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Example sentences for "cultivate"

Lexicographically close words:
cult; culta; culte; cultes; cultivable; cultivated; cultivates; cultivating; cultivation; cultivations
  1. But although the colony became considerable, and flourished so long as the natives remained in sufficient numbers to cultivate the plantations of the Spaniards, yet it did not take vigorous root.

  2. Science exists only in personal consciousness and thanks to it; astronomy, mathematics, have no other reality than that which they possess as knowledge in the minds of those who study and cultivate them.

  3. And this science, which, properly speaking, is not a science, has its end in itself, in the gratification and education of the minds that cultivate it.

  4. Is its end in itself or is it to gratify and educate the minds that cultivate it?

  5. They are great sticklers for rank and precedent, and zealously cultivate those distinctions and ceremonial observances in which a system of status expresses itself.

  6. This optimistic conviction is a matter of presumption, of course; but it is universally held to be true by hedonistic economists, particularly by those who cultivate the doctrines of marginal utility.

  7. A peculiar interest, therefore, attaches to his work as the best accepted and most authoritative spokesman of that branch of historical economics which professes to cultivate theoretical inquiry.

  8. I am one among the few who go for educating the negroes, and in that education to cultivate affections between slave and master, to make encouragement perform the part of discipline, and inspire energy through proper rewards.

  9. They know these things-they feel them; and if by educating them one can cultivate their confidence, had we not better do it with a view to contingencies?

  10. On his little spot, by moonlight or starlight, the negro must cultivate for himself, that his family may enjoy a few of those fruits of which master has many.

  11. Would it not be better to cultivate the slave's affections, rather than oppress his feelings?

  12. Their position did not greatly differ from that of the modern fellahs, who cultivate the Egyptian soil for the benefit of the effendis, beys, and pachas or for that of the sovereign, who is still the greatest landowner in the country.

  13. He who wishes to speak of art with intelligence must study art objects themselves, must cultivate an intimate acquaintance with them, and, within himself, a love for beautiful forms.

  14. And you have never tried to cultivate the power?

  15. The really gifted don't cultivate the power as a rule.

  16. And really, if I didn't have a mind and feel a desire to cultivate it, I'd be the limit I suppose.

  17. As for Athalie, she had had no opportunity to meet any man she cared to cultivate since she had last talked with C.

  18. But let it once become newspaper gossip and my situation among people I most earnestly desire to cultivate would become instantly precarious and perhaps impossible.

  19. Would you try to cultivate it because I ask you to?

  20. Why should you not cultivate such a delicate and wonderful sense of perception?

  21. Mortified at this change, the Prince and my father resolved to make an appeal to the whole nation, and try to convince them how much happier they would be if they would cultivate the ground for their support.

  22. And nations who sedulously cultivate moral blindness as the cult of patriotism will end their existence in a sudden and violent death.

  23. It has made it possible for these peoples to come in closer touch with one another and cultivate a communion of aspiration.

  24. One is to regulate our passions and appetites for the harmonious development of man, and the other is to help him to cultivate disinterested love for his fellow-creatures.

  25. If he wishes his works to live with those of the poet and orator, he must, like them, cultivate those beauties of style which are fitted to his matter.

  26. He gave them lands to cultivate on the banks of the Nile which had gone out of cultivation with the gradual decline of Upper Egypt; and he employed them to guard the province against invasion or rebellion.

  27. I believe this has been found to be the case with all barbarous nations who never cultivate the mind; hence the cruelties imputed to savages, in general, towards their enemies.

  28. In referring to Rainy River the somewhat inflated style of the editor makes Sir George speak without the caution which every fur trader was directed to cultivate in revealing the resources of the fur country.

  29. A politic man, the leader of the traders when in Montreal conformed to the sentiment of the city, abroad in the wilds he did very little to encourage his subordinates to cultivate higher aims among the natives.

  30. As for the boy, I think you should yourself take charge of him: what in us the women leave uncultivated, children cultivate when we retain them near us.

  31. Thou seest well, that for me all this is nowhere to be met with except upon the stage; that in this element alone can I effect and cultivate myself according to my wishes.

