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Example sentences for "bulky"

Lexicographically close words:
bulkhead; bulkheads; bulkier; bulking; bulks; bull; bulla; bullace; bullae; bulldog
  1. A bulky document on blue paper, and also a letter had dropped to the ground.

  2. Mrs. Verrall rang, and a small packet, no larger than a bulky letter, was brought in.

  3. Rather a bulky parcel, some writing upon it.

  4. A bulky iron instrument fashioned by hand, and mostlike brought from the mother country, it could not well be concealed.

  5. Mr. Bulky had once been upset from the canoe, but, unlike Mr. Wilkinson, he could not swim.

  6. Meestare Bulky ees a shentleman, bot he 'ave no sharitay for smokinga men," replied Pierre, ruefully.

  7. If I had my way with Bulky I'd smoke him blue in the face, if for nothing but to drown his abominable assafoetida, the pig!

  8. Mr. Bulky is still its hero, and Wilkinson, who does not smoke, has had him up to Tillycot with Mr. Bigglethorpe and without his fishing coat.

  9. Why should Bulky bulk so large in any place of entertainment as to send everybody else to a stable?

  10. Que dommage, Meestare Bulky was not there, a man so intelligent, so clever, so subtle of mind!

  11. Eef 'is foot hadda been also leetle as ze foot of M'syae, Meestare Bulky vould 'ave drown.

  12. With regard to the great water routes, which are open to large vessels, it is very problematical whether railways could supersede, or even compete with, navigation in the carrying of bulky goods.

  13. This bulky structure is usually placed not higher than six or eight feet from the ground.

  14. The materials used in the construction of the bulky nests are any fibrous substance, sticks, leaves, fine grasses and "in fact trash of any kind.

  15. How is that fine neck and delicate head to make room for that bulky rabbit?

  16. Consequently they must have their jaws and bulky digestive apparatus in full development to the end.

  17. Its wonderful jaws that did so much damage (for good or evil as the case may be) to the vegetable world are now gone, and the bulky digestive apparatus has rapidly dwindled to useless dimensions.

  18. The General's bulky and commanding figure would bend lissomely at a point where you would have regarded its ability to do so with incredulity.

  19. Considering this vista, Tansey at length persuaded himself that the seeming mountains were, in fact, the convent of Santa Mercedes, with which ancient and bulky pile he was better familiar from different coigns of view.

  20. Tansey sprung toward her, but Captain Peek interposed his bulky form.

  21. Billie was glad to see that, relieved of the greater part of her starched and bulky wearing apparel, Edina was slim.

  22. Over this, accentuating her naturally bulky proportions, was a stiffly starched white shirtwaist, adorned by a flowing red tie.

  23. I fear I am so bulky that I have taken up most of the passage.

  24. I should like to see Don's amazed look when the other glove drops out of my letter, which was a bulky package and cost ever so much in postage.

  25. Covering the light in the ceiling again, the better to see outside, herself, unobserved, she noted the conductor and another man place the bulky cylinder on the platform, without the slightest effort at concealment.

  26. And there was that bulky package too, that Field believed contained the body of Sir Charles.

  27. No doubt just after he got that crack on the head he did see a bulky package taken downstairs.

  28. The body is a bulky thing, and has to be removed from the hotel.

  29. Richford's hands, still trembling, produced a bulky package from his pocket.

  30. If your bulky shoulders get through, we can all manage it.

  31. I am writing the treatise of which I spoke to you, "On the Republic," a very bulky and laborious work.

  32. The big and bulky lieutenant lurched unmistakably as he walked; his face was flushed, his eyes red.

  33. Soon after, Jack moved his bulky frame, rolled round, threw out his arms, and yawned.

  34. In a humble abode near the said docks a bulky sea-captain lay stretched in his hammock, growling.

  35. I did not regard it as any of his affair where I had delivered the letter, and did not intend to inform him I had left the bulky envelope at the Hong-Kong-Shanghai Bank.

  36. Thank you," I replied, and took the letter, which was quite bulky and sealed with a splotch of black wax imprinted with a coat of arms or a crest, or some such insignia.

  37. Gordon heard footsteps descending heavily from the road, a bulky shape loomed up before him and disclosed the features of Dr.

  38. The clerk dropped a bulky volume heavily on the counter.

  39. I took from her the stubborn slacks and the bulky sweat shirt and the satin white bra.

  40. It took all my strength to pull the bulky body free of the cramped space between the back seat and the back of the front seat.

  41. Brigadier, who had a great, bulky convoy to protect, and had it at the moment in a defenceless position.

  42. The nest is rather a frail structure, tho much more bulky than nests of the Black-billed or Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

  43. Nest: a bulky mass of fine twigs thickly plastered centrally with mud and lined with fine rootlets, placed 6-30 feet high in evergreen tree of thicket, or near edge of clearing.

  44. These Vireos swing a bulky basket from the lower or middle heights of oak trees, fir trees, alders, or saplings of various sorts.

  45. Nest: a bulky compacted structure of twigs, plant-fibers and tree-moss with warm lining of fine mosses and feathers, placed well up in fir tree.

  46. The nest is quite a bulky affair, yet compact centrally, composed externally of copious dried leaves and twigs; internally of fine grasses and interwoven rootlets.

  47. In doing so, the chief solicitude seems to be that the living mosses, of which the bulky globe is composed, shall be kept moist by the flying spray, and so retain their greenness.

  48. The great class of Zoöphytes can be introduced, but many varieties of them will be found already within the aquarium, in the company of their more bulky neighbors.

  49. By the next post came a rather bulky packet.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bulky" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    astronomic; astronomical; awesome; awkward; boundless; brawny; bulky; clumsy; coarse; colossal; contrary; corpulent; cosmic; cosmical; crass; crosswise; cumbersome; cumbrous; dense; durable; elephantine; enduring; enormous; extensive; fat; firm; full; gigantic; gross; hard; heavy; hefty; huge; hulking; immeasurable; immense; impractical; inconvenient; infinite; large; lasting; lumbering; lumpish; lumpy; mammoth; massive; mighty; monster; monstrous; monumental; mountainous; overgrown; perverse; ponderous; prodigious; rugged; sizable; solid; sound; spacious; stable; steady; stout; strong; stupendous; sturdy; thick; thickset; tough; tremendous; unhandy; unmanageable; unwieldy; unyielding; vast; viscous; voluminous; weighty