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Example sentences for "sterilized"

Lexicographically close words:
sterilised; sterilising; sterility; sterilization; sterilize; sterilizer; sterilizing; sterlet; sterling; sterlings
  1. In addition the application of hot sterilized water is useful and soothing.

  2. The water should be sterilized by boiling, and be kept in an air-tight flask.

  3. The vulvar pads should be pinned in an old napkin, in packages of half a dozen each; and one package is sterilized at a time by placing it in the oven until the outer covering is scorched.

  4. One pound of sterilized absorbent cotton; twelve yards of cheese-cloth.

  5. Two sterilized bed-pads, 30 inches square by 3 to 4 inches thick.

  6. All water used about the confinement must have been carefully sterilized in advance.

  7. It is important that the milk should be sterilized or Pasteurized as soon as it is served in the morning.

  8. The linen for the baby's eyes and the cheese-cloth are treated in the same way; they are to be cut up into small pieces and sterilized as needed.

  9. There should be three gallons each of sterilized hot and cold water; since in case of an emergency there must be plenty of water ready for use.

  10. She will usually prefer to be dressed in her night-clothing, over which during the first stage she may wear a loose wrapper; a sterilized napkin should be worn over the vulva during this stage.

  11. Milk sterilized in this way will keep for days without spoiling, as it is hermetically sealed and all the unhealthy germs have been removed.

  12. On the one hand, I shrank from exposing Susan to possible snubs; on the other, a little bird whispered that Miss Garnett, principal of the school, would not care to expose her carefully sterilized cultures to an alien contagion.

  13. Certain constipation biscuits, sterilized dry bran, or agar-agar may be eaten with the breakfast cereal.

  14. The milkman grasps the teat with clean hands, while the milk is allowed to flow through several thicknesses of sterilized gauze into the sanitary milking pail.

  15. Another member of the family takes the outer wrappings off the sterilized delivery pad and the "clean" helper places the sterile delivery pad under the expectant mother, who is directed to "bear down" when her pains come.

  16. Some infants are unable to digest raw milk, and for them sterilized or boiled milk should be tried; others require a fat-free mixture such as skimmed milk, while still others may need buttermilk for a short time.

  17. The sterilized pads and necessary articles mentioned in an earlier chapter are, of course, close at hand.

  18. It should at once be put into bottles that have been previously sterilized and then be tightly covered, and should be kept in ice water until ready for consumption.

  19. A pair of tweezers is convenient for seizing the protruding portion, while all side movements are avoided lest it break off in the flesh, in which case it may be gotten out with a needle that has been sterilized in a flame.

  20. Milk should be kept covered and protected from dust and flies; it should be kept in glass jars which have been sterilized by boiling before being filled, and then placed in the refrigerator.

  21. Milk should be sterilized when intended for use on a long journey, and may be eaten as late as two or three days afterward.

  22. He found himself a sterilized dictator acting in an atmosphere too tenuous to support his vitality but sufficient to preserve it from extinction.

  23. The history of the British Empire is sterilized before it is imparted to them.

  24. The leg was then enveloped in sterilized dressing, a liberal use of iodoform gauze being the essential part.

  25. I believe that excessive dryness is thus produced, and that other soils in the neighborhood are sterilized in proportion.

  26. A quarter of a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit is the rule, but none at all need be used, as the fruit will keep just as well without it if it is thoroughly sterilized by heat and immediately sealed.

  27. When it came their turn to have their wounds washed and bandaged with sterilized coverings, the Mexicans looked bewildered.

  28. I seen Miss Estelle spreading an oilcloth on the floor, and then the butler come in and poured a lot of nice, clean, sterilized dirt on to it.

  29. The hands and finger nails may be best sterilized by first rubbing them with spirits of turpentine; then scrubbing them with soap and water; and then using a sterilized nail brush freely.

  30. Instruments may be sterilized by boiling them for fifteen minutes in water in which a tablespoonful of washing soda has been added for each quart.

  31. The simplest method of cultivation is in bouillon, sterilized in flasks, with cotton plugs.

  32. When a substance to be sterilized by heat will not bear so high a temperature, the method of fractional sterilization is employed, the fluid to be sterilized being heated to from 140 deg.

  33. If, however, the pain and swelling due to effusion continue, and there is evidence of suppuration, the bursa should be freely opened and irrigated, and subsequently packed with sterilized or iodoform gauze.

  34. Boiled and, more particularly, sterilized milk, is regarded as a common cause of infantile scurvy and figures prominently among the foods held accountable for this disorder.

