers of barrels for liquids put bur oak in with white oak.

  45. They sent contractors into Michigan to buy cork elm, long before the other hardwoods of that region had attracted the attention of the outside world.

  46. The scarcity of good hardwoods on the Pacific coast gives this ash more importance than it otherwise would have, and the importance which it possesses has been frequently overstated.

  47. There are more species of hardwoods than of softwoods in this country; but the actual quantity of softwood timber in the forests greatly exceeds the hardwoods.

  48. In height a number of hardwoods exceed it, the yellow poplar in particular; but none of them has a larger trunk than the largest sycamores.

  49. It is not difficult to season, is soft, stands well when made up, and is one of the most important hardwoods of the northwest Pacific coast.

  50. Generally hardwoods or other softwoods grew with the pine.

  51. It belongs to a very old group of hardwoods which have come down from remote geological ages, and the species is now found only in the United States and China.

  52. Lumbermen cut it when they find it mixed with other hardwoods where they are carrying on logging operations.

  53. Considerable variation occurs in the expansion of wood blocks, and it is noticeable in the hardwoods as well as in the softwoods, and is often greater in the former than in the latter.

  54. Since they possess pores or vessels, the hardwoods are called "porous" woods.

  55. Progressive kilns, in order to produce the most satisfactory results, especially in the drying of hardwoods or heavy softwood timbers, should be not less than 100 feet in length (see Fig.

  56. The hardwoods are not so simple in structure as softwoods.

  57. This method permits of several short drying rooms or apartments so that it is not necessary to mix hardwoods and softwoods, or thick and thin material in the same kiln room.

  58. The principal structural features of the hardwoods are the pores or vessels.

  59. In general, it may be said that, except possibly for short-period steaming as described above, steaming and soaking hardwoods at temperatures of 212 degrees Fahrenheit or over should be avoided if possible.

  60. The red and black gums are perhaps the simplest of the hardwoods in structure.

  61. Red gum is one of the most widely used hardwoods for plywood and ranks second among native hardwoods in production of face veneers and first in production of utility or commercial veneers.

  62. Because hardwoods absorb stains more slowly than softwoods, the advantages of the first three methods are apparent.

  63. All hardwoods contain a multitude of long continuous water-conducting tubes termed wood vessels; in cross section they are often visible to the naked eye as pores.

  64. She did not know why she should be so glad; but to-day she felt like singing; like racing out into the hardwoods and tramping the long leaf-carpeted aisles.

  65. For her and her protectors Noah had undertaken the trying mission of visiting the rich man Hallibut, and advising him to leave the men of the hardwoods alone.

  66. In general it may be said that all seedling conifers require some shade the first two years, while hardwoods in temperate climates, as a rule, do not.

  67. Hardwoods that are fit for the saw are rapidly decreasing.

  68. This process is still going on and hardwoods are probably gaining ground.

  69. The southeast portion consisted of hardwoods intermixed with conifers.

  70. The hardwoods of the Philippines, suitable for building and trade requirements as described above, are those in general use only.

  71. East of the Mississippi, the pioneers had taken possession of the hardwoods of the Ohio, but over the prairies between them and the Great Lakes the wild flowers and grasses grew rank and undisturbed.

  72. The furniture industry uses hardwoods of superior grade and quality.

  73. Their vast stretches of white pine and native hardwoods were cut to a skeleton of their original size.

  74. The furniture industry is now largely dependent on what hardwoods are left in the remote sections of the Southern Appalachians and the lower Mississippi Valley.

  75. Red gum and white oak are the hardwoods most in demand.

  76. The Government reports that where the farm woodlots are fully stocked with trees and well-cared for, an acre of hardwoods will produce from one-half to one cord of wood--a cord of wood is equal to about 500 board feet of lumber.

  77. The factories of this industry have moved from region to region as the supply of hardwoods became depleted.

  78. The last two are the most important hardwoods found throughout the empire, but especially highly developed in the west and southwest.

  79. A reaction from the indiscriminate application of the shelterwood method to the hardwoods and of the clearing method to the pine set in during the last quarter of the 19th century under the lead of Burkhardt and Gayer.

  80. The Upper Peninsula is in the Canadian biotic province (Dice 1952), characterized by a northern hardwoods climax, interspersed with spruce-fir and pine subclimaxes.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hardwoods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.