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Example sentences for "pemmican"

Lexicographically close words:
pelts; pelves; pelvic; pelvis; pemican; pemphigus; pen; penal; penalise; penalised
  1. Women were pounding the buffalo meat into pemmican for the raiders.

  2. Pemmican is made by first drying the very thinnest of thin slices of meat in the sun, until they are so hard that it is possible to rub or pound them to a powder.

  3. Not having tasted food since the previous evening, he took out some pemmican and commenced to eat.

  4. Instead of going ashore for their midday meal, the boys ate pemmican while paddling.

  5. Hawk Eye took out pemmican and dried bear meat from a pack and sat down beside Raven Wing.

  6. As Raven Wing still slept on, Hawk Eye unpacked some pemmican and ate his morning meal.

  7. After a time I got up, went below in a state of somnambulism, took a packet of pemmican cakes, leapt to land, and went following the railway that runs from the Admiralty Pier.

  8. There was no pemmican or jerked buffalo meat in sight anywhere.

  9. I imagine it is more like pemmican than anything else.

  10. It strikes me as being more like pemmican than anything else.

  11. Ordinary pemmican is readily eaten, but not appreciated by the dogs in the same way as seal meat.

  12. Owing to the heat of the sun the fat in the pemmican had been melting in the food-bags, so after lunch the provisions were repacked and the pemmican was put in the centre of the large tanks.

  13. Soon I had produced the pemmican and biscuit, and a scalding hoosh was made.

  14. All were now busy making food-bags, opening and breaking up pemmican and emergency rations, grinding biscuits, attending to personal gear and doing odd jobs many and various.

  15. The space inside was now so limited by the combined pressure of wind and snow that we did not light the primus, eating lumps of frozen pemmican for the evening meal.

  16. These, together with one ton of pemmican and half a ton of emergency ration prepared by the Bovril Company (London), are specially referred to in the chapter on sledging equipment.

  17. The pemmican we used consisted of powdered dried beef (containing the important protein, myosin) and 50 per cent.

  18. Goodsell left his igloo for Cape Colan to pick up the load he had left there when he lightened his sledges, also some loads of pemmican and biscuits that had been cached.

  19. The best pemmican was made from buffalo meat, and 2 lb.

  20. That man of weight and might, our old friend Chief Factor Belanger, once served out to thirteen men a sack of pemmican weighing ninety pounds.

  21. A finer quality of pemmican for officers or travellers was composed of 60 per cent.

  22. We started march on tea and pemmican as last night--we pretend to prefer the pemmican this way.

  23. We camped with difficulty last night, and were dreadfully cold till after our supper of cold pemmican and biscuit and a half a pannikin of cocoa cooked over the spirit.

  24. We went to bed on a cup of cocoa and pemmican solid with the chill off.

  25. To-night we had a sort of stew fry of pemmican and horseflesh, and voted it the best hoosh we had ever had on a sledge journey.

  26. We had three pemmican meals left and decided to make them into four.

  27. Their breakfast consisted of pemmican and boiling tea; the latter beverage comforted the cold wayfarers.

  28. They picked up all the pemmican and biscuit that was still eatable.

  29. The provisions consisted of five cases of pemmican, weighing about four hundred and fifty pounds; they counted one pound of pemmican for each man and each dog; there were seven dogs including Dick, and four men.

  30. This dog-pemmican we fried in suet with a little flour and made excellent bannocks.

  31. As fuel is so scarce we have had to resort to melting ice for drinking-water in tins against our bodies, and we treat the tins of dog- pemmican for breakfast similarly by keeping them in our sleeping-bags all night.

  32. The food for to-day was one cup of pemmican amongst three of us, one biscuit each, and two cups of tea among the three.

  33. Pemmican was brought down from the depot, with oatmeal to thicken it, as well as sugar.

  34. After a consultation we decided to have a meal of pemmican in four hours, and so on, until our weakness was gone.

  35. The dog-pemmican we also added to our own larder, feeding the dogs on the seals which we caught, after removing such portions as were necessary for our own needs.

  36. But where they had pemmican they also enjoyed buffalo hunch in the season, and that was the greatest delicacy, except moose muffle (the nose of the moose), in all the territory.

  37. All over the prairie and plains great stores of pemmican were kept, and men grew to like it very much, though it was nothing but dried buffalo beef pounded and mixed with melted fat.

