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Example sentences for "bacteriology"

Lexicographically close words:
bactericidal; bacteriologic; bacteriological; bacteriologist; bacteriologists; bacterium; bacula; baculum; bad; badd
  1. The modern science of bacteriology really dates from 1877, when Koch proved that Bacillus anthracis is the cause of anthrax in cattle.

  2. In short, there is no industry, which depends on natural putrefaction being prevented or modified so as to stop at a particular stage, which bacteriology cannot guide towards securing the most perfect results.

  3. Since bacteriology came into existence, many of the most primitive domestic procedures have been improved and placed on a scientific basis.

  4. When he went on to prove that a bacterium was the cause of a disease of silkworms, a stimulus was given to the germ theory of infection, and bacteriology was thus early brought intimately into contact with medical science.

  5. Bacteriology is also throwing important light on factors concerned in the fertility of soils.

  6. Indeed, nothing marks the attitude of modern bacteriology more clearly than the increasing attention which is being paid to useful fermentations.

  7. Reports on the Bacteriology of Water," Proc.

  8. A branch of bacteriology which offers numerous problems of importance is that which deals with the organisms so common in milk, butter and cheese.

  9. The bacteriology of the infective diseases (with bibliography) is fully given in the System of Medicine, edited by Clifford Allbutt, (2nd ed.

  10. Though the causal relationship of a bacterium to a disease may be completely established by the methods given, another very important part of bacteriology is concerned with the poisons or toxins formed by bacteria.

  11. In 1855 the science of bacteriology was unknown.

  12. The Department of Pathology and Bacteriology of the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia reported using "about" 124 rabbits and guinea- pigs, chiefly for research purposes.

  13. The ultimate foundation question of the science of bacteriology is, How did the disease germs become disease germs?

  14. One of the many horrifying things which bacteriology has revealed is that our bodies are simply alive with germs, even in perfect health.

  15. The list of recent discoveries in bacteriology is already a long one.

  16. The new world of bacteriology was then undreamt of, but the discoveries of thousands of years have done no more than verify the experience of the ancients.

  17. Because labors in bacteriology promised to be fruitful in practical results, the workers speedily became innumerable, and we are accumulating a wondrous store of facts.

  18. An excellent presentation of modern practice in the light of bacteriology Test Card Hints.

  19. Bacteriology has placed hygiene on a scientific foundation, so that the latter is now one of the exact sciences.

  20. Long before the science of bacteriology was in existence, men had turned their attention to methods of preventing putrefaction.

  21. He is professor of bacteriology and experimental pathology in the University of Habana and has never received, either directly or indirectly, any material reward for his share in the work of the board.

  22. It is therefore natural that the subject of Dairy Bacteriology has come to occupy an important place in the curriculum of almost every Dairy School.

  23. The bacteriology of the trouble has not yet been worked out, but the defect is undoubtedly due to an organism that is able to grow in the ripening cheese.

  24. In this, bacteriology is playing an important rĂ´le.

  25. Special applications of bacteriology to agriculture and the industries are discussed, and brief references are made to the activities of allied microbes, the yeasts and molds.

  26. Water Bacteriology ) } given in the Department of Hygiene.

  27. Lectures, recitations and laboratory work introducing the student to the technique of bacteriology and to the more important facts about the structure and function of bacteria.

  28. Further instruction in physiology and bacteriology is secured in this institution through elective courses open to students in their junior and senior years.

  29. It is very evident, therefore, that bacteriology is a branch of botany, and that nature shows the same tendencies in these minute plants as it does in the larger vegetable world visible to our unaided eyes.

  30. There is, unfortunately, a good deal of abominable work done under the names of antiseptic and aseptic surgery, because the simplest facts of bacteriology are not known to the operator.

  31. His claim to be considered the founder of bacteriology will be recognised from what has already been mentioned.

  32. The most interesting facts connected with the subject of bacteriology concern the powers and influence in Nature possessed by the bacteria.

  33. Bacteriology has therefore taught us that the whole question of the milk supply in our communities is one of avoiding the too rapid growth of bacteria.

  34. In no line of preventive medicine has bacteriology been of so much value and so striking in its results as in surgery.

  35. During the last fifteen years the subject of bacteriology [Footnote: The term microbe is simply a word which has been coined to include all of the microscopic plants commonly included under the terms bacteria and yeasts.

