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Example sentences for "iffen"

Lexicographically close words:
iert; iest; ieune; iewels; igarape; ighly; ight; igitur; iglesia
  1. She never say iffen he work for de Welborns er no, er iffen he was an overseer er what.

  2. Yes sir, I tell yo, Capn, de slabes dey fared well wid Marse Tom Davis, en dere wudn't neber ben no war ober de slabery question iffen every body ben lak Marse Tom.

  3. Iffen you wants to know what I thinks of the young folks I tells you.

  4. In dem days iffen one darky married somebody offen de place where dey lived en what belonged to some other mars, dey didn't git to see one annudder very often, not more'n once a month anyway.

  5. Dey all draw er plenty rations once ebery week en iffen dey run out tween times dey cud always git mo, en Marse Tom tell em ter git all de meal en flour at de mill eny time dat dey need hit.

  6. I sure would be proud iffen I knowed I had a living for the balance of my days.

  7. Lordy, iffen I could take you back and show you that handsome white lady what put me on the floor and learned me to dance the contillion!

  8. Dey found Henry real soon en tell him iffen he don't come on back to de field dat Mr. Harvey gwine to set de hounds on him.

  9. When I gits in he axes me iffen I'se ever been drunk an' I tells him no.

  10. I also looked atter de bitties, an' iffen one of' em died I got a whuppin' too.

  11. I jes stay on de plantation an' help ol' Massa iffen I can get an ol' mule an' a piece of an ol' plow.

  12. Iffen you can spare it I wish you'd give me a quarter an' iffen you're round here 'bout three weeks stop an' git you a mess of peas.

  13. We nebber find out iffen de Yankees set de barn fire or not.

  14. When she gits engaged ter him she won't let him kiss her till she axes Marster Daniel iffen she can marry him.

  15. When she seed me a-listenin' she said dat she'd cut my year off iffen I told it.

  16. Iffen de Yankees comed ter our part o' de country I don't 'member seein' dem but I does know dat de Ku Kluxes done give us a heap of trouble.

  17. Furder more, she tells dem dat iffen dat's de way dey're gwine ter git her freedom, she don't want it at all.

  18. Now, iffen you'll jest roll over on yer back, Captain.

  19. I suspect we may as well start, iffen hits agreeable ta you.

  20. Iffen you wants to sit ’round waitin’ for ’em, do it!

  21. Iffen you be huntin’ a job—Don Cazar, he’s always ready to hire on wagon guards.

  22. Iffen there’s any reason to think you’ll be needed, I’ll send Callie along for you.

  23. Anyway we jus’ kept on, with me tryin’ to think iffen I should Injun up to git th’ drop on ’em or not.

  24. Iffen th’ Mex can prove that, th’ Old Man promises to talk for him with th’ law.

  25. I never had no use for Injuns, but these here are peaceful cusses—iffen they don’t smell an Apache.

  26. Listen, Mister Kirby, iffen you rode with th’ Rebs, you better keep your lip buttoned up when th’ Blue Bellies hit town.

  27. Iffen Kitchell has got him some diehards backin’ him—" Nye shrugged again.

  28. Iffen you ever want to sell, Don Cazar’d give you top price.

  29. Iffen a mustanger can rope him one an’ bring it in .

  30. I is gwine to be qualified wid everything dat I does, iffen I does it fer money or no.

  31. Iffen it hadn't been fur us all a beggin' de Lawd fer to sho us his mercy, it ain't no tellin' how bad dem shakes would er been.

  32. If he ax de Lawd and have faith, he ken do; and iffen he don't have no faith, by den he can't.

  33. But iffen I got used to it, I took to agoin to sleep up thar.

  34. Dats all dey knows, and iffen fokes would do dat now, dey wouldn't have no sassy chilluns like I sees here in Carlisle.

