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Example sentences for "punk"

Lexicographically close words:
punisht; punisshed; punition; punitive; punitory; punka; punkah; punkahs; punkin; punks
  1. The punk sticks, of course, are going strong.

  2. I tell her to say no more, but reserve me a ringside seat, though near a window if one can be opened; say, as far as the early Greeks would have done at such a time, on account of the punk sticks.

  3. All the curtains was down, candles lighted, and the room not only hot but full of cigarette smoke and smoke from about forty of these here punk sticks that smoldered away on different perches.

  4. And all being done on nothing stronger than coffee, with hardly a cigarette and never anything that was by way of being a punk stick in a closed room.

  5. Only the cheesy-hearted, the warriors with maggots and grubs manufacturing punk out of heart-wood, for all the world like humans infected by evil thoughts, only the hollow hearted came down to earth with a crash in the fray.

  6. A mile farther on, the ripped punk of a dead pinon betrayed the passing of the fugitives.

  7. We aren't telling it around, but between you and me we've got a pretty punk outfit this year.

  8. So next morning, it being very windy, he went to the foot of the big tree where Mosique lived, put the punk close against the tree, set it on fire, and it soon blazed up.

  9. I have a piece of punk which my grandfather, the White Otter, gave me, that will do the work.

  10. I have a punk after supper, as good as a roasted apple.

  11. My punk turned mad whore, as all her fellows are!

  12. But a more natural explanation is that punk being dry, and bread, particularly that given to tramps, being also often dry, the resemblance of the two impressed itself on some sensitive tramp's mind.

  13. What, shall thy lubrical and glibbery muse Live, as she were defunct, like punk in stews?

  14. Unless," he looked over his shoulder, "unless Rupert is afraid to trust himself to ride with a punk chauffeuse and a no-class fake?

  15. Rose, you low-down quitter, you punk chauffeuse!

  16. I were an excellent creature to make a punk of; I should down with the least touch of a knave's finger.

  17. Perhaps you think it smart to set up a game on me, just because you're afraid I'll organize a hike of my friends that'll walk all around that punk expedition of yours!

  18. Here you may have your punk and your pig in state, sir, both piping hot.

  19. Yonder is your punk of Turnbull, ramping Alice, has fallen upon the poor gentlewoman within, and pull'd her hood over her ears, and her hair through it.

  20. I find a common pot for every punk in your purlieus?

  21. I turned over and saw the punk burning, which cast a dim light over the serene face of the Blessed Virgin, so all fear vanished and I slept as long as they would let me in the morning.

  22. Before it, suspended by a wire from the rafters, was a cow's horn in which a piece of punk was burning, just as the incense is kept burning in churches.

  23. In addition to these weapons, each member of the party except the leader himself carried a fire-basket, in which a mass of red coals mixed with punk smouldered in a bed of moist clay.

  24. But we had flint and steel and tinder-box, and when the punk was alight, Jennifer found the candle under foot and gave it me.

  25. When they got through they'd be smoking punk tobacco in pipes while the Indian would be blowing the smoke of perfectos in their faces, and they'd stand for their craggy end of it without a whistle.

  26. He said: "Some punk busted Fayo and a couple of the boys.

  27. Said Fayo primed some jumper with a zip and the punk cooled him, and then a couple of the Boomers moved in real cool.

  28. He looks like he's pretty scared and I know he is, because this punk hasn't had anything bigger than reefers in his life.

  29. Now they got the punk with the zip and much other stuff, real stuff.

  30. Since I was a punk kid snaking my way through crowded subway platforms, eeling into the only seat on a packed car, I'd been obsessed with Beating The Crowd.

  31. He'd stand me to meals at sidewalk cafes and concerts at the SkyDome, and shoot down any snotty reputation-punk who sneered at my Whuffie tally.

  32. As he was leaning over, the punk slipped from his fingers, and fell into the midst of the combustibles.

  33. The punk which the little fellow held was burning.

  34. I forgot to leave my punk outside, and I dropped it by accident.

  35. The punk of Babylon in pomp appears, A lewd old gentleman of seventy years; Whose age in vain our mercy would implore, For few take pity on an old cast whore.

  36. And they was livin' in a back flat on a punk block over near the North river.

  37. The Patricia apartments has a perfectly punk janitor again and we're due to listen to another long tale of woe.

  38. The punk here mentioned is a fungus, which grows on the birch tree.

  39. About midway across the larger log a cuneiform notch or cut about six inches deep was made, and in the wedge-shaped notch punk was placed.

  40. The other log was drawn rapidly to and fro in the cut by four strong men chosen for the purpose until the punk was ignited by the friction thus produced.

  41. The ignited punk was used to light a large bonfire, and then the head of every family was required to take home 'new fire' to rekindle a fire in his or her fire-place.

  42. You know the punk that you use on the Fourth of July to light your firecrackers and fireworks?

  43. The moxas are made of a certain kind of pith, and burn slowly just as the punk does.

  44. He trimmed off the bark, then with the hatchet he cleared out all the punk and splinters inside.

  45. There, now you see the difference," and a great crooked, angling pillar of smoke rolled upward as soon as the grass and punk began to sizzle in the glow of embers.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "punk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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