  38. Six hundred bags of pemmican were seized and carried to Brandon House.

  39. They arranged bales of {90} pemmican to form a rude fortification and planted two brass swivel-guns for defence.

  40. Perhaps it would be only proper if we carried some pemmican along.

  41. This tough old pemmican is as hard as flint, and next to tasteless.

  42. We here deposited some pemmican and a little flour for our return journey.

  43. We had now an abundant stock of food, nor were we sorry to exchange the seals' flesh and blood, on which we had been subsisting for eight days past, for pemmican and flour.

  44. Our supper was soon finished, as it was neither luxurious nor required much cooking, consisting of our staple commodities pemmican "cold with water.

  45. Having taken up our quarters in an old snow-hut, the chocolate and pemmican kettles were soon on the fire, and we heartily enjoyed our rather unusual meal.

  46. If we had been twelve hours longer absent, they intended to have boiled a piece of parchment skin for supper, and to have kept the small remaining piece of pemmican for travelling provisions.

  47. I determined on leaving here some tobacco, salt, and one or two other articles that were not absolutely essential, supplying their place with pemmican and flour.

  48. When our house was nearly built, a search was commenced among the snow for heather, and we were so fortunate as to procure enough in an hour and a-half to cook us some pemmican and flour, in the form of a kind of soup or pottage.

  49. We enjoyed a cold supper of pemmican and water;--as we could afford a hot meal only once a day, we preferred taking it in the morning.

  50. The stock of provisions on hand was eight bags of pemmican and four cwt.

  51. The remainder of our provisions, amounting to a few ounces of pemmican each, was fairly divided, and having eaten part of this we betook ourselves to rest.

  52. The pemmican is all ready, sir,' reports our Soyer.

  53. The fuel used consisted exclusively of spirits of wine, the cocoa, or pemmican soup, being cooked in an iron pot over a shallow lamp with seven wicks.

  54. Among the Indians, who have not this latter resource of civilisation, gut and skins are employed, and their pemmican is not, therefore, unlike a rather substantial and solid sausage.

  55. They had even gnawed into two or three barrels of salt beef, which they had quite emptied, and it was their claws that had punched holes in the heavy pemmican tins.

  56. We raised our tent, placed our pemmican in cache, except a small allowance for each man to carry on his person, and poor Ohlsen, now just able to keep his legs, was liberated from his bag.

  57. The pemmican was always mixed with a proportion of preserved potatoes.

  58. It consisted of a pannikin full of cocoa, and the same amount of pemmican with biscuit.

  59. But they arrived safely at the tent, and by the time the others came up had a good steaming pemmican soup ready.

  60. On the 3rd of September the last piece of pemmican and a small quantity of arrowroot were served out, and with no fire, a temperature below freezing, and wet garments, they were in a miserable plight.

  61. A number of these were killed and their flesh made into pemmican for future use.

  62. The pemmican was landed and the boats taken across the river.

  63. Here the captured pemmican was re-embarked and the journey was resumed.

  64. Having gone west to Qu'Appelle, he left that western post with five boat loads of pemmican and furs to descend the Assiniboine River to the Forks.

  65. I have been thinking this thing over and I believe they mean to make pemmican in preparation for their uprising, and if so they will make it somewhere on the Sun Dance Trail.

  66. Here it was that the pemmican was to be made.

  67. From the Crow's Nest to the Blackfoot Crossing bands of braves broke loose from the reserves and began to "drive cattle" for the making of pemmican in preparation for the coming campaign.

  68. The mountaineers and trappers—when sugar was scarce—always made their pemmican in this manner.

  69. The Indians made pemmican and “dupuyer” from the buffalo.

  70. It is estimated that one pound of pemmican is equal to about five pounds of beef.

  71. They rested for a long time, and Raud got a slab of pemmican from the pack and divided it with Brave.

  72. He built no fire that evening, but shared a slab of pemmican with Brave, and they huddled together under the bearskin robe.

  73. Our travelling boat and a small reserve depot have been placed upon Pemmican Rock, so already something has been done.

  74. Whilst the men and dogs were employed next day in conveying a sledge to the east end of the lake, I walked to Cape Bird to look out for the absent party, but they had not yet returned to Pemmican Rock.

  75. This variety of igneous rock was met with principally at Pemmican Rock, western inlet of Bellot Strait.

  76. We built our snow-hut upon the west coast, near Pemmican Rock, after a march of 19 or 20 geographical miles.

  77. The pemmican is then pressed into cases capable of containing 42 lbs.

  78. There is our record in a conspicuous cairn at the west point of Depot or Transition Bay: we left also three cases of pemmican near the east end of the Long Lake, and our travelling boat near its west end, at the head of False Strait.

  79. And yet Hobson's food throughout the whole journey was pemmican of the very best quality, the most nutritious description of food that we know of, and varied occasionally by such game as they were able to shoot.