  35. Still iffen dey had, mebby dey'd a beat um up worser or mebby killed em.

  36. Dey had a doctor woman to take care o'us iffen we's sick.

  37. Iffen trees wuz planted dey had to be fruit trees.

  38. Den he say iffen dose mules not in de lot nex' Monday mawnin' de gonna git double de dose.

  39. Iffen a slave steal from another master, like go in his smoke house or crib and steal, the sheriff have to whip him.

  40. Iffen you'll have de wimmen folks make us a pot full of dat cotton-seed and corn-meal, we'll be ready to go to work.

  41. Iffen dey had known how to tie a hangmans knot I wouldn't be here to tell you about it.

  42. Why iffen it hadn't been fo' him de white folks couldn't hab lived in dis country, de negroes wuz so mean.

  43. He a curious kind of man, it 'pear to me, iffen I's to tell the plain out truth.

  44. After freedom de old boss he call up de hands and say, 'Iffen you wants to wear my name you can, but take 'nother one iffen you wants to.

  45. You know iffen de dogs git in de sheep dey ap' to kill 'em.

  46. Dey chain him up de night befo' de sale, and iffen he am de fightin' nigger, dey handcuffs him.

  47. I larnt all dem spells from my daddy and mammy and de old folks, and most of dem things works iffen you tries dem.

  48. Him won't let 'em whump me iffen he knows 'bout it.

  49. Iffen you wants to stay, I gives you land and a team and groceries.

  50. Us never stopped work no day, lessen Sunday, and not then iffen grass in the field or crops sufferin'.

  51. Iffen old Missy Cunningham ain't in heaven right now, den dere ain't none, 'cause she so good to us we all loved her.

  52. Iffen my papa whip me I slips out de house and runs to de big house and crawls under de old massa's bed.

  53. Iffen a nigger sass marster and he couldn' control him, he was de fus' one to be sol' and git rid of.

  54. De patterrollers come round befo' de war to see iffen de massas treat dere slaves good.

  55. Pattyrollers, I heard of 'em allright 'cause dey sho' would git you iffen y' went abroad widout a pass frum Marse Jim.

  56. When I made de fires, iffen dere wa'nt any live coale lef', we had to use a flint rock to git it sta'ted.

  57. Iffen you don't believe it, let one of 'em slap you.

  58. Iffen I lives' til nex' September 15, I'll be eighty fo'!

  59. Den iffen it didn' do no good, Miss Margurite called fer Dr.

  60. Iffen de old house is still thar I 'spec you kin fin' mud cakes up under de house whut we made out'n eggs we stole frum de hen nests.

  61. She says she'll beat my hide iffen I gets in more trouble.

  62. Iffen Gran'ma Huldie finds out we seen Mister Ward, she'll get me for takin' you 'cross that field.

  63. See, iffen we get a pile o' sand hot, our goobers'll cook quick.

  64. Bandershanks, she 'clares iffen I gets you in bad one more time, she's gonna beat the daylights outta me!

  65. Iffen we plays like we's wimmins, where we gonna get some snuff?

  66. But I saves one for you, Mister Jodie, iffen you wants hit.

  67. And iffen you tells Mister Jodie, he'll tell Gran'ma Huldie!

  68. I's seed lots of blue gum niggers and they say iffen they bite you dey pizen you.

  69. He would give you a good whippin' iffen he had to come and wake you up.

  70. De niggers suffered from de war, iffen dey did git freedom from it.

  71. Dey's two of you, a man and a woman, and you come crost dat bridge and up here, askin' me iffen I trust in de Lawd.

  72. Iffen it git to be a ser'ous ailment dey sen' for de reg'lar doctor.

  73. When they gits 'em all tame they sells 'em for field hands, but they allus wild and iffen anybody come they duck and hide down.

  74. I tells 'em iffen they #keeps# prayin' the Lord will set 'em free.

  75. Sometimes we had possum and rabbits and fish, iffen we cotched dem on Sunday.

  76. Iffen dey puts de pin through de heart you gwineter die and ain't nothin' kin save you.

  77. I used to have a old aunt name Harriett and iffen she tell you anythin' you kin jes' put it down it gwineter come out like she say.

  78. Dey was a overseer on de place and iffen dey was any whippin' to be did, he done it.

  79. De old folks used to say dat iffen de rabbit have time to stop and lick he foot de dog can't track him no more and I allus wears de rabbit foot for good luck.

  80. Old man Jerry Driver watches us in de fields and iffen we didn't work hard he whip us and whip us hard.

  81. Iffen it freezin' or hot us have to go to toughen us up.

  82. Iffen de white folks in de South hadn't been jes' what they is, us niggers been lots worser off than we was.

  83. Den iffen dey didn't do it, de man on a hoss goes down de rows and whip with a paddle make with holes in it and bus' de blisters.

