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Example sentences for "tragic"

Lexicographically close words:
tragedienne; tragedies; tragedy; tragen; traghetto; tragical; tragically; tragick; tragicke; tragico
  1. He drew back from her, his features screwed up like those of a tragic mask.

  2. He didn't understand the hurried leaps and bounds by which you took the tragic on the skip, as if it were not portentous.

  3. MacDowell was harassed by drudgery and care when he wrote it and the tragic note is sounded from its first bars.

  4. Near the end we notice the direction, Gradually increasing in violence and intensity, and later an unforgettable passage occurs With tragic pathos.

  5. Day after day he would sit near a window, turning over the pages of one of his beloved books of fairy-tales, an infinitely moving and tragic figure.

  6. It is strikingly suggestive of the closing days of the Arthurian drama, the tragic note being often impressively struck, although not so definitely as in the Sonata Tragica.

  7. Happily he did not know at the time that From a Log Cabin was to prove a truer-expression of his future; a prophetic description of the tragic end of his life.

  8. He derived enjoyment from fairy tales and folk-lore, and these were his apparent consolation in his tragic last years.

  9. He had an excellent baritone voice, and the ballad, simple and unfinished, became a tragic scena from his skill in repeating some exceptionally talented teacher's instructions.

  10. Conjoined with the musical instrument, the attire confirmed the student in his first impression after the tragic one, that this was a performer in one of the numerous dance-houses of the popular region, bordering the fashionable one.

  11. But this was Laura's way, shedding the gloom and the tragic side as a duck will shed water off its back, a duck with bright new plumage fresh from the shops of the Rue de la Paix and taking some pleasure out of life!

  12. The tragic pity in Baird's quiet voice was so deep as barely to be heard.

  13. This is why I hastened to follow Uncle David when he told me that all was not right in this house of tragic memories.

  14. That there was some reason for this lack of rest within walls which were not without their tragic reminiscences, all must acknowledge.

  15. The black hollow of its disused portal looked out from shadows which acquired some of their somberness from the tragic memories connected with its empty void.

  16. And thus passed the first few days succeeding the tragic discovery in the Moore house.

  17. A possible explanation which adds greatly to the tragic aspects of the situation.

  18. Themison and surgeons; little conscious of the tragic depths he struck or of the burden he gave her heart to bear.

  19. He might have seen as tragic as ever dripped on Stage, had he looked.

  20. Wilfrid had heard from Emilia that there was a tragic background to this outward placidity; tears on the pillow at night and long vigils.

  21. A scene of tragic denunciation on the one hand, and stubborn decision on the other, ensued.

  22. At the sight of such a tragic little lump of misery all Mrs. Morwood's natural kindness of heart reasserted itself.

  23. From their tragic tones some catastrophe had evidently just occurred.

  24. No need to transpose the tragic gloom of Artzibashef to America; we are an optimistic people, thanks to our air and sky, political conditions, and the immigration of sturdy peasant folk.

  25. The ironic method, a tragic irony, suffuses every page of The Brook Kerith, and the story of the four Gospels is twisted into something perverse, and for Christians altogether shocking.

  26. His later work, say, beginning with The Tragic Muse, is the prose equivalent of the seven arts in a revolutionary ferment.

  27. This he accomplished in his first sonata, and fate has ironically transposed to the life of its composer the cruel and tragic drama of his own music.

  28. Morning Shadows relates the adventures of several young people who go to Petrograd to seek fame, but with tragic conclusions.

  29. Admirers of Edward MacDowell's Sonata Tragica may recall the last movement, in which, after a triumphant climax, the curtain falls on tragic misery.

  30. The author seeks to reach, without other incident, one tragic event, and endeavors to make up for a want of adventure by the subtile analysis of character and the study of a civil problem.

  31. There, surrounded by his children and his grandchildren, a pretty patriarchal picture, the veteran statesman and historian reposes after the prodigious labors and tragic vicissitudes of his life.

  32. The March sun, astonishingly strong, beats down upon this tragic desert where great sheets of white snow alternate with broad, mud-coloured surfaces.

  33. But this was one of his savage humors, stirred by tragic circumstance.

  34. Howells spoke of it as the choicest piece of work in the volume, and of its "perfect fidelity to the tragic fact.

  35. Others of the family went down into the city almost daily, but he remained in that still garden with Joan as his companion--the old Sieur de Conte, saturated with memories, pouring out that marvelous and tragic tale.

