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Example sentences for "scientist"

Lexicographically close words:
scientific; scientifical; scientifically; scientifique; scientifiques; scientists; sciis; scilicet; scimetar; scimitar
  1. An oracular scientist at the club the other night put it rather neatly when he said that a society that exists mainly to pay its debts gets stupid.

  2. If by creative is meant that something is made out of nothing, then of course there is no need for the scientist to try to answer such a question.

  3. This is the question that the scientist asks himself.

  4. To say, then, that the truth of an idea was influenced by its general value was to run afoul of all the sorely sensitive ideals which the scientist had acquired in his recent contest with the domination of the church.

  5. Writing as a scientist and publishing his work in a scientific journal, Peirce proposed in 1878 a new method for making our ideas clear.

  6. The two persons who quoted him, said he was an old man, a scientist who had experimented years, and was capable of removing all bodily infirmities.

  7. For a time, the scientist was lost, while the husband caressed, loved and suffered.

  8. Immediately the scientist and man of force was submerged, and the father was the predominating man.

  9. The big scientist was going to take them directly under the frogmen!

  10. No reason at all," the big scientist said, "unless he wanted to create mischief below.

  11. The big scientist knelt and examined the silvery streak.

  12. He followed Zircon's lead, cutting the light off and on as necessary, as the big scientist moved ahead.

  13. The scientist scribbled "OK" under the message, then gave him a gentle push as a signal to go ahead.

  14. In other words, the man is devious, but the scientist is not.

  15. Rick wondered what on earth the big scientist was getting at.

  16. The big scientist drew them together for a brief conference.

  17. The scientist reached out and snapped his rope onto Rick's belt, then tugged twice.

  18. Tony Briotti, a scientist of great persistence, did some research in England during a European trip to attend a conference of archaeologists.

  19. The young scientist was delighted with Dr.

  20. Besides his students, he was accompanied by a young German scientist Dr.

  21. He finds that the scientist assumes that this indefinite variety is capable of being reduced to some kind of unity, assumes that there is continuity in nature, that knowledge will not remain an aggregate of disconnected rules.

  22. The purpose of the scientist is quite different from that of the artist, but if he is to reduce his facts to order and intelligibility he must be guided by a principle which is seen in its pure form in the artist.

  23. Kant asks whether the scientist in investigating such laws, and more particularly in considering their relation to one another, is guided by any principles.

  24. And so the digging went on as fast as could be done, for each shovel of earth and each dislodged stone was carefully examined by the scientist or one of his scientific companions for any trace of the bones of an extinct monster.

  25. Nort, for he thought he might get a clue in this way, as he realized the scientist was likely to have noticed natural effects like wind or rain.

  26. That eager scientist was delving away after fossil bones as enthusiastically as if he had never discovered any.

  27. The scientist felt sure he was on the right track, though one of his college assistants was openly skeptical.

  28. The scientist seemed worn to weariness, and looked worried as he smiled at his acquaintances and said: "Well, here I am.

  29. Why had the scientist returned to Diamond X at the very time when the government opened the land to claimants?

  30. Then, suddenly, the scientist cried: "I've found it!

  31. The scientist who upholds painful experimental surgery in the interest of science should give over his own body for experiment instead of encouraging the cruelties of vivisection.

  32. A real scientist would call this "making tests.

  33. But he wasn't really a military man; he was a scientist whom the Army had called in to keep a finger on a possibility that they had long known might be realized.

  34. The scientist seemed to be actually dumfounded.

  35. Some accounts coupled his name with the rescue of the famous scientist who was visiting Judge Collins; while others were just as firmly convinced that there were only two on board the Tramp at the time.

  36. I am afraid, Silvio mio, that Donna Bianca Acorari would never be allowed to marry the son of a senator, who also happens to be a scientist in a modest way.

  37. Moreover, the princess would be horrified at the bare idea of her step-daughter marrying the son of an infidel scientist who had ventured to attack certain dogmas of the Church.

  38. Apart from the fact that he was a scientist and a senator of that kingdom of which the princess affected to ignore the existence, there had seemed to be nothing undesirable about Professor Rossano as a tenant.

  39. A man cannot be a scientist and an artist, nor a politician and a lover, without failing in both the things he wants to do.