  84. Iffen a cullud man weak dey move de muscles in he arms, bleed him and give him plenty bacon and cornbread, and he git so strong he could lift a log.

  85. Dey say we'd never be free iffen dey could git to Texas wid us, but de people in Texas tol' us we's free.

  86. Iffen us go out at night, us go roun' de house three time so de witch not come in while us gone.

  87. I's gwine be 'bout 108 year old in next January, iffen de Lawd spare me dat long.

  88. Iffen a hand took sick in the field with a misery, they was carried to their quarters and Massa or Miss Mary would give them a dose of epecac and make them vomit and would sen' for the doctor.

  89. We didn' have nothin' nor nowhere to go, and Massa Lewis say iffen we finish makin' de crop, he would take us back to Opelousas and give us a place to stay and feed us.

  90. But, Lawdy, iffen dey cotch you, dey sho' wore you out!

  91. Us work all week and sometime Sunday, iffen de crops in a rush.

  92. I couldn't go South, for dey calls me de traitor and sho' kill me iffen dey knows I fit for de North.

  93. Iffen dey didn't do dey work dey git whip till dey have blister on 'em.

  94. Den come de white man and he say, 'Everybody kilt, nigger, and dem Indians gwine kill you iffen day cotch you.

  95. Iffen you didn't look out, dey would skeer you half to death.

  96. Dere was allus a fuss in de house iffen I never had no 'loady'.

  97. En cose I knows dat I don't look dat old en all de folks sey dat I acts er heap younger dan my age iffen I really is old as I claims, en I kin still wuk bettern heap dese young uns, kase I is always knowed how ter wuk.

  98. Marster wus er good man en iffen he war libin ter day, I wud sho quit dis place en go on wid him, whar-sum-eber he want me ter go.

  99. Iffen peace hadn't er been 'clared en Marse Billy hadn't er died I wuz gwine ter be Marse Billy's property, kase I wuz already willed ter Marse Billy.

  100. Us just run wild playin' and iffen it was in de summer time we was in de bayou swimmin' or fishin' continual but all dem good times ceasted atter a while when de War come and de Yankees started all dere debbilment.

  101. When de surrender cum, Old Marster tole em all dat dey free en kin go iffen dey want ter go, en effen dey want ter go dat he gib em sum grub ter go on.

  102. Iffen it was big, one of de niggers hadda climb up it an' git ole Mr. 'Possum hisself.

  103. Iffen he had any chilluns, I never knowed nothin' 'bout 'em.

  104. Iffen I wan't doin' dat, I was choppin' cotton.

  105. I wudda split dat nigger wide open, jes' lak I split dem rails, iffen he try dat hoodoo on me.

  106. De usual 'lowance a week of pickled pork was six or seven pounds, and iffen you had a big family of chillun dey gib you more.

  107. Iffen dere was a weddin' or a funeral on our plantation us went.

  108. Ghosties sho does lak whiskey, caze dey'll follow you iffen you got any.

  109. Iffen we was caught lookin' in a book we was treated same as iffen we had killed somebody.

  110. Iffen you moved de place when you ma'ied, de other marsa had to buy you.

  111. Good thang he was lack dat, too, 'caze he sabed de blacks a many a lick what dey'd got iffen he hadn' been dar.

  112. Iffen us didn't do dat we made charcoal to run de blacksmif shop wid.

  113. Iffen the master instructed them to keep offen his place they kept off.

  114. You sure better eat it all iffen you like it or no.

  115. Iffen you had er hundred niggers, you had to send ten of dem to de army.

  116. Dat wuz so iffen one of 'em got too weakly ter have chilluns de other one could git him another wife or husban'.

  117. De patterollers would git you iffen you went offen de premises widout a pass, an' dey said dat dey would beat you scandelous.

  118. Iffen you can throw a rock furder dan dat, sez de debil, I'll give you yer freedom.

  119. Dar wus no marryin' on de plantation, iffen a nigger wants a 'oman he has got ter buy her or git her marster's permit, den dey am married.

