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Example sentences for "passageway"

Lexicographically close words:
passa; passable; passably; passage; passages; passageways; passai; passait; passano; passant
  1. You bunk right there, kid," said Marco, stowing Andy behind a pile of seat planks that lined the side of the canvassed passageway joining the performers' tent with the main one.

  2. Andy, in street dress, came into the canvas passageway near the orchestra as the trick elephants were led into the ring.

  3. Andy was right near the canvassed passageway leading from the performers' tent to the main one.

  4. When the baby is ready to be born, the passageway widens and lets the baby through.

  5. Between my wrists is the passageway leading to the outside.

  6. Caught thus between two fires, and with his persecutors hard upon him, Kirkwood dived into the nearest black hole of a passageway and in sheer desperation flung himself, key in hand, against the door at the end.

  7. Some ten or twelve paces from its entrance the passageway swerved at a right angle, continuing three yards or so to end in a blank wall, wherefrom a flickering, inadequate gas-lamp jutted.

  8. After some ten minutes' steady walking, Calendar turned aside with a muttered word, and dived down a covered, dark and evil-smelling passageway that seemed to lead toward the river.

  9. Jones, as we crossed the passageway and entered the main hall.

  10. He led us through the passageway and opened the door into the main wing, going ahead of us to switch on the light in the hall.

  11. He disappeared down a side hall and I stepped into the passageway and closed the door, wondering what it was all about, and particularly who the man was who had evaded us to-night, if it was a man and not a freak of my imagination.

  12. He had forgotten the forward hatch, opening down into the galley; he had forgotten the little passageway behind him.

  13. Any valve which opens and closes a passageway by sliding over a port.

  14. A removable cover, or a gate, for closing an aperture of any kind, as for closing the passageway for molten iron from a ladle.

  15. All I could think of was a secret passageway between my room and somewhere, but I can't find it.

  16. Well, don't you think it possible, Uncle Pieter, that there is a secret passageway of some sort?

  17. Then the passageway they were in widened.

  18. The passageway they trudged down became one of many.

  19. The heat of the earth was great, down where they were, and it made the passageway muggy and odorous.

  20. Then they were conducted along a short, narrow passageway into which opened, on the right, a small dim room; and there the grip about their bodies loosened and they slumped to the floor.

  21. At the same moment I saw that the passageway made a turn just beyond; and by craning my neck and straining my eyes I could see a faintly lighted chamber just a few feet away.

  22. This brought them to another of the glass elevators, in which they descended perhaps ten feet, stepping out of it onto a moving platform; this, in turn, extended the length of a low dimly lighted passageway about a hundred yards long.

  23. The passageway was empty, and thus encouraged I rushed the other door.

  24. I took a speedy trip down the other passageway while Gates went to you.

  25. Across the carpeted floor of the dim passageway that led past the staterooms I now saw a thin streak of light, as if some one had quietly opened a door an inch or so.

  26. From this I sprang to the second room, showing myself in the passageway only long enough to cover the space.

  27. And as they advanced, they blocked up the passageway behind them at intervals, drilled down to the great underground sea that lay beneath all this section, and drained a little of the water away.

  28. At length the low passageway ended, and I exclaimed aloud at what I saw.

  29. Torrents of rain poured down daily on the trenches, choking the drains, and filling the passageway with thick gray mud in which one slipped and floundered helplessly, and which coated uniforms and equipments like cement.

  30. The sailors grasped the stretcher as lightly as if it had been empty, walked along to the end of the passageway into a ward.

  31. Passageway To make the frame for the underground hall or passageway (Fig.

  32. Furniture One funny thing about this house is that it must be furnished before it is built, because the doorway and passageway will be too small to admit any furniture larger than a stool.

  33. The passageway should be about six feet long and the front doorway (U, V, X, W, Figs.

  34. Groping his way, he turned a sharp corner and followed along a low narrow passageway that obliged him to stoop.

  35. Then they went out into a passageway and, taking the wrong turn, which was quite easy in the rambling old house, they came to a door that entered into the courtyard.

  36. By the aid of this feeble light he found his way to the passageway that connected the motor room and the cabin under the bridge deck.

  37. I'll drop down into the motor room and use the passageway through.

  38. As Joe nodded, then dropped down into the motor room, intending to go by the passageway under the bridge deck, Tom noted a lurking figure a few feet behind him.

  39. The only passageway into the harbor lay between Fort Morgan on Mobile Point, and Fort Gaines on Dauphin Island, three miles away.

  40. Two miles of this narrow passageway had been completely obstructed by the driving of innumerable piles into the sands, thus forming a fence through which the stoutest ship could not force its way.

  41. At last he stood panting before it, to stare deep into the utter blackness of a passageway beyond an entrance of carved stone.

  42. Before the outraged and astounded aviator could utter a word of protest, powerful guards seized and hauled him off down a dark, narrow passageway in which the fetid prison smell was very strong.

  43. At the same time, we find that often the homes with more than two downstairs rooms and a central passageway were constructed in late seventeenth-century times.

  44. The man hiding in the passageway confronted her.

  45. She turned up the narrow passageway in which lay Schuyler's stateroom.

  46. Out upon the deck he strode; then, starting back, he concealed himself in the passageway that he had just left.

  47. Amber aided her as much as he might, but that was little; the walls of the passageway were too close together to permit him to be by her side much of the time.

  48. Across the room a dark entry opened upon a passageway equally dark.

  49. We headed back through the passageway then and she kept well ahead of me.

  50. She started to laugh, and then, as she emerged from the passageway into the big circular room, she cut her laugh short.

  51. They then began their weird music, standing on the two sides of the raised platform between the gate and the house, thus allowing a passageway between them for the guests.

  52. She went back into the passageway of the house, and by the light of a paraffin lamp made her last entry in the little diary she carried.

  53. He had found the electric switch and the passageway was illuminated.

  54. She heard one day for a long time the sound of Stephen's voice, and at last she stole into the passageway leading to his office.

  55. He crossed the passageway to the library and sat down, suddenly fearing that his pain might bring tears; then he laughed at himself.

  56. She went through a passageway to the office where again Miss Knowlton and Miss MacVane waited.

  57. She rang the bell, and when no one answered, she opened the door with a key which she had hesitated to use, and putting down her bag walked through the hall and passageway to the offices.

  58. Huge electric fans swept the foul air along the passageway and up through the hatchways, while other fans placed near the ventilators distributed the fresh air as it poured into the vessel, drawn by the suction.

  59. Jonah had nothing on us," cried Bill Witt grinning, as the group of boys retreated down the passageway leading forward from the conning tower into the main torpedo compartment.

  60. Jack and Ted were conversing in low tones, when Bill Witt stumbled along the passageway leading into the men's quarters and stopped beside Jack.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "passageway" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    access; adit; aisle; alley; ambulatory; aperture; approach; arcade; artery; avenue; cavity; channel; chasm; check; clearing; cleft; cloister; colonnade; communication; conduit; connection; corridor; course; crack; defile; ditch; duct; egress; entrance; entry; exit; fenestra; ferry; ford; gallery; gangplank; gangway; gap; gape; gat; gulf; hall; hiatus; hole; hollow; ingress; inlet; intake; interchange; intersection; interval; junction; lacuna; lane; leak; mouth; opening; orifice; outlet; overpass; pass; passage; passageway; pergola; pore; portico; slot; space; split; trench; trough; tunnel; underpass; vestibule; way; yawn