  35. Escherich, some years previously, stated that he did not meet with scurvy in Graz, although he was accustomed to feed babies on sterilized milk.

  36. From his work we learned that it was of little moment whether the animals were fed raw or sterilized milk--their nutrition failed within about the same length of time, and they died within a month.

  37. In 1903 Bolle published the results of experiments on guinea-pigs which had been fed for various periods on raw or sterilized milk.

  38. In the report of the American Pediatric Society one case developed on condensed milk and was cured by sterilized milk, and another developed on pasteurized milk and was cured by sterilized milk and broths.

  39. A baby was taken to the country with a supply of sterilized milk sufficient to last for some weeks.

  40. Lecornu gives an interesting account of this episode, remarking on the large number of cases of scurvy occurring on this milk compared with sterilized milk, which was employed so much more extensively.

  41. The following year we find a report by Esser of feeding goats on sterilized milk.

  42. Of course, unless it is certain that these infants were receiving only sterilized milk, and absolutely no other food, for a period of at least six months, they cannot be considered apposite to the question.

  43. In 1904 Peiper and Eichloff attempted to produce scurvy in dogs by means of a diet composed exclusively of raw or of sterilized milk.

  44. We have sterilized our unfit, the degenerates and the defectives, and so do not have to reckon with millions of children from these wretched stocks.

  45. I exercised in the Sanitarium gymnasium, and watched the sterilized dancing--the men with the men and the women with the women.

  46. The bottle in which the urine is collected must be washed and sterilized daily before the collection begins.

  47. Where there is any uncertainty about its source, it must be sterilized or pasteurized according to the doctor's orders.

  48. They should be thoroughly sterilized before being placed with those used by the rest of the family, otherwise the disease may be communicated to the unaffected members.

  49. Peas which have been imperfectly sterilized produce a type of gas which is soluble in the liquid.

  50. Huxley filled jars with sterilized water, and placed in it sterilized vegetation, and sealed them up, and after 30 years, no life was seen, disproving spontaneous generation.

  51. These were first thoroughly sterilized in order to obtain a pure natural mixture of tobacco and saliva.

  52. Colorado Claro cigar sterilized ten cubic centimeters of beef extract solution which had been richly inoculated with bacteria from decayed teeth.

  53. In cities it is advisable that milk should be either sterilized by boiling or pasteurized, i.

  54. The cord is wrapped in a sterilized gauze pad and the dressing is not removed until the seventh to the tenth day, when the umbilicus is healed.

  55. Pressure canners are made very strong and have covers which fit tight, making it possible to raise the temperature in them considerably above the boiling temperature of water, so the food may be sterilized in a very short time.

  56. Food can be sterilized in a little shorter time in this canner than in the ordinary water bath.

  57. In other words, air which has been sterilized or freed from germs by heat or mechanical means can be passed continuously over canned articles without affecting them in the least.

  58. Though a humorous twinkle sterilized the rehearsal, she consoled herself with the reflection: "'Tisn't the same.

  59. But Jake, always practical, sterilized this absurd sentimentality with a sudden injection of rustler's sense.

  60. Where a filter is not available, the water used for drinking should be boiled or sterilized if there is the slightest doubt as to its wholesomeness.

  61. The milk should be thoroughly sterilized by boiling for half an hour, and should be mixed with some barley water so as to avoid the formation of large curds in the stomach.

  62. Probably no one article of diet meets all these requirements as well as sterilized milk.

  63. No smoking of the paraffin occurs when it is heated in a water bath and this means of sterilization is the most satisfactory though the first time the paraffin is sterilized it should be kept in the boiling water for a half hour.

  64. If the sterilized loaded syringe is placed in a sterile towel it may be kept for days and then before use to insure sterilization it should be soaked in a seventy per cent solution of alcohol.

  65. The sterilized paraffin syringe should not be handled until the hands have been scrubbed.

  66. This second paraffin compound is advisable when the operator is anxious to secure a plugging action with a mixture which will always be fairly soft, and which is less likely to be absorbed than plain sterilized white vaseline.

  67. This should be sterilized by having the mixture stand in a covered container in a vessel of water which is also covered and the water should be kept boiling for a half hour.

  68. The third compound is the sterilized white vaseline.

  69. This agent should always be sterilized by heat before placing it in the syringe and when syringe and vaseline are sterile the exterior of the instrument may be re-sterilized at the time of using by alcohol soaking.

  70. Two yards sterilized plain gauze in carton, 20 cents a yard.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sterilized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    antiseptic; hygienic; prophylactic; pure; sanitary; sterile