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Example sentences for "sediment"

Lexicographically close words:
sedges; sedgy; sedia; sedibus; sedilia; sedimentary; sedimentation; sediments; sedis; sedit
  1. In the sediment now accumulating in the bottom of the waters are being buried remains of the existing animals and plants.

  2. But we can assert that they each relate to successive periods, during which certain animals and plants, for the most part peculiar to their respective eras, flourished, and during which different kinds of sediment were deposited.

  3. Along the quieter marginal portions fine sediment is laid down, and relaid when storms have disturbed the surface.

  4. This is avoided by hanging a net in the vat after the sediment has settled, or by dipping the skeins on rods.

  5. When the sediment has settled, the froth should be carefully skimmed and kept to return to the vat when the day's dyeing is finished.

  6. At the same time it must be stirred up from the bottom so that the sediment is mixed with the liquor above it.

  7. The disadvantage which it shares with the copperas vat, though in a less degree, is that there is a sediment which must not touch the stuff during the dyeing.

  8. These cakes of dried sediment consisted chiefly of sand and sufficient aluminous matter to render the whole body of the deposit adhesive.

  9. In some of the springs a red, in others a green and yellow, sediment is produced.

  10. They were remarkably clear and cold, and deposited a light sediment of sulphur, along the little rills by which they found an outlet into a rapid stream, which was tributary to the Mississippi.

  11. Tyrosin also may occur as a sediment of little heaps of fine needles.

  12. Lylie helped him scrape the sediment into a sheet of paper, and he folded it up and pocketed it.

  13. These floods would not only tear up and rearrange whatever debris had already accumulated, but would introduce quantities of sediment and animal remains.

  14. Occasionally, however, around the shores of old lakes, vegetable beds have been buried, and we know that some mineral springs deposit a sort of protecting sediment on every thing with which they come in contact.

  15. But it may be observed, that in these elevated situations, fountains are too near their sources to dissolve as much calcareous sediment as by the time they reach the plain.

  16. On quitting the lake at Geneva, the river is of a transparent blue colour, which is attributed partly to its having deposited its sediment in the lake, and partly to the nature of the soil over which it there passes.

  17. As one thinks of the small amount of sediment held in a gallon or two of river water, a comprehension of this vast amount of silt is impossible.

  18. The purport of the following paper is to show that corrosion of its banks and deposition of sediment constitute the legitimate business of a river.

  19. Behind the barrier we have the meadows and pastures of Imhof resting on the sediment of an ancient lake.

  20. The plain beyond the barrier, on which stands the hamlet of Imhof, is formed of the sediment of a lake of which the Kirchet constituted the dam.

  21. Is it not composed of the sediment of a lake?

  22. The lake after its drainage left the basis of green meadows as sediment behind; and through these meadows now flows the stream of the Aar.

  23. It should, however, dilute thoroughly in boiling water, and if there remain a sediment of any proportion, the indigo is impure.

  24. In diluting your violet use boiling water, and shake well in bottle, and let it stand for a time, when all sediment will settle at the bottom, and will not again mix with your color.

  25. When about an eighth of an inch of gold sediment has accumulated, the stamps cease working, and the residue is scraped off the zinc.

  26. The sediment in this instance is also like black mud.

  27. The sediment then goes through a drying process.

  28. Water which is not perfectly clear, which smells of decaying material, or which forms a sediment on standing is usually not fit to drink.

  29. The water and the dissolved salt pass through, while the sediment remains on the filter.

  30. Pains in the small of the back, an increase in the secretions of the kidneys, and a sediment in the urine very naturally suggest some disorder of the kidneys.

  31. As it is difficult nowadays to get gasoline absolutely free from impurities, especially water, it is advisable to frequently drain the sediment bulb under the gasoline tank.

  32. Soft rain water, when it is to be had in a clean state, is superior to hard water, which may contain alkalies and other salts which tend to deposit sediment and clog the radiator.

  33. Should anything of this kind happen it is possible to open the gasoline line by wrapping a cloth around the sediment bulb and keeping it saturated with hot water for a short time.