  80. The ice about Pemmican Rock was much in the same position as we found it last year, but Bellot Strait was perfectly clear.

  81. The pemmican rations that had been exposed to the direct action of the sun's rays had assumed the strangest forms, and, of course, they had become rancid.

  82. The dogs' pemmican in the depot was just enough to give the dogs a good feed and load up the sledges again.

  83. The pemmican was cooked remarkably quickly that evening, and I believe I was unusually industrious in stirring it.

  84. Our pemmican was in rations of 2 kilogram (1 pound 12 ounces).

  85. It was dogs' pemmican and biscuits that were left behind; we carried with us on the sledges provisions for about a month.

  86. We had just swallowed the grateful warm pemmican when the sun suddenly showed itself.

  87. The pemmican I am referring to on that occasion was made for human use, so that their distaste cannot have been due to the quality.

  88. They had fish and pemmican on alternate days.

  89. I hit him over the nose with the whip-handle, and tried to take the pemmican from him, but it was not so easy.

  90. On leaving the Pole we added to our pemmican ration, with the result that our wild-beast appetites soon gave way and shrank to an ordinary good, everyday twist.

  91. Now we could begin to be liberal with the dogs' food, too; they had double pemmican rations, besides as many oatmeal biscuits as they would eat.

  92. Wisting knew his business surprisingly well; he had put into the soup all those parts of the pemmican that contained most vegetables, and now he served us the finest fresh meat soup with vegetables in it.

  93. Notwithstanding the fact that we could not do more than heat the meat by throwing it into the pemmican we found it sweet and good, though tough.

  94. I do not think it took us less than an hour to get a hot meal to our lips: pemmican followed by hot water in which we soaked our biscuits.

  95. Mr. Evans is allowed a little pemmican as the work is hard and it wants a little warm food to put life into anyone in this part of the world.

  96. Sometimes pemmican plain, or thicker pemmican with some arrowroot mixed with it: at others we surrendered a biscuit and a half apiece and had a dry hoosh, i.

  97. Browning, however, was still very ill, but now they were able to eat a ration of four biscuits a day and a small amount of pemmican and cocoa which gave him a better chance than the continual meat.

  98. A last look round before turning in, a good day's march behind, enough fine fat pemmican inside you to make you happy, the homely smell of tobacco from the tent, a pleasant sense of soft fur and the deep sleep to come.

  99. By taking individually different quantities of biscuit, pemmican and butter we were able roughly to test the proportions of proteids, fats and carbo-hydrates wanted by the human body under such extreme circumstances.

  100. Mr. Evans is still without pemmican and seems to have somewhat recovered from the looseness, but things are not by a long way with him as they should be.

  101. We soon had the ponies behind walls and well fed, borrowed their primus for ourselves, and had a square meal of pemmican and biscuit with fids of seal liver in it.

  102. They were good soaked in the tea, but best perhaps in with the biscuits and pemmican as a dry hoosh.

  103. The pemmican is too much, especially when the weather is warm.

  104. For food we brought only pemmican and biscuit and butter; for drink we had tea, and we drank hot water to turn in on.

  105. For food they ate some pemmican and a bit of Nell's bread.

  106. They were so hot with pulling that there was not the least hankering after hot food, which was a comfort, as the meal was made off pemmican as before.

  107. A frozen bird thrown to each of the dogs, and a junk of equally frozen pemmican cut out of the bag with a hatchet for the travellers, formed the repast.

  108. In another we prepared that thick soup so familiar to the Nor'-wester, composed of pemmican and flour, which is known by the name of robbiboo.

  109. That is true," said I, attacking the pemmican with a small hatchet; "yet have I seen these same scoffers at careful cookery doing ample and appreciative justice to the mess when cooked.

  110. No," said I, glancing at the contents of my wallet, "there is enough of biscuit and pemmican to give us a light meal.

  111. Having my wallet on my back I took out some biscuit and pemmican and ate it as I walked.

  112. A handful of pemmican was sufficient food to constitute a meal when provisions were at all scarce.

  113. The price of pemmican in Winnipeg was once as low as 2d.

  114. This was probably the last buffalo pemmican made.

  115. It is quite evident from the testimony of disinterested travelers that ordinary pemmican was not very palatable to one unaccustomed to it as a regular article of food.

  116. In 1881 he saw many Cree Indians at Fort Qu'Appelle in a starving condition, and there was no pemmican or buffalo meat at the fort.

  117. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pemmican" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aspic; barbecue; flesh; forcemeat; game; hash; jerky; joint; meat; mince; roast; scrapple; venison