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Example sentences for "abdomen"

Lexicographically close words:
abdicate; abdicated; abdicates; abdicating; abdication; abdomens; abdominal; abduct; abducted; abducting
  1. The arms of a good many, and the abdomen of a few, bore cicatrices from branding, apparently for the purpose of making them strong and relieving pains.

  2. Milk is poured over the remaining ball, which is wrapped in a leaf, and buried over the spot where the abdomen of the deceased is situated.

  3. Her abdomen will be twice as long, her colour more golden, and clearer; her sting will be curved, and her eyes have seven or eight thousand facets instead of twelve or thirteen thousand.

  4. When they had placed him between them, Sakon thrust the dagger into the left side of his own abdomen and asked--'Look, brother!

  5. The abdomen consists of a number of horny segments which are joined together by an elastic membrane, a construction which enables the insect to extend its body several centimetres beyond its normal extent.

  6. If a woman wears a corset, or tight waist band above her hips, the organs of the abdomen will be pressed downward.

  7. The ovaries and the womb are supported near the center of the abdomen by means of cords and muscles stretched across from the walls of the abdomen.

  8. In some cases the abdomen swells, a feeling of fullness is experienced and the woman may be convinced that she is pregnant.

  9. The menses stop, the breasts enlarge, a dark color appears about the nipples, the abdomen enlarges and about the fourth month she feels the distinct movements of the fetus.

  10. Now contract the muscles of the abdomen in such a way as to appear to be trying to draw air into the body through the vagina.

  11. Finally the Uterus begins to contract, though insensibly at first; the Abdomen becomes unusually hard, and flying pains are experienced, particularly with first children.

  12. Very often the abdomen will be tolerably large by the second month, and then again become so much smaller that the female will think she is certainly not pregnant.

  13. The abdomen continues to swell, and becomes still more tender, the face is pale, bathed with cold perspiration, and indicates in every line the anxiety and suffering under which the patient labors.

  14. Bleeding is in particular the great agent depended upon, either from the arm, or by cups and leeches to the abdomen and vulva.

  15. The Abdomen may be covered with a single thin garment, if absolutely insisted upon; but the judgment will be so much the more uncertain, owing both to the deadening of the sound and to the friction of the material.

  16. The abdomen gradually gets tender, so that it cannot bear the slightest pressure, sharp pains are felt in various parts of it, and the patient continually complains of twisting and burning within.

  17. The change of position, rest, and supporting the abdomen are the means to be relied upon.

  18. Sometimes the difficulty is much lessened by lying on the back a short time before attempting to urinate, or by raising up the abdomen with the hand at the time.

  19. In such cases the patient should be careful never to eat or drink to excess, nor take anything likely to produce wind, because the least increase in the size of the abdomen adds to the difficulty.

  20. This position is the reverse of the preceding one, the Sacrum being behind, and to the right, while the Abdomen is to the left in front.

  21. A subdivision of decapod Crustacea, having the abdomen largely developed.

  22. In this stage the legs and abdominal appendages have appeared, the abdomen is relatively long, and the eyes are large.

  23. For a moment, she let her abdomen float on the surface of the pond and distended her spinnerets till they were full of air.

  24. She flew up, on tiny little thin, transparent wings and with three long threads hanging from her abdomen to help her keep her balance.

  25. One of the segments of the abdomen or post-abdomen of arthropods.

  26. The lower part of the abdomen in insects.

  27. Trust in God, Señora," said Caragol again, while he was pushing her along with his flabby abdomen and shaggy breast.

  28. He felt the brute force of hidden friction, then a blow in the abdomen that arrested his course between the two waters, and grasping at the irregularities of a projecting rock, he raised his head and was able to breathe.

  29. At this juncture the breeze would flap the narrator's shirt tail, disclosing his abdomen divided into hemispheres by the tyranny of its only pantaloon button.

  30. The portières would part and through them would advance a huge bosom protruding above an abdomen cruelly corseted.

  31. The tray leaped from his hands and he went staggering about like a drunken man, even banging his abdomen against the balustrade of the bridge.

  32. The masseuse is directed to avoid any movements which might further displace the organ, and may cautiously push it upward and hold it there with one hand while with the other the manipulation of the abdomen is performed.

  33. As constipation is one of the troublesome features, the abdomen should have particular attention, and an unusual amount of time be given to manipulations of the colon, as described in the chapter on massage.

  34. Footnote 25: In the extreme constipation of certain hysterical women, good may be done by placing one conductor in the rectum and moving the other over the abdomen so as to cause full movement of the muscles.

  35. Figure 10 shows Thigh or Femoral Rupture, which comes out on the upper part of thigh, just below the crease or depression between abdomen and thigh.

  36. When the rupture can be pressed back into the abdomen by the ordinary manipulation of the fingers, it is a Reducible Rupture.

  37. For such trusses press against the spine-- the delicate center of the nervous system-- just as cruelly as they dig into the abdomen and the pelvic bone in front.

  38. D, B and F is the line when the abdomen is inflated by coughing, sneezing, or any exertion or strain.

  39. How Day-After-Day Holding is Given by the Cluthe Automatic Pad+ [Illustration] The above illustration represents the side view of the lower abdomen of a person of medium size.

  40. With the mummy there was a walking-staff; in the abdomen were some dôm nuts, and a group of scarabs (Pl.

  41. Among the débris from the abdomen of the mummy was a bladder-stone.

  42. Within the abdomen of this Master of the gods who is ever devoted to the accomplishment of their purposes, of this one who is identical with Brahma and who is always the refuge of the regenerate Rishis, resides Brahma (the Grandsire).