  32. I am trying to teach her to wonder: that is the hardest faculty to cultivate in the modern child.

  33. He had argued rather that, being only a lovelier product of the common mould, she would abound in the adaptabilities and pliancies which the lords of the earth have seen fit to cultivate in their companions.

  34. This helped her to cultivate a sense of helpless injury and to disdain in advance the advice she was perpetually seeking.

  35. He built cities, and taught men to cultivate the earth.

  36. Genius may place itself at the head of an unintellectual, uneducated, unenergetic nation; but in a free country, to cultivate the intellect of those who elect, is the only mode of securing intellect and genius for rulers.

  37. They were practical botanists, able to distinguish different plants and to cultivate them for food.

  38. The most obvious element of weakness was the want of men to fill the armies and to cultivate the fields.

  39. Roman emperors, who saw how difficult it was to get a sufficient number of recruits for the army, and how whole districts were going to waste for lack of people to cultivate them, tried to repopulate the empire by force of law.

  40. Hold unchanging, with a grasp that nothing can relax, by Christ our life and our all; but with that tenacity of mind, try to cultivate flexibility too.

  41. Cultivate sedulously the virtues to which you are not inclined.

  42. Each college, from imperial Harvard and lordly Yale to the freshest Western "Institution," whose three professors fondly cultivate the same number of aspiring Alumni, has its particular dialect with its quadrennial changes.

  43. She never supposed us capable of telling the truth, so we very naturally never gave ourselves the trouble to cultivate a useless virtue, and seldom resorted to it unless it answered our purpose better than a lie.

  44. In default of a thrashing, however, the student must cultivate as best he can an intense fixity of perception upon every fact or word or date that he wishes to make permanently his own.

  45. You see, sir," said he, "that I do in some measure cultivate English literature.

  46. Longfellow did not cultivate us much personally, or ask us to his house, but he remembered us and acknowledged our salutations.

  47. All that is required, however, is evidence that the party has built a house fit to live in, and has in good faith proceeded to cultivate the soil.

  48. They place beside the goddess an unbound and tame lion, to show that there is no kind of land so wild and so excessively barren as that it would be profitless to attempt to bring it in and cultivate it.

  49. It may help to cultivate this virtue, to practise some forethought.

  50. Whoever would be truly happy and feel the real charms of goodness must cultivate this affection.

  51. We can not do better, then, than to cultivate cheerful thoughts in regard to age and death.

  52. Cultivate as far as possible the spirit of enterprise, for on that in a great degree depends your success or failure.

  53. Why not strive to cultivate the cheerful, hopeful disposition that will enable you to see the silver lining to every cloud?

  54. Hence all should tend well to it, watch, prune, and cultivate with all prudence and wisdom, with all fervency of spirit.

  55. Cultivate the powers, and harmonize them well, and they will make a noble character.

  56. Hence, in the formation of character, it is of the utmost importance to cultivate a steady, uniform, unyielding energy.

  57. They must teach them to cultivate their faculties, and to exercise all their senses to choose the good and refuse the evil.

  58. It is incumbent on us as members of society to cultivate a spirit of affability, to strive to make all within our influence happy by our kind solicitude for their welfare.

  59. Cultivate this habit of concentration if you would succeed in business; make it a second nature.

  60. Seizing the lands, they began to cultivate them and to make use of them.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cultivate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apprentice; approach; beautify; break; breed; carve; cherish; chisel; coddle; condition; convert; cosset; court; cradle; cultivate; culture; cut; delve; develop; dig; discipline; dress; drill; educate; elaborate; embellish; entertain; evolve; excite; exercise; exploit; extract; fallow; farm; feed; fertilize; finish; fit; follow; foment; fondle; force; form; groom; grow; harrow; harvest; hoe; improve; labor; list; machine; maintain; mature; mill; mine; mother; mulch; nourish; nurse; nurture; pamper; perfect; plow; practice; prepare; process; produce; propagate; prune; pump; pursue; quicken; raise; rake; ready; rear; refine; rehearse; ripen; school; season; sharpen; smelt; spade; stimulate; stir; suckle; sustain; tend; thin; till; train; weed; whet; work

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cultivated fields; cultivated ground; cultivated land; cultivated plants