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Example sentences for "boma"

Lexicographically close words:
bolts; boltsprit; bolus; boluses; bom; bomas; bomb; bombard; bombarde; bombarded
  1. There is a strong sentiment that Leopoldville and not Boma should be the capital and it is not unlikely that this change will be made.

  2. Having studied engineering he was sent out at once to Boma to join the Topographic Brigade.

  3. He was, he said, under the impression that he had been brought to Boma as a witness against Caudron.

  4. Were you brought down to Boma under a military escort?

  5. You knew absolutely nothing about your being kept in Boma to be tried for serious offences you were accused of having committed?

  6. No; I came down alone; but when I arrived at Boma I was met by a guard of soldiers, and was taken to the prison, where I remained five days, and was then let out.

  7. I have the honour to inclose the rejoinder on the part of the Congo Government to the Report of His Majesty’s Consul at Boma on the condition of the Congo.

  8. I later made official communication to the local Government at Boma on these points, in so far as the system I had seen at work affected the English missionaries within the A.

  9. And now when any Englishman goes ashore at Boma or Matadi or any place on the river, they're fit to eat him.

  10. He landed across by canoe from Vivi, and wanted steamer passage down to Boma by the M'poso.

  11. I don'-want no trouble at Boma with doctor palaver.

  12. BOMA (properly Mboma), a port on the north bank of the river Congo about 60 m.

  13. In 1884 the natives of Boma granted a protectorate of their country to the International Association of the Congo.

  14. And so she won beyond the encircling boma and disappeared into the jungle to the south.

  15. Overhanging the boma at this point was a tree that had been too large, in the eyes of the rest-loving blacks, to cut down.

  16. He kept close to him by day and slept touching him at night in the rude thorn boma they constructed as a slight protection against prowling carnivora.

  17. So they had terminated the boma just short of it.

  18. He was shouting to his men, and as she heard them reply Meriem darted from the hut and ran toward the edge of the boma furthest from Malbihn's tent.

  19. Mr. Ray Ulyate, the white hunter to the expedition, had already gone to Kijabe to prepare his ox-wagons against our coming, and the Boma Trading Company had engaged a special train to leave Nairobi on the fifth.

  20. Sewall, of the Boma Trading Company, of Nairobi, and myself.

  21. The agreement, in documentary form, was spread out on the table in the Boma Trading Company's London office when he finally wanted to know how in Heaven's name we thought this thing could be done.

  22. It will be my duty to report at Boma what I have seen and heard in the village.

  23. Neither you nor I will ever reach Boma if Elbel and the officials have their way.

  24. Nando go to Boma with old massa; what den?

  25. He would run any risk rather than go to Boma and submit himself to the tender mercies of the Congo State officials.

  26. To Boma zerefore muss you go, and at vunce.

  27. One man may sit in a boma night after night without getting a shot, while another may go out once and bring back a black-mane.

  28. The boma method is slightly more dangerous and much more exciting.

  29. Drawing: The Boma Method] The lion can not get into the boma unless he jumps up and comes in from the top.

  30. The tree and boma methods are much esteemed by those sportsmen who wish to reduce personal danger to the least common denominator--the sportsmen who think discretion is the better part of valor and a hunter in a tree is worth two in the bush.

  31. On the night of December the twenty-third I sat out in a boma watching for lions.

  32. The boma was on the edge of a great swamp, miles in extent and a great rendezvous for game of many kinds.

  33. I spent two nights in a boma without seeing a lion; Stephenson spent seven nights and saw only a lioness.

  34. I was about three hundred yards from the boma when my attention was drawn to a movement in the trees about a quarter of a mile away.

  35. My first boma was a meshwork of thorns piled and interwoven together with the architectural simplicity of an Eskimo igloo.

  36. No white man at Boma knew anything of the road to the old Capital; but, as a letter had been received from it after three days' march, there was evidently no difficulty.

  37. Above Boma the hills, which are the outlines of the west African Ghats, form a graceful semicircle, separated from the water by a flat terrace garnished with little villages and tree- islets.

  38. The wind fell to a dead calm, and five hours and a half sufficed to cover the thirty miles between Boma and Porto da Lenha.

  39. Tuckey describes the hills between Boma and Nkulu as stony and barren, which is perhaps a little too strong.

  40. Yet at Boma the residents prefer a spring near the factories, and attribute dysentery to the use of river-water.

  41. The Boma factories are like those of Porto da Lenha, but humbler in size, and more resembling the wicker-work native houses.

