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Example sentences for "papilla"

Lexicographically close words:
paperwork; papery; papes; papier; papilionaceous; papillae; papillary; papillate; papillons; papist
  1. At the points where teeth are to be developed special ingrowths of this primary enamel organ take place, and into each there projects a vascular dental papilla from the surrounding mesoblast of the jaw.

  2. A =placoid scale=[3] is developed on a papilla of the dermis which projects outwards and backwards, and is covered by the columnar Malpighian layer of the epidermis.

  3. The outer layer of the dermal papilla then gradually becomes converted into dentine and bone, while enamel is developed on the inner side of the Malpighian layer, forming a cap to the scale.

  4. The plates are formed of a number of fibres each developed round a dermal papilla in the same way as are the fibres forming the horns of Rhinoceros.

  5. The external layer of the dental papilla is composed of long nucleated cells, the =odontoblasts=, and it is by these that the dentine is formed.

  6. A highly vascular dermal papilla projects into the base of the hair.

  7. The hard parts of a tooth commonly enclose a central pulp-cavity into which projects the pulp, a papilla of the dermis including blood-vessels and nerves.

  8. From each papilla there grows a fibre which resembles a thick hair, and cementing the whole together are cells which grow from the interspaces between the papillae.

  9. These may be simple, or the rim of the nostril may be elevated, forming a papilla or even a long barbel.

  10. Usually there are no external genital organs, but in some species a papilla or tube is developed at the end of the urogenital sinus.

  11. The vents of the two lampreys are thus brought into close proximity, and the conspicuous genital papilla of the male serves to guide the milt directly to the issuing spawn.

  12. Each papilla is connected with one of the scent sacs by a discharge duct.

  13. By feeling carefully with the sound or the dull side of the scalpel the end of the papilla nearest the sac is readily discerned by its firmness or hardness.

  14. The duct is now severed with the scalpel at a point a little way from the papilla as shown at G in Fig.

  15. Perhaps the direct genital pleasure is concentrated in a vascular papilla which swells a little at the moment of the approaches; this is very rudimentary, often unnoticeable but it seems to be an exciting organ, the producer of pleasure.

  16. His penis is indeed furnished with thorns, with homy papilla toward the tip, and the intromission as well as the separation is only accomplished with groans.

  17. The papilla itself now becomes moulded into a Cestode head, which however is developed in an inverted position.

  18. The development is by no means completed with the simple growth of the head, but the whole inverted papilla continues to grow in length, and gives rise to what afterwards becomes part of the trunk.

  19. This papilla becomes eventually divided into two parts, one of which remains attached to the cuticle, while the part connected with the embryo forms a raised cross placed in a cup-shaped groove.

  20. The whole papilla eventually becomes everted, and then the cystic worm takes the form (fig.

  21. A remarkable organ makes its appearance on the dorsal side of the oesophagus (the side opposite the adult ganglion) formed of an oval mass of cells attached to the epiblast at the apex of a small ciliated papilla (fig.

  22. The original anal process remains on the dorsal side as a small papilla (fig.

  23. The layer of cells forming the papilla soon becomes divided into two laminae, of which the outer forms a kind of investing membrane for the papilla.

  24. The hollow rudiment of the proboscis then becomes everted, and forms a papilla at the end of the body, immediately adjoining the larval skin.

  25. Its position appears to be the same as that of the blastopore, and is indicated by a papilla of the mesenteron attaching itself to the skin on the ventral side (fig.

  26. They unite by the ventral sucker of each of them becoming attached to the dorsal papilla of the other.

  27. B, m) and anal invaginations, the latter of which is extremely shallow and appears at the apex of a small papilla which may be spoken of as the anal papilla.

  28. The anal papilla is a rudimentary abdomen, and, as Dohrn has shewn, contains rudiments of two pairs of ganglia.

  29. These are concretions in the sheath, though the term has been also applied to the nodule of sebaceous matter which accumulates in the blind pouches (bilocular cavity) by the sides of the papilla on the end of the penis.

