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Example sentences for "shelling"

Lexicographically close words:
shellbarks; shelled; sheller; shellfire; shellfish; shellmound; shells; shelly; shels; shelter
  1. At any rate, very few of them left, even when the shelling became more active.

  2. The return shelling that day in Hebuterne was not intense.

  3. On May 3 another man and I were watching with our glasses from an assembly-trench very near the shelling of an aid-post with Boche eight-inch shells.

  4. The familiar "shelling up the road, sir," often prevented our running into bad spots.

  5. At other times, when, for instance, troops are relieving other units in the trenches, or perhaps in large parties at crossroads coming up, the casualties from shelling are very large.

  6. As it was over 70 feet deep, there was no loss of sleep from enemy-shelling activity.

  7. Whenever our artillery shelled a village behind the Hun lines, the Germans would retaliate by shelling the corresponding village behind the British lines.

  8. The Huns were shelling the town regularly with heavy shells as they retreated, and sleep was almost impossible by reason of the continual rumbling of traffic on the granite pave road alongside our billet.

  9. An infallible index of the extent of enemy shelling on the villages close up was to count the number of civilians still living there.

  10. It was not often that we could afford the time and material for dugouts at our back camps, and as a result the shelling and aeroplane bombing generally was watched with much interest.

  11. The shelling of camps at this distance was rather exceptional, though, and only occurred at intervals.

  12. We also came in for our share of shelling later at our billets here; the cellars were small and did not provide sufficient accommodation for all of us.

  13. As they were shelling the village heavily with eight-inch shells as they retreated, we did not tarry longer than necessary.

  14. When the shelling ceased Tom expected the attack to follow immediately; but minute after minute passed, and his scouts gave no sign of any movement among the enemy.

  15. With sunset the shelling ceased, and movement in the lower part of the nullah became once more possible.

  16. Into this bomb-proof we could dart the moment the shelling began, and be as safe as in our own mother's kitchen.

  17. How often I have laughed and laughed at myself when thinking of that first shelling we got there by the river!

  18. It was in a gale of shelling that the Vindictive laid her nose against the thirty-foot high concrete side of the mole, let go her anchor and signaled to the Daffodil to shove her stern in.

  19. The Germans began by shelling the barbed-wire barrier in front of the trenches where the Americans were stationed for a few days, taking their first lessons in trench warfare.

  20. In the afternoon the squadron weighed anchor and proceeded down the bay at slow speed, shelling the batteries and town at long range until we left them too far behind.

  21. I half laugh, half cry now with vexation to think how calmly and stubbornly mother sat shelling peas in that window.

  22. Better and worse for our army, and no worse for our women and children, for Burnside was a gentleman even as McClellan was and as Pope was not, and made no war upon women and children until the shelling of Fredericksburg.

  23. Presently she stopped shelling peas, and gazed intently out of the window.

  24. If sown early in the season, the plants will flower in seven weeks, afford pods for shelling in eleven weeks, and ripen in a hundred days, from the time of planting.

  25. Early plantings will blossom in six weeks, yield pods for the table in seven weeks, produce pods of suitable size for shelling in about ten weeks, and ripen in eighty-four days.

  26. When sown at the commencement of the season, the plants will blossom in six weeks, produce pods for the table in seven weeks, pods for shelling in ten weeks, and ripen in eighty-seven days.

  27. For shelling in the green state, it is one of the best of the Dwarfs, and deserves cultivation.

  28. If planted early in the season, green pods may be plucked for the table in nine or ten weeks, pods for shelling in twelve weeks, and the crop will ripen in a hundred and twenty-three days.

  29. Pods for shelling may be plucked in ten weeks, and the crop will ripen in eighty days.

  30. For stringing, or for shelling in a green state, the variety may be planted the first of July; but, in ordinary seasons, few of the pods will reach maturity.

  31. The variety is hardy and prolific; of good quality as a string-bean, or for shelling in the green state.

  32. The plants blossom in seven weeks, produce young pods in about eight weeks, pods for shelling in their green state in eleven or twelve weeks, and ripen in ninety-seven days, from the time of sowing.

  33. He had experienced one shelling from warships, and a worse one from air-borne artillery.

  34. The shelling stopped as suddenly as it had started.

  35. This time it was a shelling from medium-heavy field guns.

  36. The corn is given out in the ear, and they sit about or kneel on the ground, shelling it with cleared corn-cobs.

  37. Everything was tolerably quiet, with the exception of an occasional shelling from either side, until New Year's Eve, when an infernal row got up and on New Year's Day we had about one hundred and thirty casualties.

  38. A few minutes after midnight, we were brought back to war again by the Germans shelling us all along the line.

  39. During the few days following the "white flag" affair, when the boches' shelling was not quite so steady, we passed our time playing cards.

  40. The shelling grew worse, and we discovered that the Saxons had been relieved by the Prussians.

  41. The shelling had ceased and there was a dead silence.

  42. German guns shelling the harbour and the arsenal; at least, that is the conclusion at which we have since arrived.

  43. It was in this part of the town that the shelling had been most severe, but a large number of the shells must have fallen harmlessly in the brickfields, as only a house here and there was damaged.

  44. The Germans evidently found it a very tempting mark, for they began shelling it at an early stage.

  45. Some day it will be dug up, and will be exhibited as conclusive evidence that the Germans did use their big guns in shelling the town.

  46. The only difficulty was that for the moment the Germans were shelling the place, and it was too dangerous to go near even for coal; so the expedition had to be postponed until they desisted.