  42. Boma is no longer "the emporium of the Congo Empire," if it ever did deserve that title.

  43. It is one of the hundred out-stations which supplied the main dépôts, Boma and Porto da Lenha.

  44. My best plan was to return to Boma at once, organize a party, and march upon Congo Grande (S.

  45. An English battalion in its entrenched camp at Inagu barred the road which led from the Boma Malema round the west side of the Inagu Mountains to Alto-Moloque.

  46. Before dark our gun was brought into position and fire opened on the Boma and its entrenchments.

  47. It was not advisable to occupy the Boma Fort itself; it consisted of a group of buildings surrounded by a massive high wall, and was situated in the middle of a completely cleared bit of country.

  48. There were thousands of orange trees in full bloom and our coloured men immediately christened it the “Boma ja machungwa” (Orange boma).

  49. Simultaneously a Portuguese patrol had gone north from the Boma Malema and returned.

  50. On Christmas Day we saw a larger mass than usual falling on the Boma of Kibata.

  51. Simultaneous reports were received that troops were also marching towards the Boma Malema from the west, the direction of Malacotera.

  52. Goering’s detachment, without loss of time, made a still wider detour to the south in order, by using a ravine, to come close up to the Boma in the rear.

  53. The Boma of Regone was held in considerable strength.

  54. The turning movement which the enemy was making round the left wing of Otto’s Detachment was allowed to continue until the outflanking detachment had got right round in rear of Captain Otto, near the Boma of Kissaki.

  55. It was therefore necessary to exercise particular caution, and the impetuosity with which Lieutenant Boell’s company, in spite of all these considerations, advanced on the Boma might have had serious consequences.

  56. We could already see, several miles in breadth, the hill and the buildings of Boma Numarroe.

  57. Hastily leaving the boma he searched in all directions about the enclosure for some farther sign of the tell-tale spoor.

  58. Trees overhung the boma at this point which was upon the opposite side of the camp from them.

  59. Men leaped from their blankets and with guns ready ran toward the picket line, and then from the jungle beyond the boma a dozen lions, emboldened by the example of their fellow charged fearlessly upon the camp.

  60. A thorn boma had been thrown up about the camp, to discourage the bolder of the hungry carnivora.

  61. The Call of the Jungle Moved by these vague yet all-powerful urgings the ape-man lay awake one night in the little thorn boma that protected, in a way, his party from the depredations of the great carnivora of the jungle.

  62. From beneath beetling brows the creature saw the boma constructed, the fires built, and the supper prepared.

  63. Unwounded, the boma and the flames might have turned him back; but now the pain and the rage wiped caution from his mind, and with a loud, and angry roar he topped the barrier with an easy leap and was among the horses.

  64. A great fire blazed within the little thorn boma about the camp.

  65. It was very late when the ape-man re-entered the boma and lay down among his black warriors.

  66. We could get it at Boma but I'd sooner depend on the English firm.

  67. I'm not going to take any chances on being held up at Boma after getting out.

  68. Now the party went to the Boma Trading Company's store.

  69. After a lunch they returned to the Boma Company.

  70. The good features of Boma are like those attractive articles one sometimes sees in a shop window, but which in the shop one fails to find--at least, I did not find them in the shop.

  71. Boma really is like a seaport of one of the Central American republics.

  72. In spite of the fact that Boma is a "European watering-place," all the servants of the State with whom I talked wanted to get away from it, especially those who already had served in the interior.

  73. Boma is the capital of a country which is as large as six nations of the European continent.

  74. With Leopoldville above and Boma below, still nearer the mouth of the river, Matadi makes a centre link in the chain of the three important towns of the Lower Congo.

  75. But on the way to Boma and, later, when I travelled on the Upper Congo, I thought the river more beautiful than any great river I had ever seen.

  76. From Boma we steamed six hours farther up the river to Matadi.

  77. Boma is built at the foot of a hill of red soil.

  78. As the capital of the government Boma contains the residence and gardens of the governor, who is the personal representative of Leopold, both as a shopkeeper and as a king by divine right.

  79. Boma is not a capital; it is the distributing factory for a huge trading concern, and a particularly selfish one.

  80. The two things in the American invasion of the Congo that promise good to that unhappy country are that our country is represented at Boma by a most intelligent, honest, and fearless young man in the person of James A.

  81. The great impediment to the navigation of the Congo had lain in the continuous rapids which made the river impassable from Stanley Pool for three hundred miles down to Boma at the mouth.