  43. The Punans apparently do not attribute disease to the adverse influence of an antoh, although their remedy is the same, consisting of singing in the night and removing small stones from the abdomen or other parts that may be affected.

  44. The abdomen is rubbed with a certain medicinal herb, first having been heated over the fire, to facilitate the expulsion of the afterbirth, which later is hung in a tree.

  45. Having tied a vine round the umbilical cord near the abdomen they cut the cord with a sharp piece of bamboo.

  46. It is said that the most beautiful muscles of the human body are those of the waist, and among these natives one may observe what beauty there is in the abdomen of a well-formed young person.

  47. Abdomen depressed, ovate, rough at the base with greyish hairs, and furnished with a series of scales beneath, see fig.

  48. Abdomen oblong, dotted with black at the sides.

  49. Then they rubbed my abdomen and legs with some of it as briskly as they could.

  50. My stomach began aching as if it contained boiling lead; then a feeling as if a million electrically charged wires had commenced to burn in the lower part of my abdomen and down to my lower limbs.

  51. Milky pus, which yet was somewhat reddish, something like the colour of grey Moselle, oozed from the chest and ran down over the abdomen and the loin cloth.

  52. Or they would singe all the hair off your epidermis with a poker, or roll up the skin from your abdomen and leave you with a kind of apron.

  53. Guibourg thus celebrated masses on the abdomen of Mme.

  54. It causes the leaves to present a blistered appearance above; the lice are found on the under side; the wingless are pale yellow, the others have glossy wings, mostly black, with abdomen light green.

  55. The colour is black, and the abdomen is banded by four yellow bars.

  56. The head and thighs are black, with a few spots of a yellowish white, and the abdomen is yellow, with a black spot in the middle of each segment.

  57. This word signifies "hanging-belly," and the name has been applied to the ant in consequence of the manner in which its abdomen is held up in the air, so that it overhangs the back.

  58. The abdomen is small, sharply pointed, and placed on a long footstalk.

  59. Their forms are most eccentric, some species having the abdomen small and round and set on a long footstalk, while others have that portion of the body placed so closely against the thorax, that the short footstalk is scarcely visible.

  60. The head is large, and squared, and the abdomen is attached to the thorax by a large footstalk.

  61. The abdomen is of an obscure brown, the scale narrow, of a square form, and slightly scolloped.

  62. Its colour is black, and on the edges of the segments of the abdomen there is a little silvery shining down.

  63. The head and thorax are a dark green, the abdomen is white, and the legs are covered with silvery hairs.

  64. The wax-pockets themselves, which are concealed by the overlapping of the rings, may be seen by pressing the abdomen of a worker-bee so as to lengthen it, and separate the rings further from each other.

  65. The abdomen is shining black, but each segment has a very narrow band of reddish down on its edge.

  66. The insect is about half an inch in length, and the colour of the head and body is black, that of the abdomen being brick red.

  67. The principles involved in the operation are the emptying of the sac and its entire removal, and the closure of the opening into the abdomen by strong sutures; and, in this way, great advance has been made by modern surgery.

  68. These drums are worked by special muscles, and the cavities in which they lie are protected by conspicuous plates visible beneath the base of the abdomen (see fig.

  69. It gives an impulse on coughing, and when the intestinal contents are pushed back into the abdomen a gurgling sensation is perceptible by the fingers.

  70. A femoral hernia comes through a weak spot in the abdomen to the inner side of the great femoral vessels; a ventral hernia takes place by the yielding of the scar tissue left after an operation for appendicitis or ovarian disease.

  71. The palliative treatment of a reducible hernia consists in pushing back the contents of the tumour into the abdomen and applying a truss or elastic bandage to prevent their again escaping.

  72. In these marine genera the abdomen often undergoes excessive reduction (fig.

  73. Put your hand upon your abdomen and breathe strongly and you will feel the rebound of all the movements of the diaphragm.

  74. It is a very large mass and fills up, by itself alone, all the right side of the lower compartment, from the top downwards, to where the bones end which protect the abdomen on each side, and which are called the short ribs.

  75. By this method of respiration the abdomen is used as a kind of "bellows," and the strain is taken entirely off the throat.

  76. In taking in the breath the abdomen and chest both expand, and in giving out the breath the abdomen and chest both contract.

  77. All the wings alike and membranous; maxillæ with mostly large eyes; abdomen soft.

  78. The abdomen or tail usually supports five pairs of stunted feet, to which the ova hang.

  79. It is probably effected by expansion of the abdomen taking place during respiration.

  80. Between the head and abdomen there are still openings--branchial foramina.

  81. Head and thorax connate, being mostly covered with a shell or shield, abdomen stunted or caudiform; maxillæ and branchiæ present.

  82. The whole abdomen and sexual body has been subordinated to the thorax.

  83. Body cylindrical, with five or seven pairs of feet, and some branchial vesicles; body and abdomen very puny.

  84. The abdomen has, so to speak, vanished, and through this the abdominal limbs are left only, as thin and dry poles or staffs.

  85. The thorax is therefore attached only externally to the body, and the Fish is to be viewed as a Mussel, from between whose shells a monstrous abdomen has grown out.

  86. In the Arachnida or Spiders aerial respiration takes place, and their body enters into relations with the more highly organized Insects, since the head becomes small, the abdomen large, thick, and short.

  87. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abdomen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abdomen; anus; appendix; belly; bowels; brain; craw; crop; diaphragm; duodenum; entrails; giblets; gizzard; gullet; gut; guts; heart; innards; insides; intestine; kidney; liver; lung; maw; midriff; paunch; pot; pump; rectum; rumen; spleen; stomach; stuffing; ticker; tripe; tummy; viscera; vitals; works