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Example sentences for "helium"

Lexicographically close words:
heliotrope; heliotropes; heliotropic; heliotropism; heliotype; helix; hell; helle; hellebore; hellers
  1. He is the one who worked out this idea of using helium in an airplane and giving it the best properties of a dirigible without any of the dirigible's handicap of clumsiness and excessive wind resistance.

  2. A fast boat ought to reach Nukahiva before we do, and that will give us a full load of helium again for the last four or five thousand miles of the race.

  3. If you had brought more helium the last time you were here, I could have pumped in twice the quantity, I think, and that would have made her so light she would rise of her own accord, I really believe.

  4. It was easy to note the difference in the behavior of the Sky-Bird since her helium tanks had been fully charged.

  5. And upon investigating the helium valves in the wings of the Sky-Bird, our boys found to their dismay that fully a third of the pressure was gone, indicating that an equal quantity of gas had escaped in some manner.

  6. I have ordered the helium shipped to Nukahiva by fast steamer.

  7. It would be an easy matter to trip one or more of those valves and let some of the helium out!

  8. He has been studying the properties of helium in school, also the flight of birds.

  9. We can't get any more helium here; in fact, not until we get back to Panama.

  10. The machine's out of balance now, because they have let more helium out of one wing than the other, and none at all out of the fuselage.

  11. Paul and Tom even gave the craft a tentative push, and found that the loss of her helium had made her so much heavier to move over the ground that the difference was manifest at once.

  12. And they were afraid to use a gun, as, in the case of a miss or a little lurch of the airplane at the moment of firing, the bullet might puncture the hollow wing or rear fuselage and let helium escape.

  13. The alpha particle is a helium nucleus made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

  14. The alpha particle is a helium nucleus made up, by this theory, of 4 protons and 2 electrons.

  15. A helium nucleus might have a mass number of 4 but it had an electric charge of +2.

  16. The helium nucleus would then have a mass number of 4 and an electric charge (atomic number) of 4 - 2, or 2.

  17. Thus, according to this early theory, now known to be incorrect, the helium nucleus contained not only 4 protons, but 2 electrons in addition.

  18. I find they know of it as a theoretical substance, but they have always regarded it as a practical impossibility, because for some reason there is no helium in the moon, and helium.

  19. Across the last letters of helium slashes the resumption of that obliterating trace.

  20. That would be a difficult thing to explain to Astok; but some leniency might be expected could they carry the Prince of Helium to their master instead.

  21. With a sweep of his arm the Prince of Helium brushed the Lotharian aside, and with drawn sword sprang into the corridor without.

  22. When all were done, the major-domo of the Prince of Helium recalled to the block such as had favourably impressed him.

  23. Nor could she account for it while her mind still tried to convince her heart that the Prince of Helium had been instrumental in her abduction from her father's court.

  24. Thuvia of Ptarth was having difficulty in determining the exact status of the Prince of Helium in her heart.

  25. The man upon the dais was eyeing him intently, and Carthoris of Helium was looking straight in the other's face.

  26. Involuntarily she gave a single cry for help, though she knew that not even Carthoris of Helium could save her now.

  27. The Prince of Helium shuddered as he thought upon the probability of the fate that had overtaken them.

  28. The Prince of Helium waited to hear no more, but springing to his feet, raced back again into the forest.

  29. She knew that Carthoris of Helium would fight for her; but whether to save her for himself or another, she was in doubt.

  30. I do not need to tell you what would befall Dusar should Ptarth and Helium and Kaol ever learn the truth.

  31. Ptarth and Kaol and Dusar are battling with Helium because of you.

  32. You have done enough already to set Ptarth and Kaol and Helium all three upon us at once should they learn your part in the theft of the Ptarth princess.

  33. It never had occurred to the Prince of Helium that Thuvia of Ptarth might love another.

  34. Being an electron, he was travelling at a far greater speed than these flying atoms of matter, but he assures me that these helium atoms were going faster than atoms can travel under any other circumstances.

  35. The one thing that puzzled man most was to find out what the helium atoms were.

  36. It was only when he had gathered sufficient to examine the spectrum that he found these to be helium atoms.

  37. Ramsay and Professor Soddy attained a like result by endeavouring to estimate the mass of the emanation by the quantity of helium produced.

