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Example sentences for "flex"

Lexicographically close words:
fleuve; flew; flewe; flewed; flews; flexed; flexes; flexibility; flexible; flexibly
  1. I tested the bars with my hands, but even my new set of muscles wouldn't flex them more than a few thousandths of an inch.

  2. I could flex the nail neither with my other hand nor by biting it; between my teeth it had the uncomfortable solidity of a sheet of metal that conveyed to my brain that the old teeth should not try to bite too hard.

  3. Flexes thigh; may flex crus also and may extend tarsometatarsus.

  4. It perhaps also tends to flex the third and fourth digits.

  5. Extend the toes as far as possible, then flex them.

  6. Grasp with the right hand the calf of the extended right leg, and vigorously flex the leg, bringing it near to the body.

  7. On the inside we feel three tendons of important muscles on the back of the thigh which flex the leg upon the thigh.

  8. Flex the wrist with the fingers extended, and again with the fingers in the fist.

  9. In addition to this, they flex the hand on the forearm.

  10. As their names indicate, these muscles, both superficial and deep, flex the digits.

  11. The function of this tendon is to flex the foot at the fetlock.

  12. When the bandage is in place the leg should be released, and the horse will violently flex the bandaged limb and produce pressure on the bursa, with consequent bursting and discharging of its contents.

  13. It is the function of this tendon to flex the coffin bone and, with it, the horny box.

  14. When caused by tumors or otherwise, when pressure is slight, it produces a paralysis of the muscles used in extending a limb and contraction of those which flex it.

  15. An excellent test for spavin lameness, which may be readily applied, consists in lifting the affected leg from the ground for one or two minutes and holding the foot high so as to flex all the joints.

  16. There is dorsiflexion at the ankle-joint, and if an attempt is made to flex the foot towards the sole, the extensor tendons stand out prominently.

  17. In the congenital form, which is apparently due to a faulty attitude of the lower extremities in utero, the patella may be imperfectly developed or absent; the knee is convex backwards, and attempts to flex the joint cause pain.

  18. November 12, the patient was able to flex his thumb but showed some anesthesia.

  19. He is given no time to think, but urged to move the arm more and more strongly, to grip the physician’s hand, to flex and extend the elbow, etc.

  20. Thus, he could raise his arm, flex the thumb, flex the fingers, close the hand, and extend the hand and fingers.

  21. I am now able to walk comfortably, but am unable to flex the ankle more than at right angle to my leg.

  22. In December, 1915, the patient still could extend and flex the toes on the left side very badly, though he could execute movements easily on the right side.

  23. Three weeks later, he was able to flex his forearm only by means of the supinator longus.

  24. He could now very slightly flex and extend the knees, and very slightly flex and rotate the ankle, and weakly move the toes.

  25. At a time when the corneal reflex was completely abolished, it was still impossible, with the exertion of the greatest strength, to flex the segments of the lower extremities.

  26. The leg began to flex upon the thigh and, after straightening under anesthesia, was placed in plaster.

  27. If requested to go back, he failed to flex his legs to keep balance.

  28. The forearm would suddenly flex upon the upper arm, and the upper arm itself would violently push itself forward and outward.

  29. He could not walk and could hardly flex thighs on pelvis or legs on thighs.

  30. Occasionally he could flex the fingers through a small angle.

  31. A man was wounded at about the middle of his biceps and three weeks later was found to be able to flex the forearm only by means of the supinator longus.

  32. Such is the fatal depravity of every human heart that any subtle appeal to selfishness, if it fail to flex the victim to the will, at least shakes the strong sense of conscious rectitude, and makes our very worthiness seem weakness.

  33. On laying bare the outer margin of the semi-membranosus muscle, while the knee is straight, it now becomes necessary to flex the joint, in order that this muscle may admit of being pressed inwards from over the vessel.

  34. If in this position of the limb we sever the connexion between the ligament and fascia, the former becomes relaxed in the same degree as it does when we flex the thigh upon the abdomen.

  35. When made to step aside in the stall, a spavined horse will flex the affected member abruptly and when weight is taken on the diseased leg, symptoms are evinced of pain, and weight is immediately shifted to the sound limb.

  36. The latter pair (flexor metatarsi, muscular and tendinous portions, because of their attachment to the external condyle of the femur and to the metatarsal bone) are enabled to automatically flex the tarsal joint when the stifle is flexed.