  82. Another new factor in the situation was the completion, in 1898, of the Lower Congo Railway, which connects Boma with Stanley Pool, and so outflanks the cataracts.

  83. The reason was that there lived in Boma a British coloured subject named Shanir, who was at the pains to attend the court day by day in order to preserve some record of the procedure.

  84. Take warning, you who seek service in this dark country, for suicide, the Boma prison, or such deeds as will poison your memory forever are the only choice which will lie before you.

  85. While dealing with trials of Boma I will give some short account of the Caudron case, which occurred in 1904.

  86. Why he should be chosen among all his fellow-murderers is hard to explain, but it was so, and he found himself at Boma with a sentence of twenty years.

  87. If complications ensue, as is likely, then Boma shall be occupied.

  88. At this moment two American citizens, Shepherd and that noble Virginian, Morrison, are about to be tried at Boma for telling the truth about the scoundrels.

  89. The Lower Congo and the Boma railway would, no doubt, present difficulties, but surely they are not above solution.

  90. At Boma and at Leopoldsville, the two termini of the projected line, cities are rising, with stations, wharves and public buildings.

  91. Under pressure from England, Lothaire was tried at Boma and acquitted.

  92. English line should do so) conveys the Congo rubber from Boma to Antwerp.

  93. If the caravan be opposed, then again Boma and a conference.

  94. Only a few years ago, news took at least two months to reach Boma from the Kassai, and the reply would not be received under another two months, and this only if the parties were available and the steamer ready to start.

  95. A Belgian paper states that ``a telegram dispatched from Kwamouth on January 15th was delivered at Boma half an hour later.

  96. In the game country a boma is always necessary, not only for protection and to keep the men together, but to keep out hyænas, &c.

  97. The same night a large herd of cattle was stolen from the boma without any one knowing it; so next morning, when the loss was discovered, all the Wahuma set off on the spoor to track them down; but with what effect I never knew.

  98. Ukulima, however, was a very kind and good man, though he did stick the hands and heads of his victims on the poles of his boma as a warning to others.

  99. Bui and Nasib then gave me the slip, and slept that night in a neighbouring boma without my knowledge.

  100. To fortify ourselves against another invasion, we cut down all their plaintains to make a boma or fence.

  101. The boma must be round with two gates well masked by at least five yards of bush.

  102. To pass through these and find egress through the boma seemed a task too fraught with insurmountable obstacles to warrant even the slightest consideration, and yet there was no other way.

  103. As the ape-man entered the boma with old Tambudza at his elbow the seven sailors, recognizing him, turned and fled in the opposite direction.

  104. Then, with a sudden brave toss of her head, she attacked the thorny boma wall with her delicate hands.

  105. Keeping the tent between him and herself, she crossed between the small shelters of the native porters to the boma wall beyond.

  106. At last they reached the rude boma that Rokoff's porters had thrown up round the Russian's camp.

  107. The thorn boma round it was the strongest and most impregnable that the Mosula could construct.

  108. By the light of the blazing boma he saw the men of his party at two points of the outer hedge, some leaping over it, some slashing at it with their knives and tearing it down.

  109. To set fire to the outer hedge would be useless; within the boma the enemy would be still secure, and the conflagration would but give them light to take aim at their assailants.

  110. I shall go on slowly, and camp when I come to a suitable place, and my men will rig up a boma in no time.

  111. It's much easier to break into the boma than to hunt game in the open, and I expect now that he's tasted blood again and got back his confidence we shall have some more trouble.

  112. The boma was constructed of material cut from the surrounding scrub, and was of no great strength, though sufficiently formidable to stop a rush.

  113. John guessed that the white man within the boma had adopted the flare as a better signal than the one he had suggested; undoubtedly the Baganda had reached the camp in safety.

  114. Instantly there was a great flame; the dry thornbushes of the boma took fire readily.

  115. The camp was pitched near a shallow stream, a boma was erected round it, and next day the travellers set off with Coja and one of the porters, leaving the rest in charge of the second Swahili.

  116. As a precaution, he caused an inner boma to be erected around the tents and the grass huts of the men, so that if lions should break into the outer enclosure they would find another barrier between them and human prey.

  117. The boma was less than two hundred yards distant.

  118. There lay the camp; within the boma fires were burning.

  119. But I can't miss the boma if I go straight ahead.

  120. There was a great commotion among the animals in the outer enclosure, and dashing through them, Mr. Halliday saw that a gap had been broken in the boma no more than three yards from one of the fires.