  38. Footnote 40: This opinion, no doubt formed when Sir William Ramsay's discovery of the formation of helium from the radium emanation was first made known, is now less tenable.

  39. According to him, neither helium nor argon is absorbed by charcoal.

  40. The discovery of the radioactive mineral malacone, which gives off both helium and argon, goes to support this.

  41. The spectrum of helium never appears at first in the gas proceeding from pure bromide of radium; but it shows itself, on the other hand, very distinctly, after the radioactive transformations undergone by the salt.

  42. In helium at higher pressures another patch was observed, for which e/m = 2.

  43. Thus lithium chloride under cathode rays gives out a steely blue light and the spectrum is continuous, while under the positive rays the salt gives out a brilliant red light and the spectrum shows the red helium line.

  44. Experiments with hydrogen and helium showed that impurities in these gases had a great effect on the current when the point was negative, and but little when it was positive.

  45. In decomposing it gives off first a helium atom, weight 4; and after this action has been repeated three times the substance left is radium, atomic weight about 226.

  46. Thus radium is simply uranium after it has lost three helium atoms.

  47. They certainly cannot board you in mid-air, as you observe, and they cannot set you on fire as they did the early Zeppelins, for helium won't burn.

  48. The permanent character of helium might be taken advantage of in its application to the gas thermometer.

  49. Illustration: Helium cooling apparatus] Using the apparatus I have just described, I carried out two series of experiments, in which liquid air and liquid oxygen were employed as cooling agents.

  50. The helium thermometer could be used at much lower temperatures, and would probably give a more exact value for the boiling point of hydrogen than it is possible to obtain by means of a platinum thermometer.

  51. The results of these calculations tend to show that the boiling point of helium lies below -264° C.

  52. The helium was first confined under a pressure of 140 atmospheres, and then allowed to expand till the pressure fell to twenty atmospheres, or, in some cases, to one atmosphere.

  53. Both argon and helium have much lower boiling points than might be expected, judging from their densities.

  54. In every single instance I have obtained negative results, and, as far as my experiments go, helium remains a permanent gas, and apparently much more difficult to liquefy than even hydrogen.

  55. The helium thermometer could be used to advantage in the determination of the critical temperature and boiling point of hydrogen.

  56. The helium was contained in the glass tube, c, of the Cailletet's apparatus, C.

  57. My experiments on the liquefaction of helium were carried out with a sample of that gas, sent to me by Prof.

  58. In Captain Carter's manuscript it is mentioned always by the name used in the written language of Helium and is spelled in hieroglyphics which it would be difficult and useless to reproduce.

  59. His reply was the deadliest affront he could have put upon Than Kosis and the Zodangans, but his people love him the more for it and his strength in Helium is greater today than ever.

  60. At the same moment the battle line of Helium surged over the opposite breastworks of the Zodangans and in another moment they were being crushed as between two millstones.

  61. It would look strange indeed to my people and to yours were the Princess of Helium to give herself to her country's enemy in the midst of hostilities.

  62. For nine years I served in the councils and fought in the armies of Helium as a prince of the house of Tardos Mors.

  63. But be sure that you do not let them know you are bound for Helium as they are at war with that country.

  64. Then we will have him shortly," commented Than Kosis contentedly, "and in the meanwhile we will repair to the apartments of the Princess of Helium and question her in regard to the affair.

  65. The vessels carrying our green warriors were kept circling above the contending fleets of Helium and Zodanga, since their batteries were useless in the hands of the Tharks who, having no navy, have no skill in naval gunnery.

  66. Thirty days after the capture of Dejah Thoris, or about the time of our coming to Thark, his vessel had reached Helium with about ten survivors of the original crew of seven hundred officers and men.

  67. Two days ago I was not sure of his love for me, but now I am, and I have come to beg of you to forget my rash words and to accept the assurance of the Princess of Helium that when the time comes she will wed Sab Than, Prince of Zodanga.

  68. Before these researches helium cost $1700 a cubic foot and was obtainable only in Germany.

  69. Thirty years later, the geologist comes upon an unusual stone and turns to a great chemist for its analysis, with the consequent recognition of helium as a mundane element.

  70. It was agreed that I should navigate the craft after we had reached her, and that if we made the outer world in safety we should attempt to reach Helium without a stop.

