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Example sentences for "subnormal"

Lexicographically close words:
submitting; submontane; submucous; submultiple; subnitrate; subocular; suborbital; suborder; suborders; subordinate
  1. The morning temperatures for the past two days have been subnormal and the evening rise is very slight.

  2. The sleep and appetite return, the night-sweats disappear, the pulse often falls to 50 or 60 beats, and the temperature is in many cases for a time subnormal in character.

  3. Not infrequently the thermometer indicates subnormal morning temperatures with slight evening rises for several days after the crisis, unless complications arise, {350} when fever of the hectic type may occur.

  4. During convalescence the temperature is frequently subnormal even in the evening, but the slightest cause is often sufficient to produce a considerable though temporary elevation of temperature.

  5. Temperature has been subnormal for several days, and he is doing well; tongue cleaning.

  6. The termination of this stage is marked by a sudden fall of the temperature to subnormal ranges (93.

  7. There may be subnormal temperature with collapse during the last days of life, and in general anaemia and inactivity of nutritive processes tend to produce a low temperature.

  8. Why let an adult idiot litter the world with subnormal progeny?

  9. These children are usually either mentally subnormal or handicapped by foreign birth and so unable to grasp the education which is being offered them.

  10. The subnormal children are studied for latent vocational possibilities, and where minds are deficient, hands are the more carefully trained for suitable work.

  11. The United States of America contained more subnormal minds than Malone cared to think about.

  12. Unfortunately, subnormal was all you could call them.

  13. Subnormal bodily temperature has not received the attention which it deserves.

  14. The chief cause of a subnormal temperature, in my opinion, is blocking of the body with too much food.

  15. In those days they did not know that it is a field of subnormal electronic balance--in effect, the result of de-electroniration.

  16. A metallic mass so treated--and with a constant flow of oscillating current holding its subnormal electronic balance--was then said to be de-electronired.

  17. A study of the recidivists, those who return for second and third offences, in one institution, disclosed that a large majority had a subnormal temperature and an increased heart and breathing rate.

  18. The educator will have to take account of the state of the pituitary in estimating the normal intelligence, or influencing the abnormal or subnormal intelligence.

  19. War burns in the lesson of how little the careerist regards either the subnormal or supernormal.

  20. But still, we do not condemn imbeciles, idiots or defectives, or other substandard, subnormal creatures to the prisons.

  21. We need create no inquiry into the value of raising the subnormal to the normal level.

  22. Recent studies have amply established that the proportion of certifiable mental defectives, and of a much larger class, the subnormal but not certifiable class, is progressing by leaps and bounds.

  23. The vitality of the children then is subnormal and the mortality rate high.

  24. Can science change the texture of the slave and careerist, if they represent the subnormal and the abnormal?

  25. The temperature becomes subnormal and an anemia supervenes.

  26. The subnormal begets the subnormal, the inferior begets the inferior.

  27. He is often subnormal even down to idiocy.

  28. It is possible that in many instances those who are insane and subnormal are influenced by fear more than the intelligent and normal.

  29. On the other hand, the stupid and subnormal are moved much more directly by instincts and emotions.

  30. Many a subnormal and backward person has been educated so he could take a place in life that those with a much greater natural ability could not fill.

  31. When it is seen also that at least the larger part of the inmates of prisons are subnormal and at the same time without property or education, it is evident that all these handicaps are dominating causes of conduct.

  32. Furthermore, the insane and subnormal are influenced by punishment and fear.

  33. Although the subnormal may have no such feeling, they are judged by the traditions and customs of the normal and on that judgment are sent to prison.

  34. The evidence in regard to the subnormal and defective is still less satisfactory.

  35. There was at no time pain except for occasional mild abdominal cramps, no headache, subnormal temperature, and a normal pulse.

  36. There are many subordinate problems, such as the problem of individual differences and their bearing on the education of subnormal and supernormal children.

  37. His duty will be to supervise the work of mental testing, the work of diagnosis for feeble-mindedness and selection of the subnormal children, the teaching of such children.

  38. Experiments to Determine Possibilities of Subnormal Girls in Factory Work, by Elizabeth B.

  39. Where the mother is subnormal there is almost certain to be a line of feeble-minded progeny, and in this study, while there were only 7 per cent.

  40. The first of these, entitled "Experiments to Determine Possibilities of Subnormal Girls in Factory Work," by Elizabeth B.

  41. Should the chief aim be to bring the subnormal or backward up to grade or to give a free and helpful range of opportunity to natural qualities of leadership?

  42. In most families it is not possible for either or both parents to give entire time, strength and devotion to one subnormal child.

