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Example sentences for "abstainer"

Lexicographically close words:
absorptions; absorptive; absque; abstain; abstained; abstainers; abstaining; abstains; absteine; abstemious
  1. The reader is aware that he had never been a pledged abstainer at any time.

  2. She could not but remember how she had herself been the chief hindrance to her son's becoming a total abstainer when he was bent on making the attempt, and had avowed his intention.

  3. He meant to be a total abstainer at present, but he was quite as resolved not to sign the pledge.

  4. You have always, then, been an abstainer since you came to the colony?

  5. I'm a total abstainer to the back-bone, and have been for years.

  6. And what has my becoming a total abstainer to do with Jerry What-do-you-call-him, the Methodist parson?

  7. Then, of course, you're an abstainer yourself.

  8. Howsever, I'll become an abstainer all the same, just to keep company along wi' you.

  9. We say that a drunkard and a lifelong abstainer are free to drink or to refuse a glass of whisky.

  10. We know that under the same conditions the sailor would flirt with the waitress, and the priest would not; that the drunkard would get drunk, and the abstainer would remain sober.

  11. So that it would be as easy for the drunkard as for the lifelong abstainer to refuse to drink; as easy for the thief as for the Cardinal to be honest; as easy for Macbeth as for Lady Macbeth to seal the fate of Duncan.

  12. An abstainer in a party of even moderate topers finds their jokes dull and their anecdotes pointless, and his principal amusement consists in his observation of their curious bluntness to the groundlessness of their merriment.

  13. Almost all my life I have taken alcoholic liquors in moderation, but have also been a total abstainer for a short period.

  14. I became a total abstainer from alcoholic liquors before I had attained the age of twenty.

  15. Being myself a total abstainer from tobacco, and equally so, when not recommended by my doctor, from wine and all stimulants, I confess to having a strong prejudice against them.

  16. Ei hav been an abstainer from the stimiulant alkohol nearli all mei leif, and ei hav alwayz refraind from the seduktiv influens ov the sedativ tobako.

  17. I am myself a total abstainer (not pledged), and I have never smoked in my life.

  18. The Total Abstainer had taken a drop too much--of Coffee!

  19. The Total Abstainer staggered to his feet.

  20. Bhishma said, 'He who takes food only morning and evening at the prescribed hours and abstains from all food during the interval between, is said to be an abstainer from food.

  21. By abstaining from all meat obtained from animals slaughtered for nothing, one becomes an abstainer from meat.

  22. A Brahmana should always be an abstainer from food, and observe the vow called Brahmacharya.

  23. If the learned doctor was an abstainer from alcoholic drinks, he made up for his abstinence from wine by indulging to excess in the milder and less dangerous stimulant of tea.

  24. At one time Cobden was an abstainer from intoxicating drinks, which he declared useless for sustaining strength; "for the more work I have had to do, the more I have resorted to the pump and the teapot.

  25. He had been a total abstainer such a long time now.

  26. He hesitated and then added in a lower tone, "Mrs. Gray, are you an abstainer yourself?

  27. A prize-fighter total abstainer has no spurts.

  28. Warned by a sip, that his drinking, if he drank, was to be an excursion in chemical acids, the virtues of an abstainer served for his consolation.

  29. He smoked with me, and to prove that he was not a total abstainer he drank my health in a glass of port wine--very good wine.

  30. She laughed, and said that they all brewed their own beer--there was not a total abstainer among them.

  31. In his personal habits he was an exception to his generation, being a strict abstainer from both wine and animal food.

  32. Although an abstainer he had three helpings.

  33. Although an abstainer while the War is on, Enderby keeps a very good cellar, and when he came to look into things he found that Arthur had been pumping his finest '60 port and old matured Scotch whisky into the vegetable marrows.

  34. He passed quite fifteen years in Washington, a total abstainer from the use of intoxicants.

  35. But after some costly experience he dropped it and continued a total abstainer to the end of his days.

  36. I think it safe to say that, other things being equal, all American life insurance companies would consider a total abstainer a more desirable risk than a moderate drinker.

  37. Hence, other things being equal, the abstainer had a great advantage.

  38. You can see for yourself, Sandy, that for any important duty the total abstainer is chosen.

  39. In bodily vigor, and so in mental buoyancy, the abstainer is IN THE END better off than if he drank even a little, or seldom.

  40. In any case of exposure to or contraction of disease, the total abstainer has a proved advantage over even the light drinker.

  41. From that night John became a practical and pledged abstainer from all intoxicating drinks, and induced many a poor drunkard to follow his example.

  42. And is not total abstinence the only safe side for the abstainer himself?

  43. The captain was glad to see me and wanted me to have a glass of grog, but I refused, having become, a short time before, a pledged abstainer from all intoxicating drinks.

  44. Get a large bowl, to represent the Valley--which only the more rabid abstainer would call the "Valley of Death.

  45. The most effectual restorative for the total abstainer is unquestionably, old brandy.

  46. A resort to extremes is always to be deprecated, and many sensible men hold the total abstainer in contempt, unless he abstain simply and solely because a moderate use of "beer and baccy" makes him ill; and this man is indeed a rarity.

  47. He was not an abstainer at all--he was a man of ferocious moderation.

  48. She had heard her father tell such stories, for Alexander Junior was not a peaceable abstainer like Griggs and Crowdie.

  49. I am now one of yourselves, a total abstainer upon principle, an unfeigned believer in the Bible, and a loyal though very unworthy disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  50. He was an earnest Christian, and as earnest an abstainer from all intoxicating drinks; and his family walked with him on the narrow gospel way, and in their adherence to temperance principles and practice.

  51. If a moderate drinker has sufficient self-control to escape being a drunkard, the total abstainer is equally safe; but if the moderate drinker loses his self-control and becomes a drunkard his doom is sealed.

  52. You cannot find me in all the world, one man between forty and eighty years of age, an abstainer all his life, who would change that record if he could.

  53. Miss Anthony was a total abstainer but not wishing to offend him, took one sip from a glass of Angelica and then the ladies hurried back to the boat.

  54. Miss Anthony, although a total abstainer all her life, was never again connected with a temperance organization.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abstainer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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