  47. These positions were occupied throughout the next day, when there was considerable shelling from the enemy.

  48. On Sunday, the 3rd of November, the Boche concentrated his attentions on Avelghem Church, and in about six hours of constant shelling reduced a most beautiful building into absolute ruin.

  49. What little shelling there was went to Battalion Headquarters in the ruined village of Ablain St. Nazaire, and by night the working parties were all in the neighbourhood of the trenches occupied by the men themselves.

  50. Misfortune befell the party from the start, and the intense shelling combined with the pitch-black darkness of the night caused the journey to Clapham Junction to degenerate into a scramble.

  51. The shelling became more frequent as time went on, and casualties occurred to several civilians.

  52. Although our approach march was disturbed by enemy shelling we suffered no casualties.

  53. Late in the afternoon the Bosche began shelling heavily, but although our aeroplanes twice reported him to be massing for counter-attack, he was effectively dispersed by our artillery and did not even leave his trenches.

  54. After shelling the whole area for an hour or two more, the enemy gained a little more ground and established further machine-gun posts, this time towards the left, south and south-east of Metz.

  55. The front line was well furnished with various home comforts taken from the almost deserted village of Maroc, the enemy was some distance away, there was little shelling and there were very few casualties.

  56. The effects of the continuous gas shelling during the past three days had told heavily on the Battalion--particularly the Headquarters Company and “A” Company.

  57. At this point of the line the Turks were at least 20 miles away, and, therefore, precautions from shelling were not necessary.

  58. Smoke rises when the bomb is fired, but a heavy shelling at this spot failed to silence it.

  59. He had come to offer to let us go back to our ships without being molested, if we would only leave off shelling the town, and was very surprised when the Skipper refused to do so.

  60. It means that they're shelling that house.

  61. About 100 yards ahead of us is a crossroad and the Boche is shelling it.

  62. They must have seen us on the road--some plane of theirs--as they have been shelling here ever since we arrived.

  63. The Germans are shelling the road all the way from here.

  64. For assailing distant lines of troops, for opening a battle, for dispersing bodies of cavalry, for shelling intrenchments, for firing over troops from hills in their rear, rifled guns are of invaluable service.

  65. For several days his gunboats swept up and down the Tennessee river, shelling the banks, and apparently seeking a favorable point to disembark from his transports.

  66. The Boches have been shelling the place like hell most of the time since daybreak.

  67. There are some nasty corners there, and the Germans are shelling the Ginchy lines 'hell for leather' this morning.

  68. The shelling of this edifice, to which I learn that the Christians attach considerable importance, for some reason that I am unable to comprehend, cannot fail to produce lively satisfaction among our brave allies at Constantinople.

  69. They crowded the road, asking for news and commenting freely on the shelling of the city.

  70. Spent the afternoon registering the guns, and then began shelling Mametz Wood.

  71. Practically no hostile shelling round us now--in fact, we are rather out of the battle for the moment.

  72. The second and third lines of tanks were to follow, whilst our heavy guns commenced counter-battery work and the shelling of the villages and bridges along the canal.

  73. There was no hostile shelling of any kind in the village of Rœux or immediately in the district where I was operating, but the enemy barrage falling round the railway was of a very severe nature.

  74. When I returned they were shelling near our billet, and we had to spend the whole of the rest of the night in the cellars, and only got to our bed at about 6-0 in the morning.

  75. They were shelling it when I came out in the morning.

  76. The other afternoon we were coming down the road and the Bosche was shelling a point about 200 yards beyond.

  77. We are within shelling distance, but the people in the farm have been living in the farm, carrying-on their ordinary work, without the young men right through everything, and the farm is absolutely undamaged.

  78. The shelling lasted about three-quarters of an hour, but our firing soon stopped them.

  79. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the Austrians started shelling this town.

  80. This morning the Serbians have been shelling some of the islands along the Danube.

  81. We hear that the Germans started shelling Belgrade at 3 a.

  82. Just now we are undergoing a shelling from a heavy German howitzer; a piece fell at my feet as I was outside talking to Col.

  83. As to the shelling of the East Coast, you should see what these places look like after the enemy gets through with them, for their guns (howitzers) fire nearly as large shells as warships do from their guns.

  84. The enemy have been shelling us this morning too, very closely, but I am tired, and my nerves, as you know, are not very jumpy!

  85. I hear that the Germans spent their time shelling our particular ones.

  86. The enemy is shelling us now, and as it is a particularly clear day they are using it to the best advantage to try and destroy us.

  87. The enemy is now shelling over our heads most cheerfully.

  88. It is curious how one takes the shelling nowadays.

  89. Here comes our solitary lamp, borrowed from the absent farmer, but before it arrives we must close the blinds, as the light would certainly insure a shelling for us.

  90. Yesterday when we were coming in, the Germans started shelling the village we had to go through.

  91. One man was watching our guns shelling the enemy's trenches.

  92. Whilst the shelling was on, they dodged down in their trenches, and popped up again when it was over.

  93. Just at this moment they are shelling our usual front line billets vigorously.

  94. In the middle of this shelling both sides firing hard at each other, one of my buglers has arrived with a carrier pigeon which was knocked down by a stone.

  95. They have started shelling us again, bless them!

  96. These took the form of a cessation of the shelling and a very determined attempt on the part of the Bavarians to take the town.

  97. The enemy commenced by shelling the front line, and shelling it with such accuracy that Gen.

  98. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shelling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.