  40. No scientist or naturalist is so grossly stupid as to deny the infinite expansion of numbers?

  41. Yes, for had not scientist after scientist through the years risked and lost his status through his questioning?

  42. And to scientist most of all, his status with his fellow man means more than truth.

  43. Something it would take at least a scientist to spot, something we couldn't be expected .

  44. There was no path, nor hint of one, nor sign that either scientist or colonist had ever passed this way.

  45. Or even worse, some question that made no sense, but left the scientist feeling that perhaps it should have!

  46. George Ord, a Philadelphia scientist and writer, was known especially for his work in ornithology.

  47. So eminent a scientist as Lavoisier, after thoroughly investigating a case, decided that it was merely a stone which had been struck by lightning.

  48. Then help me get things in shape to generate the gas," the scientist said.

  49. These the scientist made as quickly as he could.

  50. I suppose the fire may have turned the poor man's head," the scientist said.

  51. Now we'll try something new," said the scientist to the two boys as they stood beside him in the tower.

  52. So, though all but the scientist were anxious, they had to wait until the night had passed.

  53. I have told him," the scientist went on, "that we will take advantage of his kind offer.

  54. We will guard ourselves as far as possible," the scientist answered.

  55. I will have to use it," he heard the scientist say softly.

  56. For a few minutes the scientist was silent.

  57. It is hard to say," the scientist replied.

  58. The scientist gave a last look at everything.

  59. I'm afraid so," the scientist made reply.

  60. The scientist and the old hunter led the way.

  61. While they are on their way opportunity may be taken to tell a little about them, as well as about Washington and the professor, and the curious craft on which the scientist was working.

  62. We'll just have to trust to luck," the scientist said.

  63. Seeing the scientist placed no faith in what the mate had said, Mark went back to his task.

  64. As to Keller, he was a simple German, by trade a paper-maker and by avocation a scientist of sorts.

  65. Then should I be considered a Scientist if I went?

  66. The child of a common working woman, with no beauty, and a little crank of a Christian Scientist into the bargain, and yet now see!

  67. My mother and father have gone to Europe," she said "and it seemed as if there wasn't a Scientist in the whole world until I saw you.

  68. And such a lot of people pass on while doctors are taking care of them I wonder why it makes everybody so angry when a Scientist goes without any.

  69. You are not now or at any future time to try to make a Christian Scientist of Essex Maid.

  70. Frank hastened forward but dared not venture too near the edge of the hole through which the scientist had vanished.

  71. It took a long time to clean him, during which quite a crowd gathered and laughed and jeered, but at last they had the luckless scientist looking more presentable.

  72. If I were not running he'll bite me," shrieked the scientist as he sped along.

  73. The situation was serious, and, moreover, the scientist was evidently suffering acutely, although he made no complaint, not wishing to add to their anxieties.

  74. Billy and Harry were darting forward toward the hole in the snow through which the scientist had vanished when a sharp cry from the elder boy stopped them.

  75. One second and I have him," the scientist called back.

  76. Silently the boys and the professor waited, although the scientist was so nervous that he strode up and down the cabin floor.

  77. Had it not been for this accident they could have gained the aeroplane in time, but, as it was, the brief space it took to aid the scientist to his feet gave the creatures of the cliff a chance to intercept the little party.

  78. But we go far beyond where scientist and humanist stop.

  79. It is not the scientist but the seer who thus attempts the precious but perilous task of making the great generalizations.

  80. And the scientist is interested in efficient causes, seeing nature as an unbroken sequence, an endless uniformity of cause and effect, against whose iron chain the spirit of mankind wages a foredoomed but never ending revolt.

  81. Leaving aside the minor consideration that I am myself looking for employment, what use has a scientist for a bull-terrier?

  82. At the end of the time indicated, the scientist looked up and made some trivial remark.

  83. The young scientist bowed ironically, his long lashes drooping over his eyes in his accustomed lazy fashion as he realized that the occasion was not urgent.

  84. Jack Warford started to say something, but the scientist cut him short.

  85. The scientist returned to his own apartments, where he locked himself in and sat for five hours cross-legged on a divan, staring straight ahead of him, doing nothing.

  86. They called in all the help they could to assist Eldridge's speculations, but in the end they had to fall back on the scientist as the best on the market.

  87. It is a well-known fact that the exact scientist is the hardest man to fool, but the most fooled if fooled at all.

  88. The scientist walked up to this man, who was standing in the typical vacant uncertainty, smiled agreeably, clapped him on the back, and shook his hand.

  89. She did not rise as the scientist entered, but held out her hand with an air of engaging frankness.

  90. Jack, as the scientist finished dressing and reached for his hat.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scientist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    authority; expert; intellectual; savant; scholar