  36. Time would bring revenge--a tragic revenge and at a fearful cost; but he could not guess that, and he put in his spare time planning punishments of his own.

  37. Then he poured all the story of that last tragic night.

  38. Then he mentions his brother Henry, and we get the beginning of that tragic episode for which, though blameless, Samuel Clemens always held himself responsible.

  39. But though this was a great inconvenience to me at first, it led to a friendship which I greatly prized until its tragic end.

  40. One tragic incident I witnessed, which happened within a few fathoms of the 'Blonde.

  41. Amongst other avocations he was a concert-giver, a comic reader, a tragic actor, and an auctioneer.

  42. From that time to his tragic death on the loss of the Lexington by fire, he was a very popular actor of tragedy and light comedy.

  43. Moreover, she had with her her mother, almost in her dotage, still stupefied by her husband's tragic death.

  44. Even so, the actor's nature was so strong in him that he deemed it his duty to envelop his distress, genuine as it was, in a conventional tragic mask.

  45. Pixie, with an air of breezy common sense which was in startling contrast to the other's tragic fervour.

  46. The tragic incidents of that long night had had more effect in strengthening his dawning love than many weeks of placid, uneventful lives.

  47. It was just what might have been expected for Esmeralda to picture her own tragic death as the result of a passing squall.

  48. And then, in the corridor outside her boudoir, behold a pale and tragic Esmeralda summoning her with a dramatic hand.

  49. How little she dreamed of the tragic consequences of that hour!

  50. In war, time has as tragic a significance as it has in sickness.

  51. I think that the German military advisers must already begin to realize that this is another of the tragic miscalculations which are going to lead them to disaster and to ruin.

  52. It would have been tragic for mankind if America had not been there, and there with all the influence, all the power, and the right which she has now won by flinging herself into this great struggle.

  53. No wonder George bursts into a loud guffaw, notwithstanding the tragic intensity of his love protestations of five minutes before!

  54. In the presentation of tragic or pathetic incidents lies Ada Cambridge's chief power, as far as her plots are concerned.

  55. The incidents, instead of being depressing, would be tragic if they befell anyone we loved or honoured.

  56. No one spoke of my tragic experience when I appeared at the breakfast table.

  57. When she confronted him again, her face was tragic in its sorrow.

  58. Worshiping the mother whom she had never known with all the hunger of a lonely heart, it was a solemn and tragic decision which she forced upon herself.

  59. One can scarce think that Pope was capable of epic or tragic poetry; but within a certain limited region, he has been outdone by no poet.

  60. In the concluding books, however, there are beauties of the tragic kind.

  61. Whereas Milton followed a different plan, and has given a tragic conclusion to a poem otherwise epic in its form.

  62. One can scarcely think that Pope was capable of epic or tragic poetry; but, within a certain limited region, he has been outdone by no poet.

  63. A league from Epidamnum had we sail'd, Before the always-wind-obeying deep Gave any tragic instance of our harm.

  64. Beauties, however, there are, in the concluding books, of the tragic kind.

  65. People rushing about here, there, and everywhere, as though they had gone mad, which indeed they must surely have done in such tragic circumstances.

  66. Speaking, he passed out of that tragic room, waving his hand with a gesture which was almost theatrical to the others to follow him, and when they were all assembled around him in the drawing-room, went on with his amazing story.

  67. He looked so frightened and miserable, and now and again his eyes roved up into Ross's face with something of inquiry in them, as though he felt that this big stepbrother must surely hold the key to the tragic happenings of last night.

  68. It is the second May following Laurence Thorndyke's tragic death, one year and seven months have passed, and the most despairing of widows will not despair forever.

  69. Until last night she had been but a child, the veriest child in the tragic drama of life, the sin and shame, the utter misery of the world to her a sealed book.

  70. A great peace has followed that tragic time, friends surround her, and foremost and warmest among them, Richard Gilbert.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tragic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appalling; atrocious; awful; baneful; beastly; black; calamitous; cataclysmic; catastrophic; deplorable; destructive; dire; disastrous; dreadful; fatal; grievous; grim; heavy; hideous; horrible; horrid; horrifying; mournful; pathetic; poignant; rotten; ruinous; shocking; terrible; tragic; unfortunate; unspeakable