  71. She thinks ever of you, my father, and all Helium mourns with her and for her.

  72. When we reached Helium there must be an accounting, and if Tardos Mors had not returned I feared that the enmity of Zat Arrras might weigh heavily against us, for he represented the government of Helium.

  73. There can be no alliance," I said, "between a traitor to Helium and a prince of the House of Tardos Mors.

  74. It was in the forenoon that we arrived above the mile-high scarlet tower which marks greater Helium from her twin city.

  75. Should you go free in Helium for a year, in accordance with the conditions of your reprieve, there is little fear that the people would ever insist upon the execution of the sentence imposed upon you.

  76. When we know that Tardos Mors and Mors Kajak are gone to return no more; if I be here, then I shall join you all to see that the people of Helium are permitted to choose fairly their next Jeddak.

  77. The proud daughter of a thousand Jeddaks would choose death to a dishonorable alliance such as this, nor could John Carter do less for Helium than his Princess would do.

  78. That she suffered terribly then, all Helium knew, for did not all Helium suffer with her the loss of her lord!

  79. It took me but a short time to locate the plans of the pits of Helium among thy official papers.

  80. Kantos Kan was confident now that the man's ambitions were fully aroused and that nothing short of the title of Jeddak of Helium would satisfy him.

  81. Helium must select a new Jeddak within the year.

  82. Further, various chemists have proved that hydrogen, nitrogen, marsh gas, and the carbonic oxides are evolved when meteoric iron or stone is heated; in one case a trace of helium was detected.

  83. Those cylinders contain, or rather did contain, for I expect that Koskoff has emptied them, helium in a liquid state.

  84. I developed a cold light under whose rays helium would liquefy and remain in a state of equilibrium until exposed to light rays.

  85. Then a valve will feed in helium to replace it.

  86. In a few hours Tom had added a small fitting to his power unit to provide for helium substitution.

  87. Since helium doesn't dissolve in the blood like nitrogen does, it will not bubble out when the pressure is reduced.

  88. With regard to the scale of temperature, there is very general agreement that the absolute scale as realized by the hydrogen or helium thermometer should be adopted as the ultimate standard of reference.

  89. Ramsay and Soddy, confining a minute bubble of radium emanation in a fine glass tube, were able to watch the development of the helium spectrum as, day by day, the emanation decayed.

  90. Moreover, helium is found occluded in most if not all radio-active minerals in amount which approaches, but never exceeds, the quantity suggested by theory.

  91. We may safely regard such helium as formed by the accumulation of alpha-ray particles given out by successive radio-active changes.

  92. The alpha-ray particles appear to possess the mass of helium atoms, and the growth of helium has been detected by its spectrum in a tube of radium emanation.

  93. The measurement of the magnetic and electric deflection of the alpha-rays suggested to Rutherford the idea that the stream of projectiles of which they consisted was a flight of helium atoms.

  94. It is at once obvious that this postulated helium compound is of an entirely different character to any other compound previously observed in chemistry.

  95. In order to explain the presence of helium in radium on ordinary chemical lines," says Professor Rutherford, "it has been suggested that radium is not a true element, but a molecular compound of helium with some substance known or unknown.

  96. The helium compound in its breaking up must give rise to the peculiar radiations and also pass through the successive radio-active change observed in radium.

  97. The chief reliance, however, is the spectroscope--the instrument which revealed the presence of helium in the sun and the stars more than a quarter of a century before Professor Ramsay ferreted it out as a terrestrial element.

  98. In addition, it must be supposed that the rate of breaking up of the helium compound is independent of great ranges of temperature--a result never before observed in any molecular change.

  99. What would Joseph Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen, and Cavendish, the discoverer of nitrogen, think could they step into the laboratory of Professor Ramsay and see test-tubes containing argon and helium and krypton and neon and zenon?

  100. The helium compound gradually breaks down, giving rise to the helium observed.

  101. It seems probable that the gas helium is in some way formed during the decomposition of radium.

  102. Helium was first found in the gases expelled from certain minerals by heating.

  103. If hydrogen were represented by the figure one, helium by two, lithium three, and so on up to uranium, then uranium should have the figure ninety-two.

  104. Five million atoms of helium could be placed in a line across the diameter of a full stop.

  105. Helium appears to be one of the ultimate products of the disintegration of all radioactive elements.

  106. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "helium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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