  37. When the stifle is extended, the hock is automatically extended, nor can it under any circumstances flex without the previous flexion of the stifle.

  38. Also, there exists lameness which is characterized by an apparent inability to flex the leg, and there is circumduction of the leg as it is advanced because in this way little if any flexion of the carpus (which increases pain) is necessary.

  39. Acting together, these muscles flex the carpus or extend the elbow and this action is antagonized by the biceps brachii (flexor brachii) and extensors of the carpus and phalanges.

  40. The function of the triceps as a whole is to flex the shoulder joint and extend the forearm.

  41. In a forward luxation of this kind, the operator should further flex the humerus, and while it is in this flexed position, force is exerted upon the articular head of this bone, and it is pushed downward and backward into its normal position.

  42. Since the stifle and hock joints extend and flex in unison, there is presented also an extension of the tarsus.

  43. The first mention of them came in the 1st Marine Brigade’s after action report on Fleet Landing Exercise 3 (FLEX 3).

  44. It is simply asking for trouble to use red flex on a red carpet.

  45. If there had been a length of yellow flex to the electric standard the accident would never have happened.

  46. The one caught in the attacker's grip was usually unable to flex its body sharply enough to reach its opponent at all, or could barely reach it at such an oblique angle that its jaws slipped off the smooth body.

  47. The one caught is unable to flex its body and neck enough to secure a retaliatory grip on the attacker, and must break away by violent thrashing.

  48. She saw again the splendid flex of his side and powerful thigh.

  49. There was the same flex of the splendid waist, the same slow lift of the head, and steady, beautiful eyes.

  50. There is pain and tenderness in front of the upper end of the humerus, the patient is unable to abduct or to elevate the arm, and he may be unable to flex the elbow when the forearm is supinated.

  51. The involvement of the tendon sheath is usually indicated by the patient being unable to flex the finger, and by the pain being increased when he attempts to do so.

  52. The complaint may be of vague pains, of occasional cracking on moving the joint, or of impairment of function--usually an inability to extend or flex the joint completely.

  53. The patient is unable to supinate the forearm or to abduct the arm, and in most cases to flex the forearm.

  54. The patient is usually able to flex the finger to a certain extent without increasing the pain--a point which indicates that the tendon sheaths have not been invaded.

  55. I was sitting at my desk, trying to decide how to tell the women of America that they were certain to be lovely in a Plasti-Flex brassiere without absolutely guaranteeing them anything, when the two security men came to get me.

  56. My fingers felt swollen and numb when I tried to flex them.

  57. The Plasti-Flex man is waiting for your--" I opened my mouth, but one of the security men cut in.

  58. The first thing I saw was a telephone with an unusually long flex to it.

  59. I don't quite understand why this flex is so long, but I can make a shrewd guess.

  60. By feeling about they could trace the flex of the extension to a square wooden box screwed down to the leads.

  61. Attached to the receiver in the place of the usual short flex was a cord at least eight or nine feet long.

  62. Now you understand why the flex of the telephone is so long.

  63. Defn: Having a separate and simple tendon to flex the first toe, or hallux, as do passerine birds.

  64. Then the knee commences to flex and the body bends at the trunk, the hip turning in until the finger-tips touch the floor.

  65. When the flex snapped he jumped up and grabbed it, and was in the very act of again attaching it to the instrument when he became his own executioner.

  66. He then looked upward in a puzzled way to where the flex went up and out through the skylight and, threading through a maze of wires, hooked itself fast to one.

  67. The wild wind must either have blown the flex against the bared wire of the electric light or the bared wire against the flex--that we shall never know--and in the winking of an eye he was annihilated.

  68. He was taking the message from the tapped wire with that flex, and the fragment that reached the telegraph office only got through when the flex snapped.

  69. A tenor large and fresh as the creation fills me, The orbic flex of his mouth is pouring and filling me full.

  70. A second later and he was dragging the long spare flex from the impromptu operating-room to the swinging cord over the hall lamp.

  71. With a knife he cut the cord loose, he stripped the copper wires beneath, and rapidly joined one flex to the other.

  72. If you have got a few yards of spare flex from your reading-lamp I'll rig the thing up without troubling your electrician.

  73. Then raising the patient slightly, draw him back toward you, turning him at the same time, and then flex the knees.

  74. To raise the patient, instruct him to flex his knees and to press his feet firmly upon the bed; place one arm under his shoulders, as when changing pillows, the other arm under the thighs, and lift him upward without jerking.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flex" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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