  36. This chapter will be devoted to considering how the study of bacteriology has contributed directly and indirectly to our power of combating disease.

  37. In short, the study of bacteriology has brought us into a condition where we are no longer helpless in the presence of a raging epidemic.

  38. Today many facts are known whose significance is still uncertain, and a clear logical discussion of the facts of modern bacteriology is not possible.

  39. The importance of bacteriology is not due to any importance bacteria have as plants or as members of the vegetable kingdom, but solely to their powers of producing profound changes in Nature.

  40. Ehrenberg, Dujardin, Fuchs, Perty, and others left the impress of their work upon bacteriology even before the middle of the century.

  41. Bacteriology has thus far borne fruit largely in the line of preventive medicine, although to a certain extent also along the line of curative medicine.

  42. If we were to apply to our lives all the safeguards which bacteriology has taught us should be applied in order to avoid the different diseases, we would surround ourselves with conditions which would make life intolerable.

  43. Certainly in the past twenty-five years, since bacteriology has been studied, more has been done to solve problems connected with disease than ever before.

  44. Has the microbe of bacteriology and the laboratory bitten you so virulently that you can find no place for the gouty diathesis even in an index?

  45. It will require long series of experiments in some cases, but when added to the present usefulness of bacteriology the results may be expected to satisfy the most severe critics.

  46. There are now many known facts in bacteriology that cannot be made useful because intermediate steps in their study have not been learned.

  47. Veterinary medicine has been able to obtain benefits from bacteriology much beyond those already so important to human medicine.

  48. Bacteriology is now an established science, and it is as competent to render service in due proportion to its development and with the same integrity as any biological subject.

  49. Bacteriology has added as much to man's wealth and happiness as any of the applied sciences.

  50. Such popular doubts as have been held regarding bacteriology and even the existence of bacteria are no longer justified.

  51. This is so because of the persistent prejudice opposed to bacteriology in medicine, while the veterinarian has been allowed to treat his patients practically as the experiment animals are treated in the laboratory.

  52. Bacteriology is now being studied and investigated as a field of research in hundreds of laboratories, and in every university in Europe and America.

  53. Bacteriology is at the bottom of hygiene; it is by hygienic precautions that certain diseases are prevented; and the basis of bacteriology is experiment on animals.

  54. There are two large works widely used, one by Professor Crookshank, entitled Bacteriology and Infective Diseases, the other by Dr.

  55. Recently it was urged that "the first elements of bacteriology should be shadowed forth in the primary school.

  56. Secondly, we may approach the study of the bacteriology of foods with some hope that therein light will be found upon some important habits and effects of microbes.

  57. The other fact, requiring recognition from anyone who proposes to study the bacteriology of foods, is that a certain appreciable amount of the responsibility for food poisoning rests with the tissues of the individual ingesting the food.

  58. Hence we are not able to study the bacteriology of leprosy at all completely, nor have inoculation experiments proved successful.

  59. The above short sketch may serve to convey some idea of the rise and phenomenal development of bacteriology during the past sixty years.

  60. But if the Victorian era has been productive of so many important applications of bacteriology to commerce and medicine, this period has been also fraught with results of the highest moment in the progress of hygiene.

  61. His most fruitful researches have been made in the field of bacteriology and infectious diseases.

  62. His early labors in bacteriology were made with apparatus and under conditions that were crude enough.

  63. It has therefore become essential, in connection with the study of new developments in the milk industry, that we should make a more intimate acquaintance with the bacteriology of the ferments involved.

  64. One of the most important factors in the environment is the existence of bacteria; and it is of great importance that an outline of bacteriology should be included in our course of Common-sense Biology.

  65. In the absence of an introduction to bacteriology she lives in constant perplexity over the vagaries of her larder; and is at a loss to understand the sources of fermentation or the methods of infection by the majority of known diseases.

  66. But a quite superficial acquaintance with bacteriology would show the imperfect character of such a protection.

  67. The early theories connecting ill-health with conditions in and around the house have been handed down, and to-day some are accepted as true, although by the modern science of bacteriology most of the early notions have been upset.

  68. The development of bacteriology has had a similar effect, especially because periodicals and newspapers like to take up only the sensational side of biological discoveries.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bacteriology" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anatomy; bacteriology; biochemistry; biology; bionomics; botany; cybernetics; cytology; ecology; embryology; genetics; medicine; paleontology; pharmacology; physiology; taxonomy; zoology