  34. Water circulation retarded by sediment in radiator.

  35. By opening the valve needle half a turn and giving the throttle lever two or three quick pulls the dirt or sediment will often be drawn through, when the needle may be turned back to its original place.

  36. The gasoline tank may be drained by opening the pet cock in the sediment bulb at the bottom.

  37. During cold weather the water which accumulates in the sediment bulb is likely to freeze and prevent the flow of gasoline through the pipe leading to the carburetor.

  38. As water is heavier than gasoline it settles to the bottom of the tank and into the sediment bulb along with other foreign matter.

  39. By pouring some drops of a solution of corrosive sublimate; if it occasion a white sediment, the water contains only vapours of liver of sulphur; and if the sediment be black, the water contains sulphur only.

  40. The vitriolic acid may be ascertained by pouring some drops of a solution of heavy earth; for then a sandy sediment will be formed, which will settle slowly at the bottom of the vessel.

  41. Water may contain fixed alkali, which may be ascertained by pouring into it some drops of a solution of corrosive sublimate; when a reddish sediment will be formed.

  42. Ang mayukmuk sa subà nadala sa bahà, The river sediment was carried off by the flood.

  43. Ihuwad nang lawug sa tubà ngadtu sa sukaan, Pour the sediment from the toddy into the vinegar container.

  44. At the northern end of the lake the sediment brought down by the Victoria Nile is producing a similar effect.

  45. The soil is exceedingly fertile, as is evident from the fact that Egypt owes practically all its fertility to the sediment carried into the Nile by its Abyssinian tributaries.

  46. To understand our river systems we must go back to the time when strata formed by deposit of sediment in the sea were upheaved above the sea level.

  47. The fine sediment forming the clay points to a further sinking of the sea bed.

  48. We have learnt that coarse sediment like sand is not carried by the sea far from the coast.

  49. But a good deal of sediment is carried by the river out to sea.

  50. It was in vain to urge as an objection the improbability of the hypothesis which implies that all the moving waters on the globe were once simultaneously charged with sediment of a red colour.

  51. Not a sign of it; it is as clear as crystal, except that there may be a little sediment at the bottom.

  52. I don't think they are as accomplished as the ministers, but they have a way of cramming with special knowledge for a case which leaves a certain shallow sediment of intelligence in their memories about a good many things.

  53. I should think that some sediment had been shaken up in it.

  54. There will be a sediment at the bottom of the jug, which must not be poured into the mould, as, when turned out, it would very much disfigure the appearance of the blancmange.

  55. Pour it gently off into a clean dry jar, carefully leaving all sediment behind.

  56. As the liquor is strained, measure it, to ascertain the proportion for the jelly, allowing something for the sediment and fat at the top.

  57. The sediment may also be bottled for immediate use, and will be found to answer for flavouring thick soups or gravies.

  58. Have ready a clean stewpan, put in the jelly, and be particular to leave the sediment behind, or it will not be clear.

  59. When perfectly cold you can remove all the fat, and leave the sediment untouched, which serves very nicely for thick gravies, hashes, &c.

  60. Pour it into a mould, omitting the sediment at the bottom of the jug, and let it remain until quite firm.

  61. Be careful not to shake the contents, but leave all the sediment behind in the jug; cork well, and either seal or rosin the cork, so as perfectly to exclude the air.

  62. Strain it through a fine sieve into a jug, and, when nearly cold, pour it into a well-oiled mould, omitting the sediment at the bottom.

  63. Let it stand to cool, when the water and dirty sediment will settle at the bottom of the basin.

  64. But we are told it is because this heavy mass of sediment presses the sea-bottom down till the rocks are fused by the internal heat of the earth and thus a line of weakness is established.

  65. In motion it soon leaves all mud and sediment behind.

  66. Probably all the elements that water takes from the rocks by solution, it returns to them when the disintegrated parts, in the form of sediment in the sea, is again converted into strata.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sediment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alluvium; ash; cinder; clinker; debris; deposit; deposition; detritus; diluvium; dregs; drift; dross; ember; feces; froth; ground; grounds; lees; loess; ooze; precipitate; precipitation; scoria; scree; scum; sediment; silt; slag; smut; soot; sublimate

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    sedimentary deposits; sedimentary rock; sedimentary rocks