  43. This means, of course, if this idea of the more general use of special homes for the subnormal is to be carried out, a large increase in provision of such homes.

  44. In such destructive lesions of the adrenals as Addison's disease one of the cardinal symptoms is a subnormal temperature and impaired muscular power.

  45. In myxedema one of the cardinal symptoms is a persistently subnormal temperature and, though prone to infection, subjects of myxedema show but feeble febrile response and readily succumb.

  46. The futility of trying to "cram" an education into a subnormal child has never been better expressed than in the statement quoted above.

  47. Gulick, who says: "If you take a child that is really mentally subnormal and put him in school with normal children, he cannot do well no matter how hard he tries.

  48. The lowest percentage was in the New England States, in New York, in Michigan and in Western States that have for years been health resorts, where subnormal persons from all over the country resort.

  49. Failure of a subnormal to meet this criterion may lead him to break common conventions, and to appear disrespectful, sulky, stubborn, or in some other way queer and exceptional.

  50. That the industrially inefficient are often of subnormal intelligence has already been demonstrated in a number of psychological investigations.

  51. It is reasonable to suppose that in the subnormal mind the habitual common associations are less firmly fixed, thus diminishing the effectiveness of the ever-changing apperceptive expectancy.

  52. The reading of the subnormal subject bears a close analogy to the reading of nonsense matter by the normal person.

  53. A full account and discussion of the various tests for the mentally subnormal will be found in a recent publication by Doctor William Healy,[12] director of the Juvenile Psychopathic Institute, Chicago.

  54. As to the various grades of feeble-mindedness, while no sharp lines of demarcation can be drawn, a rough and ready test usually applied is the relative ability of such subnormal individuals to take care of themselves.

  55. There are general symptoms of drowsiness, subnormal temperature, weakened circulation, and impaired respiration, which gradually increase, and in eighty to ninety per cent.

  56. The affected part is commonly more or less anæsthetic and of subnormal temperature.

  57. No doubt, espionage employs alcoholism for a portion of its technique, though delusional mystics and subnormal hypersuggestibles are more often the purveyors of information to the enemy.

  58. Upon investigation it proved that his mother had been subnormal and that the patient had been constitutionally excitable and unstable, given to attacks of anger and impulsiveness from youth up.

  59. A subject with a very subnormal respiratory capacity cannot speak loudly, but, if his respiratory capacity approaches normal, he can speak normally.

  60. It seems possible, if not probable, that this patient was in the subnormal group, lying between normality and feeble-mindedness proper.

  61. The following facts seem, however, to be established: (a) In acute infectious diseases the number is subnormal or normal.

  62. According to a comment in the Lancet, there was no way that the patient could have artificially produced this temperature, and during convalescence the thermometer used registered normal as well as subnormal temperatures.

  63. The man was unconscious for four days, but entirely recovered in eighteen days, with only a slightly subnormal hearing as an after-effect of his fall.

  64. Our final diagnosis after all these mental tests is, that while he could by no means be called a feebleminded person, still Adolf is essentially subnormal in many abilities--we still regard him as a subnormal verbalist.

  65. CASE 12 Summary: An extremely interesting case showing strong development of a tendency to swindling on the part of a young man of curiously unequal mental abilities, a subnormal verbalist.

  66. Our final opinion was that she was not clearly subnormal in native ability.

  67. As a matter of fact, the use merely of his general subnormal abilities would never have led to as much advancement as he has enjoyed.

  68. The diagnosis could be made, in short, that the boy was a subnormal verbalist.

  69. Emotionally he appeared somewhat subnormal inasmuch as he did not worry about his own condition, but said he was perfectly contented.

  70. Our diagnosis, then, was that she could best be regarded as poor in ability or possibly subnormal as compared with our general population, but as correlated with her peasant type she was probably normal.

  71. Notwithstanding the mother's report of her being subnormal mentally, we found that she had fair ability.

  72. The different body functions are interfered with; the urine is retained, bloating occurs, respirations are slow, pulse weak and temperature subnormal or normal.

  73. After a few days, animals that are fatally sick or recovering from the disease may show normal or subnormal body temperature.

  74. If the object is to raise subnormal temperature, less wet linen and more dry covering must be used, and the packs left on a longer time, say from thirty minutes to two hours.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subnormal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aberrant; abnormal; amorphous; anomalous; arrested; babbling; backward; blithering; cracked; crazy; defective; different; divergent; eccentric; erratic; formless; idiotic; imbecile; irregular; retarded; shapeless; simple; stray; straying; stupid; subnormal; unnatural; wandering