  121. With a single bound the savage beast cleared the boma wall as, with almost equal agility, the warrior cleared it upon the opposite side and, chancing the dangers lurking in the darkness, bolted for the nearest tree.

  122. He made a second trip into the boma and the former grisly tragedy was reenacted with another howling victim.

  123. Numa was out of the boma almost as soon as he was inside it; but as he went back over the low thorn wall, he took a screaming negro with him.

  124. In a rude circle about them they had constructed a thorn boma which, with the aid of the fire, they apparently hoped would discourage the advances of the larger carnivora.

  125. As a matter of fact, however, the doorway had not been properly closed, and while we were wondering what the lion could be doing inside the boma for so long, he was outside all the time, silently reconnoitring our position.

  126. Orders had been given for the entrance to the boma to be blocked up, and accordingly we were listening in the expectation of hearing the lion force his way out through the bushes with his prey.

  127. I called out that he was dead, and at once everyone in the boma turned out, bringing all the lanterns in the place.

  128. The only blemish was that the skin was much scored by the boma thorns through which he had so often forced his way in carrying off his victims.

  129. He measured nine feet six inches from tip of nose to tip of tail, and stood three feet eleven and a half inches high; but, as in the case of his companion, the skin was disfigured by being deeply scored all over by the boma thorns.

  130. It seemed, however, as if barriers were of no avail against the "demons", for before very long one of them found a weak spot in the boma and broke through.

  131. When the trap was ready I pitched a tent over it in order further to deceive the lions, and built an exceedingly strong boma round it.

  132. Darkness found everyone in my boma on the alert and listening anxiously to hear the noise the leopard would make the moment he was caught in the trap.

  133. These I had carried up to my own boma on charpoys (native beds); and Brock being away, I had to play the doctor myself as best I could, stitching one and bandaging another and generally doing what was possible.

  134. The brute then seized him in his mouth, like a huge cat with a mouse, and ran up and down the boma looking for a weak spot to break through.

  135. The first stop this steamer will make will be at Boma on the Congo River.

  136. From Kwa to Boma the journey was comparatively easy.

  137. In Boma were a number of persons of mixed French and native blood who were little better than the old-time brigands of Italy.

  138. He heard of your being in Boma by accident through a native of King Susko's tribe who was sent to the town for some supplies.

  139. The French steamer Republique was in port, loading for Boma and other African ports, and would set sail on the coming Saturday.

  140. The day for the departure from Boma dawned bright and clear, and Cujo appeared with his assistants while they were still eating breakfast.

  141. When night came the lights of Boma could be distinctly seen, twinkling silently over the bay of the town.

  142. The minute they are locked in, if the fire is serious, and in case of fire by night, they all go except two, who stand on the eastern boma wall, one at each corner.

  143. He set these under a limb of the great baobab that faced the boma gate not far from the middle of the square.

  144. The path to the water-front led past us directly along the southern boma wall.

  145. Less than one second after we saw the first indications of the holocaust a regular volley of shots broke out from the boma as the sentries on duty gave the general alarm.

  146. A native was brought in by two askaris and charged before Schubert with hanging about the boma gate after dark.

  147. Then he went into the boma to breakfast just as a sergeant in khaki came over and unlocked the hospital door.

  148. There was a lieutenant arrayed in spotless white with a saber in glittering scabbard watching us all from the boma gate.

  149. By and by Schubert emerged from the boma gate followed by natives carrying a table and a soap-box.

  150. Come with me tell your secret at the boma now, before it is too late!

  151. He returned to the boma yard and presumably conferred with an officer, for presently he came out again and gave the Greeks leave to stand under the tree, provided they would return to camp afterward.

  152. Against the blaze stood out the lakeward boma wall.

  153. By seven o'clock the sun was beating down on him and dazzling his eyes from over the boma wall.

  154. Within thirty seconds the askaris on guard at the boma began firing their rifles in the air as fast as they could pull the trigger and reload.

  155. I want her to go home in this boat or in some other, as I believe Boma most unhealthy and I know it to be most uncomfortable.

  156. At Boma I am to see the Governor, one of the inspectors on board is to introduce me, and I have an idea they will make me as comfortable as possible, so that I may not see anything.

  157. She will not wait at Boma for me, at least, I hope not and cannot imagine her doing so.

  158. Boma is more or less laid out and contains the official residences of the Government.

  159. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boma" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.