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Example sentences for "posse"

Lexicographically close words:
positron; posits; positum; positus; possa; possent; posses; possess; possesse; possessed
  1. An army is not a posse comitatus; nor is it, when in actual war, face to face with the enemy, amenable to the ordinary provisions of the Constitution.

  2. One of them only, he quotes to reprehend: "Ita amicum habeas, posse ut fieri inimicum putes.

  3. I calculated the cost of the warrant and the sheriff's services to be at least ten dollars, since the officer had sacrificed angling for posse duty; although he was prevented from catching fish, there was a nice mess for me.

  4. We had just finished lunch and were smoking when the posse arrived; but now Coonskin cooked for our friends, while I did all the honors and gleaned all the information essential to our interests.

  5. Gather a posse quickly, and make sure of capturing them.

  6. Ask the chief to have 17 take on a posse at CX and rush them here.

  7. For an attempt had been made that morning to rob the Farmers' Savings Bank at Zeisler, a posse had been sent from Bixton to aid in the pursuit of the robbers, and reports from the hunt were being anxiously looked for.

  8. So down the usher proceeded, accompanied by a posse of constables and policemen of various divisions, till they arrived at the schoolhouse, which lay adjacent to the churchyard, and then demanded admittance.

  9. The balance of the posse followed behind.

  10. The proprietor of the ranch, Jim Greathouse, accompanied Steck back to the posse behind the logs.

  11. A few hours later the "Kid" and gang made a break for liberty, intending to fight the posse to a finish, they not knowing that the officers had departed.

  12. The time had just expired when the posse were to kill Jim Greathouse, if Carlyle was not back.

  13. He at once notified Officer Dick Bruer, who made up a posse to search for Roberts, an ex-soldier, a fine rider, and a dead shot.

  14. In the outlaws' camp the posse found a good supply of grub and plunder.

  15. In the excitement, Jim Greathouse slipped away from the posse and ran through the woods.

  16. Of course this brought back the misery he had endured without gloves after the posse raided their camp at Coyote Spring.

  17. The posse was made up of the following men: R.

  18. Bruer had been sworn in as a special constable, and was making up a posse to arrest the murderers of Tunstall.

  19. The next day a posse was made up of leading citizens of White Oaks with Deputy Sheriff Will Hudgens and Jim Carlyle in command.

  20. On November 27th, a posse of White Oaks citizens under command of Jim Carlyle and Will Hudgens, rode to the Jim Greathouse road-ranch, about forty miles north, arriving there before daylight.

  21. The boys have been riding me, stronger and stronger, to get up a posse and come over here.

  22. With Plenty Buffalo and one or two Indian policemen who happened to be at the agency, a posse was hurriedly made up.

  23. I'll admit that I've been sort of clamoring for you to let me bring a big posse over here and round up McFann in a hurry.

  24. Soon afterwards a posse of gensdarmes appeared and proceeded to make rigorous search.

  25. We did so and there found the mayor and a posse of villagers.

  26. Telling the sheriff to guard the bags of the party carefully, I took two of the posse and rode over to Moran's Point.

  27. I didn't find anything incriminating, and the posse reported the same result with the other baggage.

  28. By nine o'clock the posse and I were in the saddle and skirting the San Francisco peaks.

  29. The posse were gazing dubiously, reluctantly, at a foot-bridge across a deep abyss.

  30. Be good enough to send that for me," said he "and leave orders at Barker's for the night express eastward to stop for us, and to bring a posse to take care of the wounded and prisoners.

  31. That evening they called a meeting of their followers, and a second posse set forth through the darkness for Charleston.

  32. The blamed posse made such a noise coming up to the cabin that the two of 'em thought 't was a lynching-party and opened fire on us.

  33. The posse deliberated briefly; and then turned back for Tombstone.

  34. He quoted the passage to Pat Garret when the Lincoln County sheriff and his posse were taking him and his captured companions to Santa Fé.

  35. And when the other two members of the posse came to take part in the fight, there was only one train-robber living.

  36. And if the sheriff looked for a request for a posse he was disappointed.

  37. In the night-time the posse crawled through the brush and rocks to the place where they had located the camp of the fugitives.