  30. The hairs are cuticular products growing from an enlarged papilla lodged in the depth of a follicle or sac, hollowed out in the skin and extending to its deepest layers.

  31. Examination of the end of the penis will detect the swelling of the papilla or the urethra behind it, and the presence of a hard mass in the center.

  32. Treatment of urethral calculus may be begun by an attempt to extract the calculi by manipulation of the papilla on the end of the penis.

  33. The hair follicle is lined by cells of epidermis, which at the bottom are reflected on the papilla and become the root of the hair.

  34. Finally, a well-oiled gum-elastic catheter may be entered into the urethra through the papilla at the end of the penis and pushed on carefully until it has entered the bladder.

  35. I have found them most frequently in the papilla on the extreme end of the penis, and immediately behind this.

  36. Here it becomes enlarged into a knob-like formation composed of soft, growing cells, which knob-like formation fits over a vascular papilla projecting up in the bottom of the follicle.

  37. The hair grows from the bottom of the follicle by a multiplication of the cells covering the papilla upon which its root is moulded.

  38. Entrance of biliary and pancreatic ducts on summit of papilla of duodenum.

  39. This duct opens usually into the duodenum upon a small papilla situated about 2.

  40. In 56 of these the duct of Santorini passed from the main duct into the duodenum, opening upon a papilla situated 2.

  41. Figure shewing the accessory genital gland of male, which opens on the last pair of legs by a papilla on the ventral side.

  42. The only outward characteristic by which the males can be distinguished from the females is the presence in the former of a small white papilla on the ventral side of the 17th pair of legs (Pl.

  43. Each epidermis cell is in fact placed within one of these secondary papillae, so that the cuticle of each secondary papilla is the product of a single epidermis cell.

  44. The papilla has got a slit-like aperture at its extremity.

  45. The originally separate terminal extremities of the Wolffian ducts always coalesce, and form a urinal cloaca, opening by a single aperture situated at the extremity of a median papilla behind the anus.

  46. The urinary cloaca opens, in the female, into the general cloaca by a median papilla of somewhat smaller dimensions than the corresponding papilla in the male.

  47. At the extremity of this papilla the modified crural gland of the last leg opens by a slit-like aperture.

  48. They end in front by becoming continuous with the tubulus of the anterior segment of the Wolffian body on each side, and unite behind to open by a common papilla into the cloaca.

  49. Primary papilla covered with secondary papillae and terminating in a long spine.

  50. The last left (17th) leg of a male Peripatus capensis, viewed from the ventral side to shew the papilla at the apex of which the accessory gland of the male, or enlarged crural gland, opens to the exterior.

  51. The papilla on which this is situated begins to make its appearance considerably before the actual fusion of the lower extremities of the two ducts.

  52. Each papilla bears at its extremity a well-marked spine.

  53. That this papilla is a rudiment of a stamen was well shown by its various degrees of development in crossed plants between the common and peloric Antirrhinum.

  54. At the bottom of each follicle is a conical, vascular papilla, similar in every respect to those on the surface of the dermis; this papilla fits into a corresponding depression in the root of the hair.

  55. There is destruction also of the papilla basilaris cochleae, with encroachment of the surrounding tissues in varying degrees.

  56. The club-shaped papilla is said to indicate invariably the existence of fissure.

  57. The papilla continues to elongate and the cryptogam to increase, until finally it invades nearly the entire length of the papilla.

  58. It is furnished with four hemispherical cup-like suckers, and the summit forms a blunt papilla armed with a double circle of twenty-five or twenty-six hooks.

  59. The larger or riper segments exhibit on one border, irregularly alternating on the two sides, at or near the middle, a papilla in which is the external aperture of the genital apparatus.

  60. This entire parasitic mass soon becomes detached, carrying with it the epithelial cells under which it has become insinuated, and leaves the papilla naked, save for a few cells remaining attached by their superior borders.

  61. The indication is to endeavor to favor desquamation of the papilla by means of potassium chloride or sodium borate, and to administer alkalines, so as to render the saliva alkaline and unfavorable for the development of the parasite.