  120. Dey won't gib us no pass hardly, an' iffen we runs 'way de patterollers will git us.

  121. You axes iffen our white folks wus good ter us, an' I sez ter yo' dat none of de white folks wus good ter none of de niggers.

  122. When dey told us dat de Yankees wuz comin' we wuz also told dat iffen we didn't behave dat we'd be shot; an' we believed it.

  123. I'se hearn her tell' bout how he axed Marse Mack iffen he could cou't mammy an' atter Marse Mack sez he can he axes her ter marry him.

  124. We ain't had no sociables, but we went to church on Sunday an' dey preached to us dat we'd go ter hell alive iffen we sassed our white folks.

  125. Iffen you jist looked lak you wanted ter larn ter read er write you got a lickin'.

  126. You know dey say iffen you treats the cat too good, you ain't never know where the cat is.

  127. I slep' on a trundle bed by missy's side and I git so smart I allus smell my bed to see iffen dey puts nice, clean sheets on mine like dey did on hers.

  128. They has to work hard all time, but that don' mean so much, 'cause they have to work iffen they was on they own, too.

  129. But he say, 'You is most born right here and iffen you is bright you stay right here.

  130. Massa Rimes didn't whip them much, but iffen they was bad niggers he jes' sold them offen the place and let somebody else do the whippin'.

  131. But when old massa give dem a place to farm and tell dem iffen dey don't work dey won't eat, dey stays with him and works de crops on halves, mostly.

  132. But iffen you can't git none dose, jes' take a piece newspaper and cut it de size of you shoe sole and sprinkle nine grains red pepper on it.

  133. Iffen you see dat frizzly chicken scratchin' round de place, it a sho' sign you been conjured.

  134. Iffen you wear you under clothes wrong side out, you can't be conjured.

  135. Iffen you walks 'long, dey come right up side you.

  136. They call it a shirt iffen a boy wear it and call it a dress iffen the gal wear it.

  137. Iffen us have de baby us only 'lowed to stay in de house for one month and card and spin, and den us has to get out in de field.

  138. I tells the young race iffen they come up like me they wouldn't act so smart.

  139. Iffen us spen' the 'lowance us jus' had to go rustle up something to eat or do without.

  140. We had church, but iffen the white folks caught you at it, you was beat most nigh to death.

  141. I remember old Master had some purty strict rules and one of 'em was iffen you burnt de bread you had to eat it.

  142. Iffen we hadn't we never could astood de chills and fevers.

  143. Just iffen dey didn't work dey didn't have nothing to eat and wear and de hands what did work wouldn't divide wid 'em iffen dey didn't work.

  144. Makes me think of the old song we use to sing: Don't mind working from Sun to Sun, Iffen you give me my dinner-- When the dinner time comes!

  145. Old Master told me iffen I left him he would cut my ears off end I'd starve and I don't know what all he did tell me he'd do.

  146. Jest de same he never mind iffen we go to de dances and de singing and sech.

  147. De Kluckers jest ride up to de dance ground and look at everybody's passes, and iffen some darkey dar widout a pass or got a pass from de wrong man dey run him home, and iffen he talk big and won't go home dey whop him and make him go.

  148. Iffen my left eye quiver I know I'm gwineter cry and iffen both my eyes quiver I know I gwinter laugh till I cry.

  149. Iffen they had put some sense in our heads 'stead of sticks on our heads, we'ud been better off and more benefit to 'em.

  150. Iffen master give his resent, then he go and ask her master and iffen he say yes, well, they jest jump the broomstick.

  151. Old Master sho' was wise fer he knowed iffen we was ever set free dat we would have to work and he sure didn't bide no laziness in his hands.

  152. Why, in them days iffen somebody stole anything from you, they had to pay you and not the Law.

  153. Yessum, iffen you could get to the Yankee's camp you was free right now.

  154. Iffen you don't in the Primary cause you don't know nuf to pick out a man, you sho don't know nuthin er tall bout votin in the General lection.

  155. Iffen you obeyed them Yankee officers they treated you purty good, but iffen you didn't, they sure went rough on you.

  156. Iffen you go there, see can you get my pension.

  157. Iffen they can make a living easy, they will.

  158. Iffen you're voting for Grant, you get his color.

  159. Iffen I could of had some help when I been sick, I mought not be so no account now.

  160. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iffen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.