  38. Before I'd gone twenty yards Hunt and Grounds had killed two of the posse and by the time I was over that rise behind the house they'd laid out the other.

  39. The under-sheriff detailed Breckenbridge on the case and drafted a posse of three men to help him.

  40. The news flew fast, and when the posse returned from Charleston they found the town of Tombstone discussing Johnny Behan's predicament.

  41. Finally he got word of the rendezvous in Sonorian Camp and took a small posse to capture the leaders.

  42. The next morning the posse set out at once at top speed for the fortress of Morello, the sapphire chest being carried in the auto which accompanied the authorities.

  43. He's the grit kid," put in one of the hastily-gathered posse admiringly.

  44. As their dark forms raced by, the posse headed by Sheriff Tebbetts and Nat, fired volley after volley at them, but only two fell, slightly wounded.

  45. A subsequent visit to their fortress showed that on escaping from the posse they had revisited it and cleaned all the loot out of it that they could.

  46. As the posse galloped up, cheering till the distant canyons echoed and re-echoed, the besieged party rushed out.

  47. On entering the inner harbour he would see boats full of men who looked like women, pushing off to his ship; and then a posse of officers, each armed with two sharp swords, would come on board.

  48. A certain Mr Moss was arrested, cruelly maltreated, and hidden from his official protector, the consul, by a posse of Japanese police, for having shot game in the vicinity of Kanagawa.

  49. Nunc, quoniam auctoritate et consilio tuo in spe firmiore sumus, si teneri posse putas Tarracinam et oram maritimam, in ea manebo, etsi praesidia in oppidis nulla sunt.

  50. You understand that the moment we've made a peaceable entrance to even a foothold on your side, the Harrisons are only trespassers, and with the title to back us we can call on the whole sheriff's posse to put them off.

  51. If I hadn't balked you, the Barelas stood ready; if the Barelas failed, yonder big dust was on the way; half your own posse would have turned on you for half a guess at the truth.

  52. He will ride straight to the first posse he sees, claiming he's run his horse down chasing the mares.

  53. And Foy'll be all right--if only the posse follows the plain trail.

  54. Speed was his best safety now; he pushed on boldly, cheered by the thought that if seen by any of the posse he would be taken for one of their own number.

  55. The posse was rather equally divided between two classes--simpletons and fools.

  56. You know some of the posse might be coming back, askin' fool questions.

  57. In these and any intermediate directions from the Vorhis Ranch the diligent posse comitatus made swift and jealous search through the slow hours of afternoon.

  58. He heard the sound of hurried mounting; from the thunder of galloping hoofs it would seem that a goodly number of the posse had come up to the specifications laid down by the old ranger.

  59. But he could stand a siege till we could get word to his friends if, by any chance, the posse should find his cave.

  60. At every ranch they drove all the fresh saddle horses out of the way, so a posse couldn't get a remount without losing time.

  61. One posse was to go up the San Andres on the east, leaving a man at every waterhole.

  62. Bud led Scotty and Red with the rest of the posse up the Gap trail.

  63. A posse was hastily organized with Big Joe Turner leading them.

  64. There was a chance that he might be able to rescue them and she knew he wouldn't lose any time in getting a posse on the outlaws' trail.

  65. One of the band told Joe Turner that they had intended to hold the posse off until night and make their escape.

  66. Does he not send for a posse of constables or thief-takers to handcuff the villain, or take him either to Bedlam or Newgate?

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "posse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    army; band; battalion; battery; bevy; body; brigade; bunch; cabal; cadre; cast; clique; cohort; column; company; complement; constabulary; contingent; corps; coterie; covey; crew; crowd; detachment; detail; division; dragnet; exploration; faction; file; fleet; forage; frisk; gang; garrison; group; grouping; hunt; hunting; junta; mob; movement; organization; outfit; pack; party; phalanx; platoon; police; posse; probe; quest; rank; regiment; rummage; salon; search; searching; section; squad; squadron; stable; stalk; stalking; string; team; train; tribe; troop; trooper; troupe; unit; vigilantes; stalking; string; team; train; tribe; troop; trooper; troupe; unit; vigilantes

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    posse comitatus; possess himself; possess themselves; possessive case; possessive pronoun