  62. Each papilla is supplied with a lymphatic filament, the mouth of which opens beneath, and lies in contact with the under surface of the cuticle.

  63. The feather, on the other hand, is a tubular structure arising from a papilla at the base of a deep follicle extending inwards from the surface of the skin.

  64. As the feather grows the papilla grows with it.

  65. Even supposing that the feather is not growing at the time, it is probable, if not certain, that the stimulation will affect the papilla at the base of the feather follicle, so as to cause increased growth of the succeeding feather.

  66. Soon after this division the papilla at the extremity swells, opens itself, and at the same time the five to eight bodies which had formed in the interior are expelled one by one (b).

  67. A short time after the appearance of the vacuoles the entire conidium extends itself so that the papilla disappears.

  68. When the conidia are sown on water they rapidly absorb the moisture, and swell; the centre of one of the extremities soon becomes a large obtuse papilla resembling the neck of a bottle.

  69. Then the papilla of the conidium disappears.

  70. The spores are globose or a broad oval, with a small papilla at one end.

  71. The larger ulcers are more frequently situated in the first part of the duodenum, often proximal to the papilla of Vater.

  72. The presence of such marked congestion surrounding the papilla of Vater would lead us to expect the occurrence of catarrhal jaundice associated with scurvy.

  73. How are you to know if the papilla has been destroyed?

  74. A strength of current of a half to two milliamperes is usually sufficient; the time necessary for the destruction of the papilla varying from several to thirty seconds.

  75. The practical importance of the condition is that, as the foliate papilla is prominent and red, it is liable to be mistaken on superficial examination for a commencing epithelioma.

  76. Ophthalmoscopic examination shows swelling of the disc, and the vessels of the papilla are distended and tortuous.

  77. That this papilla is a rudiment of a stamen was well shown by its various degrees of development in crossed plants between the common and the peloric Antirrhinum.

  78. Magnified View of a Papilla of the Skin, with a Touch Corpuscle.

  79. Below A is seen a small conical elevation, with black dots (the lacrymal papilla or caruncle).

  80. In every papilla are oval-shaped bodies about 1/300 of an inch long, around which the nerve fibers wind, and which they finally enter.

  81. These are so called because they consist of a fungiform papilla surrounded by a fold of mucous membrane, presenting the appearance of being walled around.

  82. Around each papilla is a bulbous expansion, the hair bulb, from which the hair begins to grow.

  83. From the above epithelial structure, which may be called the enamel organ, and from the papilla it covers, which may be spoken of as the dental papilla, the whole tooth is developed.

  84. The papilla in which the feather is formed becomes at a very early period secondarily enveloped in a pit or follicle which gradually deepens as the development of the feather is continued.

  85. They are however developed like true teeth, as a deposit between a papilla of subepidermic tissue and an epidermic cap.

  86. A small papilla of the dermis grows into the inner end of the epidermic process when the hair is first formed.

  87. The dental papilla is formed of a highly vascular core and a non-vascular superficial layer adjoining the inner epithelium of the enamel organ.

  88. The originally separate terminal extremities of the Wolffian ducts always coalesce, and form a urinal cloaca, opening by a single aperture, situated at the extremity of the median papilla behind the anus.

  89. They end in front by becoming continuous with the tubulus of the anterior persisting segment of the mesonephros on each side, and unite behind to open by a common papilla into the cloaca.

  90. Before the dental capsule has become definitely formed the enamel organ and the dental papilla undergo important changes.

  91. A papilla of the dermis makes its appearance, the outer layer of which gradually calcifies to form the dentine and osseous tissue.

  92. The segmental ducts in the adult fall into a common urinogenital cloaca, which opens on a papilla behind the anus.

  93. This papilla is covered by the columnar mucous layer of the epidermis (e), from which it is separated by a basement membrane, itself a product of the epidermis.

  94. B); further, the papilla is flattened instead of being round.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "papilla" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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